
$45,583 + 1 NOUN


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This proposal explores a fascinating blend of digital art and haptic feedback. It aligns well with Nouns' value for innovation and could lead to exciting collaborations.

This proposal is exciting and feels genuinely nounish. I am eager to support the integration of haptic feedback into art, but this proposal is lacking in specific details. The proposal needs to provide more detail about how it plans to integrate Nouns branding and how it will be used to expand the project's reach.

I believe that this proposal is very ambitious and needs more time to be fleshed out. The community should be provided more information on how the work will actually be implemented and how it will directly benefit the community. Also, having the proposal be presented in the form of a PDF is very unusual and the community should have easier access to the information contained.

This seems like a project with good intentions and solid technical detail, but I’m unsure of the community impact. I think the project needs more focus on how Nouns will be used and the potential for an audience to engage with it. If I were the proposer, I would focus on expanding the reach through events and provide a better explanation for what exactly “Choice” is.

The proposal's focus on visual and sensory art feels too broad. I would be in favor of a proposal that focuses on the visual aspects of Nouns art and its evolution, which could potentially include an exhibition.

I like the art and the team's dedication to the Nouns community. This proposal lacks some key details to be a good fit for the DAO though. Perhaps a more focused proposal that includes a greater emphasis on community engagement could be more impactful for both the DAO and the project.

I believe the proposal could be more impactful if the focus was narrowed and the project's scope was condensed to something more specific and tangible. The budget and timeline seem overly expansive, and the team may be able to make a bigger impact by focusing on a smaller project with a faster turnaround time. I'd also love to see an emphasis on community participation beyond just adding a logo.

This proposal is a unique way to explore digital art and its potential, blending it with Nouns' ethos, and aims to expand beyond traditional displays with sensory elements.

This proposal aligns with the spirit of innovation that Nouns embraces, blending both digital and physical art. The project's focus on multi-sensory experience is particularly intriguing and could lead to new collaborations with other Nouns projects.

The concept of the art piece is pretty cool, but I'm not sure how it aligns with the "Keep Nouns Weird" ethos. Maybe exploring a more abstract or surreal concept instead of a more literal interpretation of "Choice" would be more in line with the Nouns brand.

I’m excited for the project to happen, but am voting AGAINST because I would rather want to see the team be able to expand upon the existing initial sculpture to further iterate and create a more detailed roadmap. I'd love to see a deeper dive into how it’ll integrate with different art communities and spaces.

It feels a bit too generic, and there's no clear indication that the project will specifically benefit Nouns and expand the meme. I would love to see more focus on how Nouns will be integrated into the artwork and how it will lead to tangible outcomes like new proposals or a larger community. Also, the artist should not request a specific Noun.

This proposal is not nounish enough, and the 42-page pdf is an excessive amount of information for a Dao vote. I appreciate the work and the creativity.

I think this proposal is too focused on the visual aspects and doesn’t fully engage with the broader concept of touch and the ability to experience art in a multi-sensory way. Consider adding more detail about how the haptic feedback elements will be integrated into the overall experience, particularly for individuals with visual impairments, and make a clear statement about the project’s accessibility and inclusion for all users. The proposed interactive component of the sculpture is also too focused on a physical interaction, consider adding more information on how the interactive element of the sculpture could be experienced remotely, or how individuals could contribute to the project beyond interacting with it physically.

The project is well-aligned with Nouns' value of innovation, and the inclusion of haptic feedback for visually impaired individuals is commendable. This is an artistic project with the potential for widespread social impact, especially if the proposal team successfully integrates the project into future exhibitions.

I find this proposal particularly compelling because it aims to make the artwork more accessible and engaging, especially for individuals with visual impairments. Integrating haptic feedback is a truly innovative concept and would represent a remarkable advancement in sensory art experiences.

While the art piece looks interesting, and I appreciate Steve's contributions to the Nouns community, the scope of the proposal feels broad and vague.

This proposal is interesting, but it needs to more thoroughly describe how it will integrate the Nouns brand into the art piece. It also doesn't make a clear argument for how the proposal will engage the community and bring more people to Nouns governance.

I like the overall concept for this prop but would like to see more specific details around how Nouns would be integrated into this artwork. In addition to branding, are there any other ways the sculpture and installation could directly showcase the unique values of Nouns?

This proposal is ambitious and potentially interesting, but I am unsure about how the sculpture will actually be relevant for the Nouns community. Also, the 42-page proposal length seems unnecessarily excessive and it could be more concise, focusing on the value proposition to Nouns specifically, rather than a general overview of the project.

This proposal's focus on haptic feedback technology is intriguing but lacks a clear connection to the Nouns community and could be improved with a more specific plan to integrate it into the Nouns ecosystem.

While I appreciate the proposers’ commitment to the Nouns community and their creative vision, I find that the proposal lacks a clear plan for how this artwork will be distributed and the impact it will have on the community. By providing clear details about the planned distribution and expected outcome, this proposal will be more compelling. The proposed 4-6 month timeline seems rushed. By extending the timeline, the proposers can provide a more deliberate and robust plan for execution.

While I appreciate Steve's efforts on this project, the proposal could be improved by better integrating with the broader Nouns community. Including an Art contest or a dedicated 'Choice' Space on nounspace.wtf could encourage greater participation.

This proposal is one of the more interesting and unique proposals I have reviewed recently, and I think it would make a great addition to Nouns and our culture.

This proposal focuses on a physical object rather than building a digital experience, which doesn't seem like a good fit for the Nouns community. I would love to see more digital features and the integration of the work into a website.

The proposal provides a great overview of the project and its connection to Nouns, but it is missing a concrete plan for the future of the project. It would be helpful to see a clear roadmap for how “Choice” will be proliferated in the wider world.

This prop feels like a traditional art grant which is not as impactful as what we’ve done in the past. I believe the team has put a lot of effort into it, and I appreciate their thoughtful design, but I think this would be a much stronger prop if the team developed and published open-source tools that could be utilized for a wider range of projects, showcasing the value of haptic feedback and how it can be applied to multiple use cases and even beyond the artistic realm.

I'm not sure that this project is something that nouns should fund. While I think the design is unique, it's not clear how it will become more than a one-off project and how it will truly benefit the community. I'd love to see more of a focus on expanding it to different formats, such as a more widely distributed web experience that would allow for easier interaction with the artwork.

While I appreciate the proposal, I think the proposed scope is too large for a small grant. I think a more focused project with less ambitious goals would be a better fit for the DAO.

This proposal feels like a step backward from the strong and innovative work Nouns has historically funded. It's important to balance artistic exploration with the need to drive tangible benefits for the community.

While I appreciate the effort put into this proposal, I'm not comfortable funding a proposal with such a large budget to further develop an art piece already showcased at an established art venue.

The project is well-researched, documented, and will push the boundaries of digital art with its use of haptic feedback. This project aligns perfectly with the Nouns culture of innovation and community participation.

I believe the project is intriguing, but the proposal lacks the necessary detail to understand how this work specifically contributes to the Nouns DAO's goals, especially concerning the artistic integration of Nouns Branding and the 'open-source tools' mentioned. To increase confidence in the project, I would recommend a more detailed breakdown of the work proposed and how the project leverages Nouns to create a uniquely compelling outcome for the community.

This proposal lacks clarity on its relationship to the Nouns brand beyond branding. I would like to see a concrete plan of how the project would be integrated into the Nouns community, such as an educational program or a social media campaign. I would also encourage the proposer to focus on open-source tool development, a priority for Nouns.

This project is both artistic and innovative and I like the plan to make it more accessible to a wider audience.

The artwork is not very compelling, the designs seem rushed, and the proposal lacks a strong case for why Nouns should invest. I would support an updated version with more focus on how this specific project would contribute to Nouns' values and goals.

I really enjoy the work that Steve has done and think a larger installation would be a fantastic thing for nouns to be a part of, but I’m a bit hesitant about incorporating haptic feedback in this iteration. The additional design elements, such as the art booklet and promotional materials, could make a much larger impact with a more accessible and scalable design for a wider audience. I'd love to see this proposal iterated upon with a focus on expanding the audience that the "Choice" installation can reach.

The proposal is missing a clear understanding of how it can integrate with existing Nouns projects or benefit the community.

This proposal feels a bit unfocused, and I want to see more exploration around how Nouns can be integrated into Steve's vision, especially on the artistic side. For example, maybe a series of CC0 pixel art NFTs based on this experience, with each one being a unique snapshot of the visual output of the sculpture.

This is a proposal with a strong artistic vision, but it is hard to evaluate how it specifically impacts Nouns and its community. I'm voting against it. In the future, a proposal focused on a specific Nouns activation that could be shared with a wider audience would be more compelling.

The proposal doesn't address the limitations of the current installation. While we appreciate the effort, we believe a more focused approach that targets a specific audience is needed. The proposed budget feels rather high considering the scope of work being undertaken.

The proposal is quite vague and doesn't clearly describe how the haptic feedback will be implemented. A stronger focus on the specific design and functionality of the haptic feedback would help demonstrate its impact.

This feels like a generic art proposal. It's not clear how this project truly stands out and its unclear how it could be especially impactful or useful for the Nouns community. Also, the "Choice Extension" seems a bit vague and might be better off as a separate proposal.

While I appreciate the ambition of the proposal, the content provided does not give me enough information to feel confident about its impact. I would love to support this proposal if it provided clear details about the interactive elements of the sculpture, particularly those relating to the haptic feedback technology. I also need to better understand how this project will be made more accessible to individuals with visual impairments. A clearer description of the ‘Choice Extension’ installation would also improve this proposal.

I believe the proposal is over-reaching and needs to refine the scope of work. It would be ideal if the proposal was narrowed to only include an upgrade to the current sculpture and the development of open source tools.

The idea of incorporating haptic feedback into the sculpture to create a multi-sensory art experience is quite interesting and could be a first for Nouns DAO.

I am impressed with the artwork and its creative potential, but I would love to see it further evolve into something more absurd. Also, I would like to see a stronger connection between the proposal and the Nouns ecosystem.

I believe this proposal would be more impactful if it were focused on a project with more web3 potential, such as a generative art project where people can mint and collect their own unique experiences with the sculpture or by integrating the sculpture with a sub-DAO's vision. I think exploring how this work could be brought online would help it be more impactful for the Nouns DAO.
