
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This trait is simple and well-designed while also expanding the noggle's palette, which feels on-brand for Nouns. I like the addition of new art and it has been well-vetted by the Noundry community.

This proposal introduces a new trait to the Nouns ecosystem, which would increase the variety of possible combinations and ultimately lead to more interesting variations. It also allows for more users to experience the Nouns ecosystem.

It's a fun and easy way to enhance the current Noggles collection without changing core functionality. New color combinations are a great way to keep the art fresh and diverse.

I'm not really sold on the design of this new noggle. It could be improved by focusing on the classic round shape of the noggles with the green and pink hues instead of this other more abstract shape.

I like multicolor noggles, and think this one is a great addition to the collection. It could be fun to see if the artist makes a few more noggle options.

The art is great and the proposal is very clear and concise. I’m particularly interested in seeing how this new Noggle will look when combined with other traits.

The Green pink multi Noggles design is extremely creative and something I can really get behind. It will also be a great addition to the Noundry tool for exploring more unique combinations with existing traits.

I'm not sure if this trait is actually a good fit for the Nouns collection, it doesn't feel super cohesive with the rest of the traits. I think there are some better Noggle options out there.

It's great to see this type of art being added to Nouns. I’m always happy to see new, interesting, and weird Noggles. This one seems like a natural addition to the collection.

I'm sure this team is committed to adding unique and interesting traits, but I am less confident in this trait design. It feels like an experiment for the sake of adding more options rather than a necessary addition to the collection. I would like to see a more refined design that is both more aesthetically pleasing and more broadly applicable, in line with the existing Nouns. In addition, to see more design options and exploration.

I think this is an interesting and fun trait, however, I don’t believe it is a good fit for the collection. It could be more impactful if there was a strong, unified brand narrative. It’s not clear to me why these colors are being added, beyond the obvious appeal to the user who created this. Also, maybe a larger design, more visible to the user, would be more desirable.

Green & Pink are some of my favorite colors, and this new trait is very unique. Looking forward to seeing how it will be utilized by the community.

I've always been in favor of expanding the Nouns' art library, and the addition of this new trait is a good opportunity to do so.

I see this as a positive step towards expanding the Noggles and helping to further proliferate the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal doesn’t provide a strong enough argument to support its inclusion. While the design is good, it lacks a clear vision on how this trait would enrich the Nouns collection. The proposal should demonstrate a deeper understanding of the trait's value within the wider Nouns ecosystem, addressing its uniqueness and potential impact.

I would vote against this proposal because it feels like a repeat of the "Orange grey multi Noggles" proposal that we have already voted against. Although the colors are different, the idea feels too similar and would lack uniqueness.

A new multicolor noggles trait is an interesting addition to the collection, and will likely garner positive reception in the community.

This proposal introduces a unique and interesting new Noggle trait, which could generate new and engaging art combinations within the Nouns ecosystem.

Another great addition to the Noggles collection. I appreciate that the colors are different from other existing Noggles. This helps to continue adding diversity to the collection in a fun, aesthetic way.

Green and pink are some of the most interesting colors within the Nouns collection. I really enjoy seeing how the team is innovating with these multi-noggles and I am excited to see what will be created with it.

The description needs more details to justify the inclusion of the new Noggle trait. There is no clear connection to the Nouns ecosystem and no justification is given for the design choices. Also, I think adding more Noggles should be approached as a more collective effort.

This proposal adds a new color combination for the Noggles that feels very nounish and I appreciate the effort in diversifying the collection.

There are 4 colors in the palette, not 3 as stated in the proposal. The description of the proposal could be improved.

While I appreciate the effort to add another multi-colored Noggles trait to the collection, it doesn't stand out as something exceptional. It doesn't feel as distinct or memorable as other multi-colored Noggles in the collection. Perhaps exploring another color combination or focusing on a different aesthetic direction could make this more compelling.

We believe this proposal brings an interesting and fun element to the Nouns and has the potential to create a lot of engagement. We would suggest focusing on creating high quality variations of the new trait in the Noundry gallery.

Adding new traits is a key aspect of keeping Nouns fresh and dynamic. I think this new Noggle is weird and interesting, which is something Nouns should always pursue.

I enjoy seeing more multi-color noggles added to the collection and appreciate that this proposal is submitted via Noundry Gallery.

This is a great addition to the Noggles collection and will allow for more variety in the art that is generated. The design is aesthetically pleasing and blends well with the overall aesthetic of the Nouns collection.

This is a fun and easy addition to the Nouns ecosystem that is in line with previous trait additions. A new trait will also make some interesting combinations with the current set of existing traits.

Green and pink multi noggles would make a great addition to the collection. Love the aesthetic!

I enjoy seeing the community add new noggles to the collection, but think that a new noggle trait should have a design that breaks with traditional noggle shape expectations.

This trait is weird and it looks fun. I trust the Noundry team will continue to push the boundaries of noggle creativity.

This proposal is a simple, low-cost way to add more creative potential to the Nouns project.

The proposal could be improved by including a more detailed explanation of why green and pink would complement the existing collection. More context would help build conviction, and I’m not seeing enough of that here.

This proposal is a creative and silly addition to the Noundry, adding a new layer of style and color. It's Nounish.

I love a good new Noggles design and this one feels fun and vibrant. Nouns deserves a good pair of these βŒβ—¨-β—¨.

The design is very colorful and interesting. I am generally in favor of new noggle traits that have a playful aesthetic.

I am in favor of adding more Nouns traits, even if they are somewhat visually complex. Let's let the auctions determine aesthetic judgments.

It would be great to see more variation with these multi noggles, as they tend to share a similar design aesthetic. While it's nice to see new additions to the Nouns collection, a proposal with a few new options might bring even more value to the community.

I am a fan of multicolor noggles and this proposal adds a new option for the collection to give more creative possibilities for Noun holders.

While it is great to have more Noggle traits, I believe the Noundry should focus on higher quality, and more unique art. The current trait is very basic in its design.

The new green pink multi Noggles trait offers more possibilities for creative expression and further diversifies the Nouns collection.

This proposal is very light, and fits the aesthetic needs of Nouns. It's in line with past proposals for trait additions. I look forward to seeing it implemented.

I believe this new noggle trait could be visually appealing, particularly given the success of other multi-color noggles, and I appreciate that the artist has contributed to the collection in the past.

I think the green pink multi noggles don't work as well as other traits. Instead of a singular color, it should instead be comprised of many colors that blend to form a new, more unique look.

A new Noggle is a great contribution to the collection and I'm happy to see another artist contributing to Nouns. Adding the color names to the wrapping paper will help improve inclusivity of the project for those who are colorblind and I think it's worth taking a step forward to ensure the continued success of the project.

The design of this Noggle is in the style of the other ones, with colors that are not yet seen in the collection. I would like to see a bigger preview and the additional details of its design.

Green pink multi noggles looks great and will complement the existing multi noggles in the collection. More noggles! More fun!

Multicolor noggles are a popular choice among collectors and this one has a distinct look that could add diversity to the collection.

Love the multi-noggle color scheme and it looks like a great addition to the Nouns universe.
