
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

The project is showing real progress and the visual media highlighting the impact is inspiring. This is a very important initiative for Nouns and the community should be proud to continue supporting it.

Although there have been some delays in water project, the progress and commitment of Davin and the team makes this a solid proposal.

Great to see this project moving forward. This proposal is an important one to keep pushing towards public goods and a great way to continue to proliferate the nounish meme in Uganda.

While I'm excited about the Nouns school, there's a lack of information regarding its progress, a clear plan for the future, and the role of the community in this project.

This proposal highlights a key area where the Nouns community has made a positive impact and would help build a stronger presence in Uganda. I believe it is important to support this initiative, especially given the challenges they have faced.

The proposed project seems to be well-positioned, and the ongoing progress makes me feel confident that this proposal is a good investment. The detail provided in the document gives me confidence that the team can execute.

Though there have been challenges, I'm glad to see the progress and the dedication of the team. The school building is on track, and I believe in the long-term impact this will have on the community. Also, I'm happy to see that the team is being transparent with their spending and that they have a clear plan for the future of the school.

This proposal is a key demonstration of Nouns DAO's commitment to public good. Despite delays, we continue to see significant progress on the construction of the school. The additional funding is crucial for a timely and successful handover.

Great progress already made, excited to see the project reach completion and deliver a valuable public good for the community.

This proposal provides a great visual summary of the progress made and is well laid out. It's clear how the funds will be allocated.

This is a follow up to a previously funded prop, so we should make sure to follow through with the project. It also feels like a good use of resources to help benefit the community.

The proposed school build is a great project for Nouns, showcasing a tangible positive impact. I would like to see more details about the chosen paint colors though.

While the project is very important, I am unsure if the proposal has truly addressed the water situation. I would suggest the proposers break down how and when water will be delivered. This could help to ensure that the proposal aligns with our values of sustainability and public good. Also a stronger reason for the budget request would help to sell the proposal.

This project is so far the most impactful project Nouns has funded. The completion of this project is crucial to the long term success of this project. I believe this is a good decision to see it through to completion.

I believe that this school project is making great strides towards completion, and the completion of the school will be a great win for the Nouns community in Africa and beyond.

This proposal has a clear plan and is a continuation of a previous project. I am impressed by the commitment and the progress made so far. This project will be a valuable asset for Nouns.

This proposal appears to have missed some important details about its execution, such as how it will be communicated and promoted to the broader community. It would be useful to include details on how the project plans to engage the local community, and to highlight the impact of the school's construction on their lives. Also, the proposal should have a concrete plan to ensure the long-term sustainability of the project.

I love Davin's work and how he's brought Nouns to life in Africa. We are so fortunate to have a member of our community like him. But this is a hefty ask for an additional 3 months of work, especially with such a high risk for a water well project. With so much already achieved, I would suggest that this project be funded in a more incremental way. Otherwise this is a good use of the Treasury.

This project is a continued demonstration of Nouns DAO's commitment to supporting community development in Uganda. The project's success depends on building trust, and continued financial support helps build that.

The project is delayed, and we don’t have any clear indication of what is being done to move forward with the water project. Also, I feel we need to have a better overview of the materials being used for the furnishings and a clearer explanation of the process. This proposal would be much stronger if there was a more in-depth understanding of the plan.

I am a fan of funding schools, but the primary school is almost complete. It would be better to focus on expanding our reach to other schools in need.

I like the concept of what the team is trying to accomplish and appreciate their work to date. With that said, the proposal feels too general to me. I'd prefer a more specific breakdown of the expenditures and a more detailed plan for how to ensure that this project is a true success for the Nouns community. I would suggest a more detailed summary of what Nouns can expect to see from the project, including a timeline of expected deliverables, in order to have the best chance of receiving a 'for' vote.

I appreciate the team for their work in bringing the Nouns School to life. I would suggest adding an additional section with a clear plan for community involvement and engagement to encourage more people to join the mission.

This proposal highlights the significant progress made on the Nouns school and the commitment of the team to ensuring its completion. I'm impressed by the commitment to community engagement and transparency, and I look forward to seeing the positive impact of this project.

This proposal is an important step in completing a project to provide a valuable resource to children. It's also crucial to ensure that the final stage of this project is completed according to plan.

The Nouns School is an incredible project and one we should all be proud of, and while I appreciate the efforts to build it, I am not convinced that we need to rush completion as described.

The proposal lacks a clear and compelling vision for how the project will be used after completion, especially considering the community's lack of direct involvement in the school's operation or management. The proposal could be improved by focusing on specific activities and opportunities for Nouns DAO members to be directly involved with the school, like volunteering, teacher training or even setting up a scholarship program for local students.

I'm excited to see the Nouns school get completed and look forward to hearing about the impact it will have on the Ugandan community.

This project already has a lot of momentum and is a great example of a Nouns initiative that is helping real people. I think the school is an ideal example of how to use Nouns to do good in the world, and will be a great tool for onboarding new people to the ecosystem.

The proposal focuses more on the physical aspects rather than the long-term impact on the Nouns community and its broader reach. The focus should shift to creating an educational program and long term engagement for the community. A proposal that outlines how to maximize the impact of this building for the Nouns ecosystem would be more compelling.

This is a great opportunity for the community to provide a tangible public good that can benefit future generations in Uganda. The documentation included in the proposal is impressive and provides a detailed update on the progress of the school building, further showcasing the positive impact of NounsDAO.

The photos and videos show real progress and I'm always in favor of supporting educational projects like this. This project will also be a great long term success for Nouns and will benefit the community in Uganda for years.

The project is on a tight timeline and I see this as a vital step toward completion. It would be great to see a plan for future engagement and updates in the coming year for the school after its completion.

The Nouns School has received substantial investment thus far, and given the progress made so far it feels like a strong sign of commitment and a good reason to see it through.

Davin Oyesigye has shown consistent commitment to the success of the Nouns School and deserves support from the DAO. I believe there is a strong case for continued support, especially in light of the challenges faced.

I think we need to keep pushing towards completing the water well, and the additional time allotted in the proposal should have already been factored into the budget.

This is an incredibly worthwhile project. However, it may be helpful to provide a more detailed breakdown of how exactly the funds will be allocated towards finishing, furnishing, and painting. That will provide more clarity to voters who are interested in supporting this project.

The school’s design is not fully realized yet and the proposal lacks concrete steps for integrating the community.

This is a project with incredible potential for impact. By bringing together a community of learners and helping them build the skills they need for the future, the Nouns School can make a difference that lasts for generations.

Davin has been so thoughtful throughout the construction of this school. The progress is impressive and the vision of this project is incredible. Excited to see what he can accomplish with the final touches.

This proposal aligns well with past projects that I have supported. I am excited to see Nouns continue to invest in public goods.

Appreciating the effort the Nouns School team has put in to make this project a reality but more clarity and transparency around the challenges and future vision is required for me to vote in favor. The water challenge should be addressed more thoroughly. The proposal also lacks a proper explanation of how the school will be furnished.

I am intrigued by this prop but still concerned about the lack of clear communication regarding the water project. To improve, a more specific update should be provided, clarifying the setback's timeline, outlining the alternative solutions, and illustrating the new plan of action.

It's really awesome to see the progress and this proposal seems to be on a good track, but as I mentioned before I think it's too expensive and not yet impactful enough to justify the spend. The proposal doesn't make it entirely clear how we will attract and onboard new builders to the Nouns ecosystem. I'm not yet convinced a new school in Africa is a strong entry point.

This project is a clear example of positive impact. I am particularly interested in the community integration and how it has the potential to change the lives of students in Uganda. It also aligns with the DAO's ethos of public goods. 

I appreciate the transparency in this update and the efforts made to solve the water problem. We are truly making a difference in the lives of children.

This proposal is a bit too focused on construction and not enough on the community impact of the school. I would like to see more emphasis on the long-term sustainability of the school, like curriculum, teacher training, and future funding.

I strongly support this proposal. The school is already halfway built. It is important to complete the project and the funds are well distributed across different stages of construction. I am excited to see it through to the end.

The project's impressive progress and its potential for long-term impact in a community lacking resources make it a valuable investment.
