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This abacus trait is very well executed and contributes to the depth of the Nouns collection, especially as it incorporates historical and cultural significance.

The Abacus head trait is a fun, unique, and thought-provoking addition to the Nouns collection. It adds an interesting, historical, and intellectual element that's a great fit for the Nouns aesthetic. I'm particularly intrigued by the historical significance of the Abacus.

It doesn’t feel like a "hell yes" to me, and the proposal doesn’t provide a clear connection to the core values of Nouns or offer a compelling vision for how it will enhance the community. I’m always excited to see new traits, but there’s not enough here to justify the request. I’d love to see a revised prop with a more in-depth explanation of how this head trait aligns with Nouns’ mission and a stronger case for its overall impact on the ecosystem.

This head trait has limited visual appeal and does not offer much in terms of innovation. It does not add a compelling new element or interesting perspective to the Nouns collection. In the spirit of "Prefer weird over boring", the Abacus head does not seem to resonate with the desired aesthetic. Perhaps including another historical tool, such as the slide rule, might be more intriguing.

The Abacus head is visually well designed and brings cultural diversity. I think it will have a positive impact on the community.

This is a great addition to the Nouns collection and a cool idea for a trait. It looks like a lot of work went into the design and the artist provided a lot of context. Plus, the process of submitting traits via the Noundry Gallery is very cool and makes the entire experience more efficient.

A new head trait adding to the history and the culture of Nouns. This new trait also brings a good amount of diversity to the collection and will hopefully spark discussion and engagement amongst the community.

This head trait has potential to capture a wide audience beyond just our community. We appreciate the nod to educational values with this addition.

I'm happy to see more traits, as well as the dedication of this community member. I hope we see a lot more of this type of work in the future.

Generally supportive of the effort to add more traits, however the design and the aesthetic don’t sit well with me. The abacus looks out of place.

I appreciate the history and nuance of the Abacus, it's a unique and thoughtful addition. I am confident that Nadie will produce excellent artwork, and excited to see what this new trait looks like in combination with other Nouns.

I appreciate the artist for the thoughtful and detailed breakdown of the inspiration and reasoning behind the Abacus head trait. This is a strong addition to the collection.

This is a great trait that adds a unique new head for Nouns. I am happy to see creative art and ideas coming to Nouns in this way.

I would be more confident in this proposal if more trait options were proposed along with the Abacus. Given that there is only a single option, it is not a very high quality proposal, and I suggest the proposer provide more trait options in the future.

A new head trait always adds more variety and fun to the ecosystem. And the Abacus head is very cute.

A cool concept but the design is not meaningfully different enough from existing Nouns to warrant the inclusion into the collection. I am especially concerned with the number of colors used in this trait.

While I think the art is cute, I feel the proposal needs more context about the design's history and inspiration before it could be considered impactful. The reason for wanting the specific Noun also needs to be more clear and compelling.

The Abacus head is a new and creative addition to the Nouns collection.

The abacus head seems a little too simple to me. I would love to see a more complex or detailed design with more than 4 colors. I would also be interested if they had an idea for an abacus themed short.

The art looks good, but there's too much detail. Nouns should lean towards simpler art with a more universal meaning.

I love the idea of more head traits, and this particular one has the potential to be really fun and iconic within the collection.

This feels a little too simple and not very interesting to me. I think it could use a lot more visual flair and inspiration.

I love the concept of the abacus. I think there is a big opportunity here to tie the trait to some fun educational efforts - like the team working with a local school to teach kids how to use an abacus and then have those kids design their own abacus. This could lead to more people in the Nouns ecosystem while also giving back to the community.

The abacus is an interesting addition that aligns with Nouns' values. I'd love to see what the community comes up with as a result of the new head.

The Abacus Head is a great idea, but I would prefer if the proposers included some examples of how this head trait can be integrated into existing head traits in the playground testing section. This would help provide a better understanding of how this trait will function in practice, and allow for the proposers to showcase the unique ways it can be combined with existing traits.

I appreciate the proposer's efforts on this, but am unsure of the value of awarding Nouns for every individual trait added to the Nouns ecosystem. I believe this should be done sparingly and for the most special and high quality traits.

I am not sure if the abacus has a strong enough cultural impact to warrant inclusion in the collection. The artist has done great work with other traits, so it is possible that the abacus could be an interesting addition, but I think it would be more appropriate if the artist explored the design in a bit more detail and added additional colors.

The Abacus head trait is simple, fun, and has the potential to be widely adopted, which could help proliferate Nouns.

This new trait adds to the absurdity of Nouns, with the abacus representing a historical and playful juxtaposition to existing traits. I love it!

While this is a fine contribution to the collection, I am biased against proposals to add head traits, especially when they are based on non-iconic objects.

The Abacus head trait is a unique and thoughtful addition to the Nouns collection. The artist's dedication to Nouns and Noundry Studio makes this proposal a good fit.

Love the Abacus head, it's a creative and interesting addition to the Nouns collection!

I would prefer to see a proposal with a clear roadmap of how this new trait will be introduced to the Nouns community. I think that explaining how the trait will be incorporated and the potential impact it could have would make the proposal more compelling. It would also be good to see some playground examples of how the trait interacts with other Nouns parts.

I appreciate the effort in this proposal but I am not comfortable adding a trait without a more thorough and community-led process.

I think the concept of an abacus is already covered by the existing ‘Calculator’ head and that makes this trait redundant. A more interesting proposal would be to try to find a way to incorporate the abacus into a new accessory instead.

This head trait feels like a natural fit for the Nouns collection with its nod to both historical tools and modern technology. I enjoy the creative spirit behind this proposal and believe it could add a unique touch to the project.

A really nice design that is simple but would look great with a bunch of different traits. I’d love to see this included in the Nouns collection! But it would be a lot more compelling if the abacus was a bit more colourful to fit the Nouns style better and to help it stand out from the other heads in the collection.

The abacus head is a cool and intriguing trait for Nouns. While not as universally recognizable as other traits, it adds an interesting and thoughtful element to the collection.

This proposal adds a fun, quirky new head trait that should increase diversity in the Nouns collection. It will also create an opportunity to introduce a new artist to the Noundry community.

The abacus head trait doesn’t feel particularly nounish as it is currently designed. It would be great if the artist could explore other variations of the abacus with different visual aesthetics.

The abacus trait doesn’t feel unique or stand out enough compared to the current selection of heads in the Nouns collection. It's a bit too similar to the Car head. Would prefer to see a new trait that brings a unique and interesting element to the collection.

The abacus has strong cultural significance and could be a fun addition to the Nouns ecosystem. It has the potential to attract new builders and audiences.

This trait seems a little too abstract and doesn't feel like a natural fit. The proposal could be improved by demonstrating more concrete examples of how this trait could be used and what kind of impact it could have on the Nouns ecosystem.

Adding a new head trait is always a great idea, and this one has a lot of potential to be fun and quirky. I especially like that it is from a well-known artist.

The abacus head is a fun and historically relevant addition to the Nouns collection and could provide a strong onboarding moment for newcomers to the ecosystem.

The design of the abacus is simple and aesthetically pleasing while still capturing a sense of history and calculation. I am also a strong supporter of awarding Nouns to artists who contribute to the project.

I love how creative and unique this trait is. It would definitely fit in well with the current Nouns collection and would be a fun addition to Noundry.

The abacus is cool but it does not really feel Nounish. I would like to see some more effort put into making the trait more playful and engaging with a greater emphasis on absurdity.
