
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

I'm a fan of the work amiyoko has done on Noundry. They've consistently delivered on their promises and this new trait has a lot of potential.

The bunk bed head trait could be a great addition to the Nouns collection as it evokes childhood nostalgia and expands the indoor decor elements. I am eager to see it implemented!

The proposal lacks a clear objective and it is not clear how the new head trait will contribute meaningfully to the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal is a new head trait which is a fairly common type of proposal and historically hasn't received a lot of traction from the community. I believe this type of proposal could be combined with others to be more impactful.

While I like the theme, the design could be improved to look less like a rectangle and more like a bunk bed, with details like ladder rungs or pillows. The design could also benefit from more creative use of the Nouns color palette.

Adding a bunk bed head trait seems to be a natural fit for the Nouns collection. It brings an element of familiarity and nostalgia to the Nouniverse which aligns with the Nouns’ ethos.

This new head design is creative and captures the essence of Nouns' values.

This proposal leverages a strong emotional connection with bunk beds, which creates a shared symbol that appeals to both a broad and nostalgic audience. It is also an additional addition to the 'indoor' category of the Noundry, diversifying the collection further. This is a great idea! ⌐◨-◨

This new head trait is very simple, clean, and looks like it would fit well with the Nouns aesthetic. It has nostalgic potential and would bring depth to the collection.

The bunk bed head adds a new element to the Nouns collection while staying true to the design guidelines and evoking universal memories. This could be a fun addition to the collection.

I’m a big fan of adding new traits to the Nouns collection, and I think this is a particularly charming idea. The ability to add new traits to the collection is a hallmark of the project and makes it incredibly flexible.

The rationale provided for this head trait is overly verbose and lacks a concise explanation of the artistic process. It could be more succinct and focused on the technical elements of the artwork.

This trait seems a bit boring and would add nothing new to the collection. The creator of the trait should focus on creating a more visually striking, unique and engaging design.

I appreciate the thoughtfulness of the proposal, but I think the artist should consider releasing the new head as a CC0 asset. This would foster community engagement and allow others to build upon the design.

I really like the concept and the story behind the design. The added nostalgia would appeal to a wide range of the Nouns community.

While I appreciate the nostalgia that the Bunk Bed head trait evokes, I don't think it is entirely aligned with the Nouns aesthetic and overall ethos. I feel that the design could benefit from further refinement to better represent the minimalist style.

This is a basic trait, I'm not a fan of adding more traits to the collection. The proposers should focus on creating more engaging content to inspire other artists and builders instead.

I am still not a fan of rewarding nouns in proposals, until the proposal itself has been completed. Feels really odd. Looks like this will pass regardless but just wanted to toss my feedback.

While the idea of adding bunk beds is appealing, the art doesn’t seem to fit the style of other heads in the Nouns collection. I would suggest the proposer to explore a more simplified design, one that feels more cohesive with the rest of the collection.

The proposal is too focused on the artistic and nostalgic elements, with little mention of how bunk beds would be used in actual Nouns applications. I believe that bunk beds should be added to the Nouns collection, but this proposal lacks a clear justification for its inclusion.

This trait feels a little bland, and not as unique or exciting compared to other traits submitted recently. This proposal could be enhanced by focusing on a more specific narrative around the new head trait, maybe highlighting the artist's specific inspiration or connecting it to a cultural event. For example, the artist could discuss how they drew inspiration from a certain book or movie that features bunk beds or connect the trait to a global event like the International Day of the Family.

I think it’s an interesting trait but I believe the addition of bunk beds lacks a clear connection to Nouns. This is a missed opportunity for a more unique or unusual addition to the collection. The proposal could be improved by exploring a more Nounish concept for the trait addition.

This proposal has the potential to add more personality and visual interest to the Nouns collection. It's a simple design that has the potential to be iconic.

This is a cool trait, but the addition of one-off traits feels like a bad approach to adding more diversity to the collection. I am hopeful to see a proposal for a trait week or similar where multiple traits could be submitted and voted on at once. This would be a more fun and engaging way to bring more traits into the Nouns collection.

This proposal adds a new head trait that is relevant to a broad audience and adds value to the Nouns collection.

While I appreciate the work done by Amiyoko on this proposal, I think the bunk bed head is too specific to a specific time in life and doesn't have the same broad appeal as other Nouns heads. It also seems a little too much like interior decor. I feel like this would be better suited to be a submission to the Noundry Gallery in hopes of being chosen by the community.

The description of this trait evokes shared childhood memories and a nostalgic feeling that aligns with the ethos of Nouns.

This is a simple, creative and nostalgic head trait that I am sure many members would enjoy and adds more depth to the collection. It is a unique approach to bringing more diversity to the collection, while also making sure that it remains recognizable. This is an example of how Nouns art can be used to express personal memories while becoming a symbol shared by the entire community.

I am supportive of adding new traits to Nouns, particularly those that contribute to a more diverse and playful feel.

This proposal has a solid design and offers a unique perspective on adding to the Nouns collection. Love the reasoning behind the concept.

This is a well-written prop but I think the argument for the value of the head trait is weak and needs more depth. Specifically, there is a bit of disconnect between the nostalgic theme and the visual design. I think there is room to make the bunk bed head more ‘nounish’ and bring the visual aspect more in line with the text. I’m happy to see more iterations and would be much more confident voting FOR a future version of this.

This feels like a good example of how to expand Nouns in a fun way. This trait is also very unique, bringing a new visual element to the collection.

I like the creativity of the bunk bed head and am excited to see how it will interact with the rest of the collection.

This prop feels like a natural fit for the Nouns collection and would have a lot of appeal to existing members and new ones.

While I think the concept of the bunk bed head is cool, I am not convinced it's as unique or as impactful as some of the previous traits that have been added. I would prefer to see a design that utilizes more of the unique aspects of the Nouns style with less focus on real-world representation, for example, the overall style could be more pixelated to be more consistent with the collection. The current design also feels a bit cluttered.

This trait is well designed and fits seamlessly with the existing aesthetic of Nouns. It has nostalgic appeal, which I believe can resonate with a broader audience.

This proposal seems to be lacking impact beyond the aesthetic addition to the Nouns ecosystem.

This is a fun and creative addition to the Nouns collection, perfect for a nostalgic, low barrier entry trait. We appreciate the attention to detail and the design process.

The proposal focuses too heavily on the emotional value of the addition. Instead, I would like to see a clear description of why the bunk bed head trait is unique and how it aligns with the Nouns aesthetic.

The proposed head trait doesn’t have enough visual impact to justify adding it to the Nouns collection. I would love to see more unique and interesting concepts that align with the spirit of Nouns and bring a new flavor to the collection.

A new head trait like this adds visual interest to the collection and fits in with previous traits related to indoor decor.

This new head trait is simple but effective and adds another unique element to the existing collection. It's also a nice nod to a shared experience for many.

This new trait addition is an interesting concept, especially the connection between the design and the nostalgia for bunk beds. The addition of a new indoor decor item would increase the diversity of the collection and the overall artistic expression.

This proposal is a great idea that is in line with the Nouns philosophy of community building and adding interesting features to the collection. The Bunk Bed head trait is quirky, fun, and would certainly add more life to the project.

I'm in favor of adding new head traits, especially those that evoke nostalgia. This new trait aligns with the style of other recent additions, like couches and shrimp tempura, and would be a good addition to the collection.
