
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This is another trait proposal from a prolific artist with a solid track record of contributing to Noundry. I believe it is a great way to continually evolve the art of Nouns.

This proposal is simple, funny, and unique. It expands the Nouns art collection with a new head trait that is both visually interesting and culturally relevant to New Zealand.

Kiwi birds are super nounish. I'm glad someone is helping us bring more diversity to the head traits in the collection. This would make the collection more fun and exciting.

I'm not sure how relevant this is for the whole Nouns community, and feel like this would be more suitable for a LilNouns proposal. I am happy to see more proposals like this that are more aligned with the Nouns vision.

The Kiwi is a great addition to the Nouns universe. I think it would appeal to a wide audience, particularly those who may have an interest in New Zealand.

I believe this addition to the art collection could bring a lot of joy, especially to the community members that come from New Zealand.

A new trait with a distinctive and unique identity that adds a new layer to the collection.

I really love the art and I think it's very unique. There is a lack of representation from New Zealand in Nouns and this head trait would be a great addition.

Adding traits as one-off props does not feel like the best way to add new traits. It would be better to see a "trait week" or "trait round" where multiple traits are added and we vote on them all at once. This would showcase the artists and be a more engaging event for the community.

This Kiwi is cute but it’s not Nounish enough to be in the collection. I think it’s best to stick with the current heads and traits which have already shown to be extremely successful.

This is a very specific kiwi head trait, which I'm not a big fan of. It feels like it would have been more impactful for the proposer to create something that has a broader appeal. Perhaps a more unique, or perhaps classic, trait. For example, they could have created a more abstract Kiwi-like head that would have a broader appeal.

The Kiwi head is pretty unique, and this is one of the best ways to represent New Zealand's culture in Nouns!

This proposal is cool and doesn't ask for any funding from the treasury, which is great. I'm interested to see more proposals utilizing this tool to make the Nouns art more interesting.

This is a small, but impactful change for the DAO, and adds another element to the growing variety of existing Nouns head traits. This is also aligned with the community’s desire to make Nouns more diverse and globally-focused.

The new head is weird and cute. I like the justification for adding this to the Nouns collection. I appreciate that the proposer is from New Zealand and is introducing something new to the art collection.

I appreciate this proposal for highlighting a previously unrepresented region of the world. Adding the Kiwi head to the Nouns art collection will further promote Nouns art's diverse nature.

The Kiwi-sitting-v9 Head trait is too similar to the previous Kiwi Head trait, not offering enough distinctiveness for the collection. A revised design, that is less similar to existing art, would make this proposal more compelling.

This proposal, while small, is a great way to expand the diversity of the Nouns art collection. I enjoy the explanation of the inspiration for the trait.

Adding a Kiwi is a fun way to continue the person, place, thing experiment, especially since we already have Noggles with Australia vibes. This is exactly what makes Nouns fun!

I love how this proposal embraces the quirkiness and novelty of the Nouns ecosystem. A Kiwi-sitting-v9 head is both absurd and strangely charming - truly nounish! I hope that the community continues to experiment with new and unexpected traits like this.

While this proposal introduces a new trait, it could benefit from a greater emphasis on the design process and how this new trait could be used to generate new ideas and art with other existing traits in the collection.

I am unsure how this new head trait would benefit Nouns and the community. A more comprehensive description of the trait and its unique qualities would be useful.

Kiwi is a unique trait that adds diversity to the Nouns collection and its design is well integrated with the existing head traits. Plus, Goldy is one of the most active and dedicated artists in the community. We should keep the Nouns collection fresh and vibrant.

The Kiwi-sitting-v9 head is absurd and unique in a way that I think would be appreciated by the Nouns community. It also brings representation of New Zealand to the Nouns ecosystem which is an exciting addition.

We appreciate the cultural contribution and believe this addition would bring a unique perspective to the Nouns ecosystem. We are excited to see more variety in the head traits.

The addition of this trait is a welcome addition to the Nouns collection. It is a great way to add more diversity to the collection.

The Kiwi-sitting-v9 head is a welcome addition to the collection, especially in its commitment to representing the diverse world. It is a trait that is cute, funny, and uniquely nounish. The design is clean, simple, and fits seamlessly with existing traits. It's good to have a diverse team that embraces the concept of 'nounishness.'

This is a really nice trait that would be fun to see in the collection.

I think it's always worth adding new, playful traits. This proposal helps keep Nouns weird and visually diverse, encouraging more creativity from builders.

The new kiwi head trait is unique and fun. It is refreshing to see more traits based on real-world inspiration, and this will definitely contribute to the Nouns’ aesthetic.

This is a great addition to the Nouns collection, but the kiwi head is too similar to the Bird head. The prop could be improved by having the kiwi in a more distinct pose, perhaps on its back or with wings spread.

Kiwi-sitting-v9 is a really great addition for the Nouns ecosystem and represents diversity in a way that is also a bit weird. Love it!

I'm always excited to see new traits being added to the Nouns collection. The kiwi head is unique and will add some good variety to the collection. This is a great example of a proposal that will contribute towards a more diverse and vibrant Nouns ecosystem.

I am very pleased to see this proposed trait. It is unique and funny, and would be a great addition to the collection.

Kiwi-sitting-v9 is a uniquely nounish trait that will add diversity to the Nouns art collection.

This trait is adorable and would be a wonderful addition to the Nouns ecosystem. I would encourage the artist to experiment with more New Zealand inspired traits in the future.

The Kiwi is such a fascinating bird, and this head trait has a quirky, cute, and subtle vibe that will undoubtedly add something unique to the Nouns collection.

This trait looks very nounish and its cool to see a kiwi bird added to the collection. It's fun to see new and diverse cultures being added to the collection.

This trait addition is a good one, and its nice that the proposer is adding some background on why they believe it is a good fit. I enjoy the exploration and am happy to see more art getting added to the collection.

This proposal for a new trait is well-designed, and aligns with Nouns’s commitment to diverse, strange, and creative representation.

The Kiwi head trait is a nice addition that further emphasizes the absurdity and difference of Nouns, and I am confident in the artist's ability to produce high quality work.

I like the representation and potential to add a new and interesting head trait. Kiwi is a unique bird that aligns well with Nouns' value of embracing absurdity.

This proposal is a great addition to the Nouns art collection, adding representation from New Zealand. The trait is cute and is a great addition to the collection.

I’ve historically been supportive of new head traits, particularly when they are as unique as this one.

I appreciate the artist's effort to add a new head trait that reflects their heritage but overall I don't think this particular trait fits the Nouns aesthetic. I think it would be better to have the trait be more abstract or simple as the other head traits.

This trait has a great aesthetic and is a unique contribution to the collection. It would be exciting to see a Kiwi bird become part of the Nouns universe.

The Kiwi-sitting-v9 head trait is a fun addition that seems well done and in line with the Nouns art style. This trait expands the collection and brings a new cultural element to the Nouniverse.

A very interesting and funny new head trait that I'm sure will make many people excited to buy a new Noun. It’s also great to see representation from New Zealand.

This is a good use of the Noundry and has potential to bring a fun new head trait to the collection.

This proposal introduces a new trait inspired by New Zealand, a country not yet represented in the Nouns collection. It also maintains the high quality of art we've seen from goldy in the past.
