
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

I am a little skeptical about the stated ROI here. The event description needs more context on how it will benefit Nouns as a community. For example, it could focus on a specific event within the festival, like the Nouns MLBB Championship, and explain how this will bring value to the community.

Although this proposal includes some interesting activities, the event’s structure and execution seem disjointed. It would be wise to create a clear narrative that ties the different activities together.

I’d like to see more diversity in the content and programming, rather than being focused solely on Mobile Legends. The event is going to be in a university, so a broader audience of students could be reached with more options.

I'm concerned about the limited scope of the event, which feels too small-scale for the potential impact. The proposal lacks a comprehensive plan to ensure sustained interest and engagement beyond the festival. This proposal could be stronger by establishing a plan to engage the Indonesian Nouns community, and to show a long-term roadmap for sustained growth of the event.

This proposal feels similar to the "Nouns University" proposal, which I voted against. I believe that a more targeted approach to onboarding is better for Nouns, with a focus on projects that can showcase Nouns to a broader audience. In addition, I think the proposal should include a clear path to sustainability. While I am in favor of the event’s goals, a plan for how the event can grow independently of Nouns is missing.

While the event seems well organized and I appreciate the team’s efforts, I would like to see more specific deliverables outlined that directly demonstrate the value and benefits of this event for the broader Nouns community.

While the proposal's ambition to reach a wide audience is commendable, a clear focus on building an Indonesia-specific Nouns community is missing. The proposal could be improved by outlining how this event can contribute to the broader Nouns ecosystem. For example, how would it strengthen the Indonesian Nouns community beyond this specific event? Could this be a good opportunity to introduce a new local ambassador for Nouns?

This proposal is too broad in scope and could be broken down into multiple proposals that are more easily digestible and likely to receive more support. I also would like to see a more detailed budget breakdown for each of the event aspects.

This proposal is a great effort to grow the Nouns ecosystem in Indonesia but could benefit from adding more information on the content that will be produced as part of the event. Including the specific themes of the panels and workshops would provide a better understanding of the event’s value.

This is the kind of prop that would have been even better with more details about how the event would be used to onboard and proliferate Nouns within the wider community.

The scope of the proposal includes too many events, all requiring significant effort and coordination. The focus on community building and onboarding would be much more impactful if it was centered around a single event, such as the Nounsweek Conference. This would provide more time and resources for community engagement and cultural immersion, which could lead to increased engagement with the Nouns DAO.

This proposal offers a great opportunity to spread Nouns to a new audience. I'm excited to see the impact of the MLBB tournament.

The event is a great initiative to bring Nouns to a new audience, but the proposal lacks specific details on the types of workshops and content that will be shared. This makes it difficult to see the full impact the event could have. Including some examples would create a much stronger proposal.

I love the idea of bringing the Nouns community to Indonesia, particularly to Makassar which has a vibrant esports scene. I’m impressed by the team’s prior work with the Nounsweek Menyapa event and their commitment to promoting the Nouns ecosystem.

Esports is an excellent way to introduce Nouns to a wider audience. This event is exciting and has the potential to be truly Nounish.

This proposal provides a good overview of a solid, organized plan with a strong understanding of the local esports ecosystem and Nouns' place within it. It seems as though the team has done its due diligence by already organizing a smaller event and building relationships with key stakeholders in the region.

This proposal is lacking in details and needs to be more specific with regard to the events and activities planned for the Nouns Esports Students Festival. It is also unclear how these events will be tied to the broader Nouns community.

This is a good proposal, however, the plan to organize the event is too broad and lacks specific details. It would be beneficial for the proposers to clearly define the event's program with more detailed activities, timeline, and logistical plans to show more certainty about the event's execution. It would also be valuable if they included a list of potential sponsors and outlined a communication strategy to reach a larger audience within Makassar and Indonesia, showing that they have researched the local market and are considering ways to reach the target audience.

I love this idea and the team’s overall goal to bring more students to Nouns but would like to see a smaller initial pilot at one or two schools before seeking funding for a larger event. I believe that a smaller pilot will help gauge the interest from the community and allow you to scale up in a smarter way.

I don't think a dedicated 3-person conference is necessary and would rather see the funds used for more immersive experiences with the students and the greater esports community in Makassar. They should also focus on integrating the roadshow into the Nounsweek conference, rather than having two separate events. The goal should be to create a single, more immersive experience.

Love when proposals are focused on on boarding new and diverse communities into the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal, while well-intentioned, lacks clear and measurable goals, particularly for the "Nounsweek Roadshow". It would be better to focus on one key event, "Nouns MLBB Championship", with specific metrics for success.

This event series is a great way to further spread the Nouns message to a new audience. It's clear that the proposers have deep knowledge of the Indonesian esports scene and have built a strong relationship with the Unhas Esports team. It seems that their previous efforts resulted in a successful round and I am hopeful that they can build upon that momentum.

The proposal doesn't fully explain the purpose of the event, and could benefit from a clearer explanation of how it would benefit both the Nouns community and the students.

We're big believers in proliferating Nouns with new communities and are extremely impressed by the work done in Bali Nounsweek. We believe that this will continue with this proposal in Indonesia. It's a well-structured plan to engage with students and local communities in Makassar, Indonesia, effectively using the existing esports ecosystem to attract new Nouners.

This event is a natural progression and expansion of Nouns Esports. Using a regional event to highlight Nouns' value proposition in a country like Indonesia seems like a good choice.

The proposal lacks sufficient information about the events, activations, and deliverables, which makes it hard to gauge the impact this event will have on the broader Nouns community and ecosystem. It feels a little generic and, as a result, not very compelling. I would also prefer a more balanced approach to promoting Nouns among this audience. For instance, instead of giving away Noggles, it might be more effective to engage builders in a manner that aligns with the established Nouns brand identity — perhaps a contest with a small prize pool, or even a series of events that encourage the creation of Noun-themed art, animations, or music.

I appreciate the organizers for taking the initiative but I think this proposal could be more impactful by focusing on building one high-quality event, instead of trying to host a week-long festival.

While I like the overall concept and vision behind this proposal, I do not believe the event has a strong enough Nouns tie-in to warrant the $37,400 USDC budget. It would be more beneficial to focus on integrating a specific Nouns project into the event, like the Nouns Esports MLBB tournament, rather than spreading the Nouns branding across the festival. The current plan seems very broad and lacks specificity regarding the scope of Nouns involvement. To create a stronger impact, I would suggest that the event organizers focus on a particular Nouns project within the overall festival, such as a Nouns-themed Esports tournament. The organizers should explore how to incorporate a single Nouns project to generate a more robust connection between the event and the Nouns community.

This prop needs more focus on the 'Nouns' aspect and less focus on the 'Esports' aspect. I feel that a dedicated event in the Nouns ecosystem would be much more impactful.

The proposal makes a strong case for why Nouns Esports should expand into Indonesia, and a students-focused event provides a unique opportunity to onboard a new generation of potential Nouners.

This proposal features a great deal of local collaboration in a highly engaged esports market and would bring Nouns to new audiences. I am excited to see the impact of this activation on the wider Southeast Asian community.

The proposal looks well thought out and leverages a valuable esports community to spread Nouns' influence, especially in a region with a large population of esports enthusiasts.

The proposal lacks a clear articulation of how this will actually introduce new audiences to Nouns. It also doesn’t make clear how the event will be distinct from other esports events or what will make it unique or nounish.

This proposal would introduce the concept of Nouns to a new audience in Indonesia, which has a large and growing esports community. This could lead to more interest and participation in Nouns.

This is a great initiative with a clear plan, but the ask seems high for an event that is largely about promoting Nouns.

I believe that this event is a great opportunity for Nouns to further expand its reach in Indonesia, a region known for its passionate esports community. The event has the potential to introduce Nouns to a large and eager audience, and I'm sure that the team behind Nounsweek will pull it off in a very Nounish way.

Although the proposal is well written, I don't think this event is a good use of Nouns funding. This event is specific to one university and lacks a strong global focus.

I think it’s great to have Nouns in Indonesia! It would be good to see the team explore how they can involve the community in planning the event to make it more immersive and engaging. Maybe they could host a round on nouns.gg focused on sharing ideas for the event.

While I am excited to see Nouns continue to expand into Indonesia, I think this proposal lacks a clear plan for onboarding new members into the Nouns ecosystem. I would encourage the team to add more details around long-term engagement for students and how they can connect to Nouns DAO.

This proposal is a great example of using Nouns to promote engagement within the local community and encourage future generations of Web3 builders.

This proposal lacks a concise overview of the event, leaving me with doubts about its impact.

This event showcases a strong understanding of the existing esports community and has a good chance of proliferating Nouns into a new region.

This proposal aligns with past Nouns events and will introduce more people to Nouns and the benefits of the DAO. I particularly like the emphasis on supporting students.

I am concerned by the lack of clarity on what the budget will be used for at this scale of an event and would prefer to see a proposal with more detail and fewer events.

While I support the proposal's goal of expanding Nouns Esports, I believe the proposal could benefit from a stronger narrative. The description of how the event will achieve its goals for the Nouns community could be clearer. Specifically, how the event will engage and benefit students beyond just the MLBB tournament would be helpful.

This proposal has a good vision and a solid team but does not have a clear plan to increase the impact beyond the proposed event.

I love the idea of bringing Nouns esports to Makassar. To make it more impactful, the event could include a focus on onboarding and education, not just competition. This could be achieved through a workshop series or a community-building event that showcases the use of Nouns within esports.

I appreciate the proposal's ambition but feel that the Nouns community would benefit more from hosting a Nouns-themed event in Makassar. This would bring greater attention to Nouns, allowing for more interaction and direct impact.
