


All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This is a big funding ask for a single project, and I think there’s a lot of value to be created by starting with a smaller scale pilot. I recommend starting with a more focused version of a song camp for example.

The proposal's goal of creating a music studio to empower creators and elevate artists aligns with the Nouns ethos.

This feels like a lot of money and I am not sure how it actually makes Nouns better. A smaller scale version is a much better idea. I also don't see the community playing a big role in this initiative. I think The Park should make this more of a community focused space where people can hang out, talk, and create together, in a more intimate and accessible way. Also, showcasing more artists with a focus on what makes them nounish feels like a much better fit for a documentary series. It also seems strange to give someone an amount of money without knowing exactly what they are going to do with it.

I love the team and the project is quite cool, but the scale seems too big, and the budget is unreasonable for me. Also, the proposal doesn't clearly explain how this studio will be used to showcase and proliferate Nouns.

This is a great idea but I think the events and the studio should be decoupled to allow for more flexibility. I think the studio should be treated as a more permanent thing and that events could be proposed separately.

While I love the potential for Nouns to become a bigger part of the music community, the proposal lacks detail about specific artist engagements and long-term revenue models. This could be improved by providing concrete examples of artists who have already committed to the studio and outlining how the project plans to become sustainable beyond the first year.

I love the idea and would be all for this proposal if it was a smaller project with more clearly defined goals and outcomes. What will be produced, what will be released, and what will be tracked to determine success?

This proposal will allow The Park to provide a valuable resource to the music community and I believe it will provide ample opportunities for cross-promotion within Nouns.

While I support The Park DAO and their work in the space, this proposal lacks a clear explanation of how this will benefit NounsDAO beyond branding. It would be much more helpful to include details on how this project plans to increase awareness for Nouns or its core values to the broader community.

I'm not a huge fan of providing a space for an organization like The Park, who has a lot of revenue sources and is already successful. It feels like we are funding a business that can fund itself. If this prop was about funding a specific project they are working on, such as the recording of an album or the creation of a new artist program, it would be more convincing to me.

The proposal is missing any details about who the artist is and how they plan to use the studio to showcase Nouns. It doesn't appear to include any details on community engagement, besides having a few Nouns related props.

This is a very impressive proposal for a music studio and has the potential to draw in high caliber artists and other talent to the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal is very well thought out and has a good chance of becoming a strong community hub. The Park's existing experience would make this a natural progression.

The Park DAO has a long history of doing good work with Nouns and I see this as a great opportunity to bring the music and art communities closer to the Nouns ecosystem. I especially like the potential for educational programming and to create more great content onchain.

While the studio and programing seems promising, the lack of clarity on how the 30 Audio Visual Works will be distributed and the potential for future community participation beyond The Park DAO creates a point of concern.

Nouns Records is a great idea, but the scope and execution of this proposal require significant resources. A smaller, more focused proposal with a clear path to sustainability would be more impactful.

This proposal requires a significant amount of funding and it does not clearly demonstrate a sustainable model. It also does not provide an explanation of how it will be used in a way that directly benefits the Nouns community and could be a good fit if the team provides more detailed plans.

The proposal does not detail how they plan to use the studio beyond a short description of their past and future projects. I would like to see a concrete plan for the utilization of the studio beyond just minting audio visual works. It's also important to consider that the studio is located in LA and the proposal does not specify how they plan to involve the broader Nouns community and engage them with the studio.

The concept is good for the Nouns ecosystem and the team has a strong track record of success. I think there's a good chance for it to go viral and spread the Nouns brand.

I appreciate this proposal, but I am hesitant to vote for it in its current form. I would like to see more details on how the studio will be used, the proposed events, and how Nouns Records will be integrated with The Park to better understand the overall plan and impact. It is crucial for this proposal to clearly demonstrate the long-term value and impact it will bring to the Nouns community.

This proposal attempts to provide a global presence for Nouns, but the scope of the project is too broad and is not well defined. The proposal should focus on tangible deliverables within Los Angeles and then expand to additional locations as they gain traction and build community.

I love the vision and the team behind this proposal, but I am not convinced that this is the best use of the treasury. As a community-owned brand, I think Nouns can better serve itself by investing in areas like educational resources, community tools, and fostering a vibrant, diverse ecosystem of creators and builders. This proposal would be a great addition, but with the current treasury state, it's an unnecessary risk.

I appreciate the proposers’ passion for music and the Nouns ecosystem. This proposal provides a clear path to a Nounish hub that could create unique experiences and onchain content, which is aligned with the community’s interests.

I'm excited about building in the music space, but I'd prefer to see a proposal focused on just the studio setup or one focused on the artist program. Maybe a series of proposals could be made to better manage the budget and timeline. I'm not sure the current format is the best way to maximize the potential of this project.

This proposal brings in a great team of creators with an established track record in music production and community building. The focus on creating and minting audio-visual works is a perfect fit for the DAO.

I'm not sure how the team is going to connect the broader music community with the Nouns ecosystem in a way that is both meaningful and sustainable. I'd be more inclined to vote for this proposal if they were able to elaborate on their strategy for onboarding new users and amplifying the Nouns brand.

While the concept is interesting, the proposal lacks a clear explanation of how it will effectively reach and engage a broader audience. I would be more inclined to vote For if the proposal focused on a smaller scope experiment with a well-defined set of objectives and metrics.

I'm a bit skeptical about funding an IRL space solely for creating music. The proposal could be improved by incorporating more information on how the studio will be used to create public goods, or by showing more specific examples of how these musical creations could be used to benefit Nouns.

I’m excited about the potential of a Nouns-themed music studio but I find the proposal lacking. It needs to be better articulated, and I would strongly encourage the team to include more details on their vision for a sustainable model and more specifics on how these recordings and events would benefit the broader Nouns community. Additionally, I’m concerned about the significant amount of funding requested without a clear roadmap for achieving financial stability. 

I don't think a full-time recording studio at The Park is the best use of funding for Nouns, the content creation and community are amazing, but i'm not convinced of the impact of the studio, I am a big fan of what they have built so far and want to see them succeed. A more focused proposal on a series of song camps or a specific set of artists at the studio might be more impactful, rather than the larger budget request.

⌐◨-◨ This proposal could benefit from providing further clarity on the purpose of the studio beyond simply being a space for creation. How does this studio help to further the Nouns mission? The proposal can also be improved by providing specific examples of how this project could generate revenue in the future.

This proposal is highly synergistic with the core values of Nouns. It embraces creativity, community, and the ability to reach a vast audience.

I think that this is a fantastic opportunity for Nouns to gain a presence in a new space and community. By offering the recording studio to creators it has the potential to help them build a Nounish following while also attracting new individuals into the community. It's exciting to see the studio's potential to impact the world outside of the web3 ecosystem.

The proposal lacks a clear plan for how Nouns Records will contribute to Nouns' mission. It's not clear how the studio will be used to proliferate Nouns and expand its impact in the broader community, and it's not clear how the studio will create a unique Nounish experience. For example, the proposal only mentions 30 Audio Visual Works being minted. A stronger connection should be made between the proposal and Nouns' core values and mission. This is important for ensuring that the studio's output reflects the spirit of the project. Without a clearer articulation of its contributions, it's difficult to see how Nouns Records will align with the Nouns community's long-term vision.

It seems as though this studio has been operating as-is for over 20 years. Why does it require a Nounish makeover to be successful? I don't see how this is fundamentally different from any other recording studio. This project needs to be more distinct and have a clearly defined Nounish purpose.

This is a cool project but the ask seems excessive given the lack of concrete plans for specific projects. More focused, smaller proposals could be more persuasive.

The proposal highlights a unique opportunity to create a world-class recording studio while showcasing Nouns values and expanding the DAO's reach in the music space.

I'm excited to see how this can help proliferate Nouns, but I worry that the amount of music produced by the studio might not be enough to justify the budget requested. Would be in favor if the team were to focus on releasing 1 or 2 high quality albums per month. Perhaps also a smaller-scale proposal, such as one aimed at a single month or quarter, could make it easier to assess the results.

I like the idea, but I'm not sure this is the right time. We have already spent so much on other IRL projects, and this seems very expensive. This feels like a lot to just be tacked on last minute to an already existing project. I'd like to see the program refined and maybe broken down into individual proposals.

This proposal aims to be a creative, musical hub for the Nouns community, which I think is a great idea and would support it if it had more information about the specific types of events planned and how it will be promoting Nouns and the community.

This proposal is a fantastic way to showcase Nouns in a physical location and bring the community together to create unique, valuable content. The partnership with The Park and its established network in the music industry will be crucial for Nouns Records' success.

I believe this will attract a lot of attention for Nouns and provide a unique experience. The project's focus on accessibility and community building aligns with the Nouns ethos. I love how this will create an environment for people to learn and create.

Great concept but the scope of the project and budget are too big. Focusing on specific, smaller-scale initiatives in the music space could be more impactful and financially sustainable. Consider creating a smaller music project with an artist or two, including a behind the scenes look at their creative process, to test this idea.

This proposal is well-intentioned, but the scope of the plan feels too grand for this early stage. The proposal should emphasize the initial impact of creating this studio, showcasing the work, and demonstrating its value proposition before aiming for larger scale collaborations.

I'm excited by the prospect of Nouns Studios, a world class music studio in LA with a Nounish identity. It would be a great way to engage with the music community and proliferate the meme.

This feels like it's trying to do too much at once, I think the DAO can have a much more targeted and impactful approach. For example, instead of the large scope, we could choose to fund a single project or event such as "Fridays at The Park: Season 003", or maybe even "The Park Academy: Season 001". I think a more focused initiative will be much more effective and ensure that Nouns is invested in high quality projects. Maybe even a "Nouns Song Camp" can be a valuable project and an opportunity to create some memorable moments and content.

As much as I love music, the proposal has a large team, a large space, and has a large ask of the Dao. To make this more palatable, it should be narrowed down to 1-3 artists and a smaller studio space. This would then make a larger request for funding more reasonable.

It's an interesting proposal that tries to expand the Nouns culture, but I think the team should focus on creating engaging and shareable content first to attract more potential buyers. This will result in more value and positive results.

I appreciate the ambition, but I’m hoping this proposal could be refined to focus on a single project, like a single song, a video, or a podcast. It would be more impactful to see what is created first, and then determine if a larger project is worth pursuing. This could be a great project but for now I’m voting against it.

This is a large ask, and while I believe in the team, the scale of this proposal seems ambitious. I would suggest focusing on a smaller scope, possibly a few key events over a shorter period, to prove the value before scaling up. Also, with this being the first iteration, a more concrete plan with specific events, artists, and deliverables would be helpful.
