
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This rescue initiative has a proven track record of success and impact, and it feels incredibly aligned with Nouns' values. It's amazing to see Unchained Elephants actively engaging with a large web2 audience as well.

This is a great way for Nouns to make a difference in the world. It's also great that the project has a strong relationship with The Dodo as a media partner that can provide global exposure.

While the proposal is focused on one specific rescue, the content produced for the Dodo and other channels has the potential to reach a wide audience.

This is really cool and a well-known brand with a strong media presence. The team is well aligned and experienced in the cause they are advocating for.

The proposal doesn’t make a compelling enough case for Nouns to support this specific rescue. I’d love to see the story told through a longer-form video, or potentially a Nouns-themed NFT collection alongside the rescue, but the impact to Nouns doesn’t feel large enough to justify this spend. I would be more in favor if there was a bigger impact to Nouns, such as more widely distributed videos or an NFT drop.

The proposal outlines a great opportunity for Nouns to demonstrate its commitment to ethical tourism and animal welfare by sponsoring the rescue of an elephant from a dire situation. This event is projected to reach a wide audience through The Dodo channel and their established network of viewers.

I'm really excited about the impact this will have on the elephant and the wider community and appreciate all the hard work you've put in! It's a great opportunity to tell the story of rescue through a Nounish lens.

This proposal effectively leverages Nouns' brand and reach to drive awareness for this important cause. It is a smart use of the treasury.

Saving an elephant and sharing the story with millions of viewers on The Dodo is a win for everyone! Love that we are getting more attention and recognition in the mainstream.

While the cause is noble, the proposal does not clearly articulate how Nouns would benefit from this specific rescue. The proposal could be improved by clearly identifying a concrete, measurable benefit for Nouns beyond branding and promotional efforts.

I’m excited to see this prop come to life – especially since the team has demonstrated a strong track record and a passionate focus. However, I think the prop could benefit from a focus on community building and a more deliberate approach to media production. For example, instead of a 5-minute video, a 10-15 minute docuseries would have greater impact. Additionally, a dedicated campaign to onboard supporters and build engagement across the channels would be a great addition.

Supporting the work of Unchained Elephants is a good thing to do. It shows we can help communities beyond the Nouns ecosystem by supporting a cause that has global appeal and a direct impact.

The proposal does not adequately highlight or explain how Nouns would be integrated into this effort. A more compelling narrative explaining how Nouns would be involved in the process would be a better outcome.

I'm excited about the proposal's impact on elephant welfare and its potential to reach a wider audience. I'm particularly interested in the collaboration with The Dodo, as this has the potential to significantly amplify Nouns' message and reach.

This proposal highlights the positive externalities of Nouns and how it can be used to make a direct impact on the world. Supporting this mission is aligned with the principles of Nouns.

I appreciate the project's dedication to elephant welfare, and it's great to see them leveraging their existing media connections with The Dodo to amplify the impact of Nouns.

While I am a supporter of animal welfare causes, this proposal does not show enough detail regarding the rescue, and the overall process. There needs to be more transparency about how funds will be spent, as well as clear metrics to measure the impact of this donation. It would be more helpful to have videos from local communities in need, or even have a representative from the DAO visit the site before any funds are committed.

The proposal mentions "millions of views" from prior videos. However, the proposal does not provide verifiable metrics to track the impact of the proposed rescue campaign. The proposal could be improved by providing specific metrics or goals to track and measure campaign success for the DAO.

Love the mission and think that The Dodo's audience could be a great way to proliferate Nouns to a broader audience.

I think this is an incredibly important proposal that could make a significant, positive impact on the world. The team has a proven track record of success, and the story of the rescue has the potential to resonate deeply with the community.

This proposal would be more compelling if there were plans for a broader campaign in the region, leveraging the success of their previous rescues in a more lasting way. This is also a great opportunity to showcase the Noggles in the rescue video.

While I like the overall concept, this proposal feels a bit short on the specifics of how Nouns will be involved beyond a logo placement. I would love to see more details on how the proposed activities will actually connect the rescued elephants with the Nouns community, and how the project will drive further engagement with the Nouns ecosystem.

I find that this proposal is missing some important information. It would be helpful to see details on the selection process for the elephant, a better explanation of the rescue plan, and a timeline for the project's implementation.

I believe this proposal is a perfect representation of the positive impact Nouns can have on global issues by building strong relationships with ethical organizations like Unchained Elephants. I am really excited to see them continue to proliferate their story through The Dodo.

Unchained Elephants has proven to be a successful force in the animal welfare community and has a clear plan for how to deliver on the proposal.

This is a great project and it is important to help animals but it is not clear how this would impact the Nouns community. This proposal needs to better detail how they will create content specifically for Nouns and how they plan to engage the community.

This is a good initiative with a clear roadmap but Nouns is a DAO, and this feels like a sponsorship, and not a public good, even with the media exposure. We can do better here by making the work of Unchained Elephants more Nounish by integrating their project directly into the Nouns Ecosystem.

While the mission is noble, this proposal is light on details of how Nouns would be integrated and leveraged. The proposal should more clearly articulate how the DAO would be represented in this endeavor.

This proposal offers a great opportunity for Nouns to directly support a valuable public good project through funding. It's a great way to reach new audiences, build a connection with the Nouns community, and support a noble cause.

A noble cause with high potential to reach a wide audience. The Dodo is a reliable media partner to ensure visibility and the mission itself aligns with Nouns values.

This proposal is a great idea but needs to be better structured, with a clear focus on the Nouns aspect of this work. It could be improved by providing a more detailed plan of how they will incorporate Nouns into their project and the rescue campaign. Also, it could be improved by providing a comprehensive plan for the impact of this rescue on the broader elephant welfare movement.

The proposal is well-written, demonstrates a clear understanding of the Nouns mission, and would help proliferate the project into new areas. This is a great opportunity to work with a project that is already building meaningful impact, and the team has a history of producing quality media.

This proposal is a great example of the DAO supporting an important cause. I’m excited to see the story of the rescued elephant reach a large audience through The Dodo.

The Dodo coverage provides Nouns exposure. This is a good opportunity to spread Nouns' values to a wider audience.

I am in favor of the project; it is a great example of leveraging Nouns and DAO governance for positive impact in the real world. It's heart-warming and I'm excited to see how it can further proliferate with the Nouns brand.

While it’s important to support elephant rescues, the proposal lacks the depth and detail for me to vote for. Additionally, it appears the proposal is just a marketing opportunity for Unchained Elephants. I would be more supportive if they focused on a fully onchain rescue and provided a clear plan for future impact.

The Dodo has a big audience and this is an awesome initiative to be involved with. Their reach is global and it will further increase awareness for both Nouns and elephant welfare.

The proposal is well-intentioned but needs to establish a clear plan and timeline for the intended outcome of the rescue, especially considering the high cost of the proposal. It should also provide specific details on how they will utilize a Dodo feature to promote Nouns.

This proposal is a strong addition to the Nouns brand and leverages existing relationships to reach a large audience through The Dodo.

This proposal is lacking in a compelling case for how this will actually help proliferate Nouns. I'm not sure that the Dodo is the ideal distribution channel for Nouns, and without a clear plan for broader outreach, I find the funding request a bit too high. I would suggest exploring other media partners that better align with Nouns' core mission.

This project is focused on animal welfare and has already demonstrated success with previous rescues. We're confident that this rescue will be covered by The Dodo and will result in high visibility for Nouns.

This proposal clearly outlines a plan for action, and the collaboration with The Dodo has the potential to reach a large audience. The addition of a video highlighting Nouns can only benefit the project.

Although the proposal is well-written and addresses an important cause, a greater focus should be placed on showcasing the impact of the rescue in a manner that resonates with the Nouns community. For example, a dedicated NFT or a collection of mintable art pieces related to the rescued elephant could provide an additional layer of engagement for Nouners.

This proposal aligns well with the Nouns mission and has a strong track record of impact. It would be great to see more people informed about this crucial work by showcasing it on The Dodo, which boasts a large and engaged audience.

Love their mission and the impact of their work. Hopefully, this will lead to more Nouns-driven impact in this space!

This proposal needs more specific details regarding the rescue of the elephant to ensure that the project is both ethical and truly impactful. Details about the sanctuary the elephant will be relocated to and the history of the previous rescues would also be useful. Finally, while I appreciate that the proposal is aiming for global impact, it seems like the budget is not enough to cover the costs.

This proposal is a good concept but could be stronger if it included a plan to bring Nouns to more people outside of the web3 space. The initiative could focus on increasing awareness and engagement of Nouns through interactive content, contests or events.

I love seeing Nouns used to make a real impact. I'm sure this story will be a big hit on The Dodo and bring more people to Nouns.
