


All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This prop feels like a continuation of a previous failed prop. I'm not convinced that this will have enough impact to justify the ask, I'm not seeing much evidence of it reaching a larger audience. The proposal should focus more on the impact of the project and less on the technical aspects. I am a fan of boardgames and think this could be a good project, but I feel like it should be more grassroots and iteratively developed.

I'm not convinced that building a platform from the ground up with all these features is the right path forward. A more phased approach, perhaps just with the Farcaster frames and a simple stats tracker initially, would be a better approach.

The Tabletop team has done a great job at building community and creating fun activations. I'm excited to see what new things they'll create with this expanded mandate.

The proposal heavily focuses on building a single, dedicated community. It would be more impactful to incorporate these ideas as a potential feature to be built into already existing communities, such as Nouns Esports and Farcaster.

This proposal lacks a clear focus on what it aims to accomplish and the community benefit. It could be improved by specifying how the tools developed will contribute to the Nouns community and how they will be utilized for onboarding new participants. The proposal also requires an update on the timeline for delivering the key features. A more concise and focused proposal, outlining specific goals, would increase the likelihood of a successful vote.

Supporting the continued work of a team who has made a demonstrable effort to build a large and passionate community around a niche subject. It’s clear they are dedicated to building out the project and making it a public good.

The proposal is missing a strong vision for how they plan to scale past their current audience. Their revenue streams are also underdeveloped. The plan would be more impactful if they could reach more people and create a more robust revenue stream.

A community built around a shared interest and a focus on onboarding new users to Farcaster. This proposal has strong ties to Nouns through the Nounish boardgame.

This proposal is well-structured and includes a clear plan for how they will integrate Nouns into their community.

I think this is a great project with strong builder energy. It has the potential to drive meaningful onchain and IRL engagement, and the goal of making it more accessible to the non-crypto world makes it particularly compelling.

It's really cool to see Nouns' influence growing within different spaces like Farcaster, and while I'm unsure about the mass adoption of board games in web3, the team behind this proposal clearly has a strong grasp of the ecosystem and has done good work so far. The focus on data middleware and community stats also feels aligned with Nouns' ethos.

The proposal mentions an "Elo rating system" for a tabletop game. It's not clear what value this brings to Nouns or how it could be used beyond the current use case. To improve this proposal, the team should emphasize more on how this system will contribute to the broader Nouns ecosystem and community.

The Tabletop community has already built strong relationships with the Nouns community, hosting events and engaging with the broader web3 audience. A more intentional focus on Farcaster and onchain activities, including connecting with the Nounish game, will allow them to further proliferate the Nouns meme and grow the community.

I love the idea of a decentralized community for board gamers. The proposed work to improve player stats and on-chain ratings is exciting and unique.

Tabletop is a strong community built on Farcaster. The DAO could benefit from supporting a thriving channel like this. I look forward to seeing a future iteration of this proposal that will include more opportunities to connect with Nouns, including more direct branding opportunities for the project.

I think board games are a great way to engage with other human beings and introduce them to the Nouns ecosystem, while providing a great tool to connect and onboard non-crypto folks to Farcaster.

It appears as though this proposal is a re-submission of a previous proposal that was rejected. While the team has incorporated feedback from the community, it’s important to have a more robust plan to address previous concerns, such as a lack of clarity on project direction and a lack of engagement within the community, in order to garner support from the DAO.

This feels like a good idea, but there's too much overlap with the Prop House effort (which is also just getting off the ground). I would suggest a much smaller initial allocation with a focus on a more narrow scope like building out the web app.

This proposal builds on previous positive work and helps to grow a community with a long-term vision. I'm happy to see that the proposers are committed to using Farcaster and the Nouns DAO in meaningful ways to achieve a more decentralized social ecosystem.

While I support the goal of this proposal, I’m not convinced that the event series is a good fit for Nouns at this stage. I’m more excited to see the development of the onchain player stats tracking functionality to expand the boardgame community into the Nouniverse. Instead of sponsoring events, consider using the funds to further refine and build the webapp.

I am a big fan of supporting tabletop gaming but I think that this specific proposal doesn't go far enough in building a dedicated Nouns community. It feels too focused on onboarding non-crypto players to Farcaster.

The proposal seems too general and would like to see a more focused, specific, and concrete list of deliverables. I would also like to see proof of demand and a more clearly defined list of partners.

I think the team can continue to grow their community without the need for a physical hub like Nouns Town LA. They also have already produced a lot of content and with a larger community that means they should be able to attract sponsors. Maybe we could see a smaller proposal that is more focused on digital distribution.

I'm excited to see how a community-driven board game project will bring new people into the Nouns ecosystem.

The Tabletop team has successfully demonstrated their commitment to the Nouns ecosystem and their ongoing participation in events such as Nouns Town LA.

I'm still concerned about the value provided in the context of a grant. If the team re-iterated the prop to focus on a more targeted onboarding approach, with a detailed plan for how it would bring in new users to Nouns, I would be more compelled to vote FOR.

The proposal is trying to do too much at once. It would be helpful if the team could focus on fewer initiatives and better integrate those within the Nouns ecosystem.

The proposal needs to outline the specific plans for using the funds. For example, what is the plan for the $4.7K allocated to IRL events and marketing? What are the specific events that will be held? Providing more context and concrete plans would increase confidence and provide clarity on what will be delivered.

I'm really excited to see Tabletop expand its reach and explore the intersection of board games and Farcaster, especially in light of the growing trend of web3 board game communities.

This proposal is too focused on a niche community. The requested funds would be better spent on something that is more broadly applicable to the Nouns community.

While I appreciate the work the team has done, I am not excited about the scope. The proposal feels a bit too broad, and I think it would be better focused on the integration of Nouns into their platform. I would be more excited if the proposal focused on driving community participation and adoption of the app, perhaps with a plan to incentivize the integration of Nouns NFTs into the platform or incentivizing onboarding for new users with specific Nouns rewards.

The proposal aims to build a unique community on Farcaster, showcasing how tabletop games can connect with real humans in web3. This is in line with Nouns' goal of proliferating positive externalities and fostering community. This proposal also leverages the use of Rounds.wtf, which helps make onboarding more approachable for newcomers.

Love this project and its alignment with the Nouns ethos. They have a clear vision for community building and have already delivered some impressive work. I look forward to seeing how they build out their plans for onboarding new players to Farcaster and Nouns, which is a high-value initiative for the DAO.

This feels like a great continuation of what we've seen with Nouns Esports and a great way to bring in more users and a broader audience.

Tabletop is on the right track and already delivers a ton of value for the Nouns community. This proposal represents an excellent opportunity to strengthen the Farcaster board game community and I'm excited to see what it can become.

I am not sure if this proposal adequately illustrates the benefits for the DAO. It seems like it's more focused on building the web app for the tabletop community. They should show more explicit ways the app would be used by the broader Nouns community. This could be achieved by showcasing examples of how the app can be integrated with current Nouns projects like TNS or Nouns Esports. There should be more clarity on how Nouns will be incorporated into the app.

I really enjoy seeing these projects grow and this is a good proposal, but I wish to see more connections and a stronger integration with Nouns.

This prop seems too focused on creating a specific community that will ultimately lead to a limited number of people being onboarded to Nouns. This is a great proposition and I think that the DAO should fund the team, but I think that the scope should be expanded. Instead of focusing on a specific community, we should create a more general experience for board gamers to make it more accessible to a wider audience. That would allow a greater number of people to discover the Nouns ecosystem. I’d love to see more public events where people can see and interact with the game, such as at a local game store or a convention.

The proposition offers a unique way to get people onchain who might not be interested in typical NFT or DAO stuff ⌐◨-◨

I like the direction this is going in, and the idea of an onchain ELO rating system is cool. But I think the focus on building a game connector, rather than a game itself, is a bit too broad. It would be a much better bet to focus the team's energy on building a more limited-scope game, perhaps a card game, that can be fully released.

The /tabletop channel has already proven to be impactful in the Nouns ecosystem, this is a great way to continue to build on its success.

This proposal seems to have a lot of focus on the web app, but I believe a stronger focus should be given to onchain games, since these are more in-line with the Nouns ethos. It would be helpful to see a more clear roadmap of how this will be accomplished, and it would be ideal to see a larger percentage of the funds allocated to this.

This proposal is not specific enough about how the team will impact the Nouns community. They should focus on clearly articulating the goals for the next 3 months. Also, the information about the 'Big Picture' doesn't make a clear case for why Nouns DAO should be involved. It needs more detail and a clearer vision for the future.

The proposed work doesn't seem unique enough to justify this spend, particularly considering the current treasury situation.

The /tabletop channel is a great way to onboard gamers who are unfamiliar with Nouns, and I think that this proposal will contribute to the success of that community.

This proposal seems to place a heavy emphasis on integrating with Farcaster. While it is an important aspect of the Nouns community, this could be achieved through existing channels.

I think a community-driven approach to the design and development of this project would be much more inspiring. The current form seems too top-down and doesn't really encourage participation.

We've seen many board game related projects in the past, this one feels more focused and offers tangible output. I appreciate the focus on using Farcaster to connect with a new audience.

The team is dedicated to building an engaging community, and their proposal leverages existing resources from both Nouns and Farcaster, which I believe creates a meaningful synergy.
