
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

I’m not convinced that the app is ready to become a primary hub for web3 communities and they don’t really show enough evidence of traction for that outcome to be plausible. Also, I’m not sure that the goal of onboarding communities is really the best strategy for nounspace. I think they’d be better off trying to bring in individual users to help bolster their user base, and create a valuable product for them. I would suggest an update to their goal where they focus on providing a positive experience for individual users that could organically lead to onboarding communities later on.

The team has done a great job updating and streamlining this proposal in response to past community feedback, and has committed to a specific goal. It is clear that they are building in public and working hard.

I believe that Nounspace has been a great addition to the Farcaster ecosystem and will continue to help drive organic growth for the DAO.

Nounspace is already a hit with a number of communities and the team has done a fantastic job on providing a well-built application. I believe this proposal will help them take it to another level.

Nounspace is a great way to help bring more users onchain and I believe that a community driven approach is critical to its success. I am impressed by the clear and concise plan to achieve product market fit and continue to evolve in a community-driven way.

I like that the prop has become more focused with a clear goal and an accompanying metric to track progress. I appreciate how the team has leaned into building a product that is useful for more than just Nouns.

Nounspace is on a trajectory to become a truly useful and valuable Farcaster client. This funding would help them push forward.

I’m supportive of interesting Farcaster clients like this that help drive more funding to the DAO. Also, it’s good to see the team has reduced the budget request.

This is a promising project that has delivered on its initial goals and is now seeking funding to expand its reach. This could help proliferate Nouns and benefit the community.

It’s great to see the team being responsive to feedback and I appreciate the refocusing of the proposal. I’m happy to see the proposal prioritizing the organic growth of the community and finding a way to help attract more users to nounspace.

The proposal is well-written and provides a clear overview of the plan for expanding the nounspace. I also appreciate that they are focusing on onboarding communities to use nounspace as their primary hub.

I am excited about the potential for nounspace to become the primary hub for web3 communities, and believe the team is ready to hit the ground running after incorporating feedback.

The team is demonstrating clear progress and has identified a strong path forward. I appreciate their commitment to onboarding new users and making nounspace accessible for a wider audience.

I love the idea of building a product that can serve both nounish communities and those that don't know they are nounish yet. Great work on the new direction of the proposal!

The proposal demonstrates a clear vision for the future of nounspace and the ability to successfully onboard new communities to the platform, demonstrating a strong understanding of web3 communities' needs. The metrics included showcase clear growth and a positive trajectory for the project.

It is an excellent effort to create a nounish Farcaster client, but I think that a more robust and fleshed out plan will need to be submitted before we can consider this proposal. Focus on building a great product and then come back.

I am impressed with nounspace's progress and the work that the team has done in the past. I believe that this is a great way for Nouns to reach a new audience of web3 users and communities.

The proposal seems to be missing a clear articulation of how they will demonstrate product-market fit beyond just having a few communities as power users. With a clear strategy, I would be more confident about this project.

This is a great initiative that has the potential to greatly improve community communication and bring in new users to Farcaster, and from there, to Nouns.

The proposal is well-written and informative, but the ask feels too high. I’d like to see a more robust explanation on what metrics will be used to measure success and to track progress to see a concrete path to sustainability. In addition to the metrics, I’d like to see a more detailed explanation on how the team will attract 10+ communities to use nounspace as their primary hub.

While I am interested in the goals of this proposal, I am skeptical of the scope of work that can be delivered within the timeframe outlined. Specifically, I believe that adding new features like the smart URL, smart contract fidget, and the fidget SDK will require more time and resources than the team can effectively manage given the current project scope. In the future, these features might make a good proposal, if demonstrated as an MVP and further iterated.

This proposal has a strong track record of community engagement and has a clear, achievable goal. The team has demonstrated they can deliver.

The proposal does not include any mention of user retention, which is critical for long-term viability. If they want to be the primary hub, they should also focus on the why people come back and stay on nounspace.

This proposal is well-written and addresses past criticisms with a clear plan for moving forward. This team is consistently adding value to the ecosystem with their work on nounspace, so I'm confident they'll be able to grow to 10+ communities.

The roadmap is focused on product market fit, with no clear strategy for achieving long-term impact or value proposition for Nouns. The team should articulate how they intend to contribute meaningfully to the Nouns ecosystem beyond user onboarding.

I appreciate the work that's been done so far, but I need to see more progress and greater engagement from the community before I can feel confident about supporting the project. It's also worth exploring ways to leverage Nouns' existing community more effectively before relying solely on onboarding new users.

A lot of progress has been made with nounspace, and I believe it can become a core part of Nouns’ social experience.

This proposal does not adequately address user feedback that was given in the previous proposal. It still relies on users sharing links to content that already exists outside of Farcaster, which is not a differentiator, and does not address the lack of depth and usability in the explore tab. The team should focus on improving existing features before building mobile.

This proposal clearly demonstrates that the team behind nounspace has a specific roadmap for how they will continue to grow and evolve their product, and I think it’s worth giving them the support they need to make that vision a reality.

The team has been hard at work and has been consistently working towards fulfilling their goals. The proposal shows that they're iterating quickly based on community feedback and aiming for a much more sustainable approach.

This proposal is too focused on onboarding web3 communities. I'm looking for something that will broaden the appeal of Nouns to a wider audience.

The team has demonstrated their ability to build a solid Farcaster client and is focused on community adoption and growth. It’s important to keep pushing the boundaries of Farcaster and nounspace is on the right track.

This proposal leverages the power of Farcaster to provide a valuable tool for web3 communities, fostering connection and engagement.

There is a clear path to increased user engagement and adoption, making this proposal worthy of community support. With the inclusion of usage metrics and a more focused roadmap, this is an exciting step forward for nounspace.

The current proposal needs to more explicitly outline the 10 web3 communities they will convert to power users and provide more details about how this will be achieved. I'd like to see more tangible proof-of-work and a more concrete execution plan to demonstrate how this will be achieved.

The team has proven their ability to ship a valuable product, which is a positive sign of their commitment and competence. With continued development, nounspace.wtf could be a vital tool for the Nouns ecosystem.

I think the nounspace team has a good grasp on what the community needs in terms of Farcaster clients and I am impressed by their growth since the last prop. I am also confident they will be able to achieve their goal of onboarding at least 10 web3 communities.

I’m a strong supporter of Farcaster clients, and nounspace is the best one out there. This is a great addition to the ecosystem.

The proposal lacks clear goals that can be easily measured. Instead of focusing on onboarding users, the prop should focus on tangible deliverables like a mobile app release.

While nounspace could still be improved, I am supportive of their effort to bring more people into the ecosystem.

The proposal is well-structured and focused. The proposed program for onboarding 10+ communities will be effective at accelerating nounspace's user base.

This proposal has a clear goal, and will enhance the Farcaster experience for all users while providing a space for the Nouns community to build together.

nounspace is already generating revenue and has additional revenue streams coming soon. The proposal does a great job of outlining how nounspace will continue to expand and improve.

I think we can accomplish a lot more onchain with nounspace. While a lot of the benefits of nounspace are in the onchain domain, this proposal prioritizes offchain features and growth. This feels like a step backward. I believe we should concentrate on empowering builders to create onchain features and applications.

Nounspace.wtf is the most popular client for Nouns currently and has seen great adoption since it's last proposal, so I think it makes sense to fund this team.

nounspace has been funded and delivered on past promises, as well as seeing continued success and usage. While the budget seems high, I'm confident in their ability to execute.

The proposal is lacking focus and clarity. Instead of just focusing on onboarding communities, it should focus on what makes nounspace unique - the customizability and the fidgets. It also needs to be clear on how they plan to become sustainable in the long term. A more focused vision will create greater buy-in from the community.

Nounspace is a solid product with clear potential for growth and I like that the team has reduced their funding request. I think this will allow for more experimentation and lead to greater adoption.

As is, I would vote against this proposal. I think the previous version was much better, and the current version could benefit from a more detailed explanation of its goals and how they will achieve them.

The team has outlined a clear roadmap and is committed to delivering valuable updates for the nounspace community. This project has the potential to become a key part of the Farcaster ecosystem, which would help to further proliferate Nouns.
