
1.5 ETH + $26,750


All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

I’m supportive of this audit proposal because $βŒβ—§-β—§ is a potentially valuable and interesting project that we should explore. I’m happy to see that an audit is being conducted by Sherlock, an experienced auditor.

I like the concept and the overall impact that the $βŒβ—§-β—§ token aims to have, but I don't think this is the right approach. The community will always be the best judge of any proposal and for that reason, I would rather see this concept go through Prop House.

I support this project and the team’s vision overall, but I am concerned that the proposal isn’t clear on how this new protocol will be used in practice. I would love to see a walkthrough of a few specific use cases to better understand how $βŒβ—§-β—§ can provide value beyond the proposed mechanics.

The concept is interesting and I appreciate the time spent outlining the proposal but it seems to be focused on building an exclusive environment instead of something that can be shared more widely. It is not clear how this proposal will contribute to the broader Nouns community and would not be effective in proliferating the meme further.

I think the proposal is not in the best interest of Nouns at this time. It's a complex and potentially risky idea with too many open questions. It could be improved by providing a more robust breakdown of the technology and functionality, as well as a clearer roadmap for integration into the Nouns ecosystem.

While the team has created a comprehensive proposal, I would like to see a clearer roadmap with more detailed milestones before voting in support. It would also be beneficial for the proposers to detail their strategy for onboarding users and engaging the community after the initial deployment.

This is a complex project with the potential to make governance more efficient and accessible, though I'd encourage further development of the proposal's UI.

This proposal is important to the success of the $βŒβ—§-β—§ token and will help with the development of the Nouns ecosystem. We need to make sure everything is secure and up to standard for a new project of this magnitude.

The $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol suite has the potential to unlock a lot of potential voting power from currently inactive Nouns, as well as enhance the ability of Nouns to effectively manage the treasury. It will be great to see if this can help to drive more community involvement in the DAO.

I appreciate the proposal's goal to provide more options for fractionalizing ownership of Nouns, but the proposal's explanation of the protocol lacks clarity around how it would be used, and how the system would affect both governance and secondary market liquidity. I'd also like to see some of the existing issues around $nouns addressed before moving forward.

I appreciate the detailed explanation of how the voting will work, as well as the detailed explanation of how the system will be deployed. It's great to see the team iterating on the $βŒβ—§-β—§ contract and how it will be integrated with the broader Nouns ecosystem, I believe this is a great idea, and appreciate the work done here by The Noble Dev.

A lot of thought and effort has been put into this proposal, and it's impressive to see all the details included. We need to continue innovating in the governance space, and this proposal provides another unique direction.

The proposal could benefit from additional context regarding the need for a dedicated ERC-721 token for Fragment Nouns, especially when considering the existing $nouns functionality and its challenges. Why is the Fragment Noun token needed and what specific advantages would it provide to the ecosystem?

This project provides a thoughtful and creative approach to the Nouns ecosystem, and the team behind it is well-known and respected. It is a big step forward in re-imagining the concept of Nouns.

This proposal is a good way to improve the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol and continue to provide value for Nouns.

I see this as a great addition to the Nouns ecosystem and believe it will help bring more people to Nouns and its governance.

While the concept and team are great, I find that the current proposal lacks enough information about the use cases and integration of $βŒβ—§-β—§. This leaves me unable to provide a informed vote at this time. In the future, I would be open to a proposal that shares these details and explores potential applications.

The proposal focuses too much on explaining what the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol is and how it will work, and not enough on its actual benefit to the DAO, and therefore is not Nounish. I would need to better understand the value proposition to the DAO before voting yes.

The proposal is too focused on building out a new token, and doesn't give enough detail about the user experience. I would like to see a better understanding of the value this token brings to the community, especially given the existence of $nouns. For example, I would like to see a demo of the voting mechanism, or information about how the token will be used in other projects.

I'm not sure the current proposal provides sufficient value for a large spend of ETH. I would like to see more detail and evidence to support the current proposal.

While the proposal is well-written and I like the idea of fractional Nouns, I’m not in favor of funding another new token, especially when we have $nouns. It’s great to experiment, but let’s do so on a much smaller scale first to see what emerges.

The proposal is asking for a lot of money to audit something we've seen before that is not as complex as other proposals we've funded. For example, Nouns.game which is built for the entire ecosystem, and includes the creation of a sophisticated front end, has been funded with 10x less funding. It's likely that the community would vote for this, but I'm still not sure it is the best use of the DAO's resources. The proposal would be more persuasive if the proposers demonstrated a deeper understanding of what Nouns values and provides a clearer vision of what the team is capable of building. Also, the proposal would be stronger if it included a comprehensive plan for how NFTR will integrate with the broader ecosystem and how this project will have a lasting impact on the DAO. Additionally, the proposal could be strengthened by emphasizing the benefits and implications of NFTR beyond just its use cases.

I like the concept of this proposal but it doesn't go far enough in detailing how Fragment Nouns will be implemented. There should be more detail on how to onboard users who are not familiar with Nouns. In addition, it would be good to see how this will integrate into other tools within the Nouns ecosystem.

This is a unique and complex proposal with a large scope. Given the value of the project, the budget is reasonable. I'm excited to see how this will improve the accessibility of Nouns to the wider community.

This audit is necessary to ensure the security of a key protocol that is being introduced to the Nouns ecosystem.

I see a lot of potential for Fragment Nouns, but I would like to see a more detailed plan for the marketing and branding of these. We should create a vision of how we would introduce this to the public, how we would tell a story around it, and what we would do to ensure its adoption. Also, I would like to see a clearer plan for onboarding other projects. We need to figure out how to attract users to this new system, and I’m not sure this proposal lays out that strategy.

I'm not seeing the need for this. It's unclear how this will be utilized in a way that will be immediately valuable to the Nouns community. We've already established a strong system for governance and the $nouns token has a clear role. A better direction for $βŒβ—§-β—§ would be to focus on the user experience for the token rather than attempting to integrate with the core protocol.

A well-written proposal focused on bringing the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol to the Nouns ecosystem. It will be fun to see this launch!

It seems important to have a proper audit before the protocol is deployed and this seems like a reasonable price to pay for that.

I appreciate the detail and clarity in how this proposal will benefit the Nouns DAO. I believe it has potential to create a more accessible and engaging experience for all community members, with a clear plan for governance and self-sufficiency.

The proposed upgrade is essential to the Nouns ecosystem. As one of the earliest members of the DAO, I have seen firsthand how Nouns can be a source of great good in the world. I believe that this proposal will help keep Nouns safe and secure. This will allow the Nouns ecosystem to thrive!

Auditing the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol is essential for its security and integrity. Sherlock is a reputable firm, and I believe this proposal is vital for the growth and development of the Nouns ecosystem.

Excited about this project. I think $βŒβ—§-β—§ is a valuable addition to the Nouns ecosystem and would like to see it deployed.

This proposal seeks to audit the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol suite, which could be helpful in ensuring the security and reliability of the protocol.

I am highly impressed with the development and design of the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol. This project could introduce a new paradigm for community governance and will be a valuable addition to the Nouns ecosystem.

Although the proposal is interesting and a really good idea, I think the amount requested is a bit too large for a simple audit and that the scope of this proposal can be made more concise. The proposal can be improved by splitting it into two parts: one for the audit and one for the contract implementation, making it easier for voters to understand and judge. The DAO can then decide to fund each proposal separately.

This is an important concept and we should absolutely continue exploring it, but I would like to see more clearly what value the token brings to the DAO and what the impact could be in terms of community growth. This proposal should include a clear roadmap outlining the next steps.

This is a very interesting direction for Nouns and I think an audit is a good idea. I think it is important to get an independent review on the code before deployment.

This project is too complex and could have unforeseen consequences. I’m hesitant to risk any ETH or Nouns on a project with a large scope. I would like to see a smaller, more focused version of this proposal that demonstrates traction before asking for such a significant investment. Maybe propose a pilot project to test the concept and attract new participants. Then, once the concept is validated, I would be much more inclined to vote for a larger project.

I understand the value of security, and want to see a robust and well-functioning $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol. However, a 7-day audit is a bit short. The proposal could be improved by extending the audit to at least 14 days to ensure that all corners of the codebase are carefully examined. This would help increase confidence and ensure that the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol is as secure as possible.

This is a valuable public good that will unlock participation for more people within the Nouns ecosystem.

Although the proposal states that the protocol will be transferred to NounsDAO, I would prefer to see it deployed first and then have a governance proposal for the DAO to formally adopt the protocol if needed. A detailed audit plan that includes a timeline for completion would also be helpful.

The proposed $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol seems interesting, however the proposal's focus is primarily on the technical aspects and less on the overall benefits to the community. For example, the proposal could outline more use cases that would benefit the Nouns DAO, rather than just listing all the features. I'm also curious to see how the $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol is going to be marketed and the potential for attracting new users. I'd like to see a more detailed plan for promoting it to the wider Nouns community.

I think the idea of fractional Nouns tokens is interesting, however, this protocol is not as well documented as previous proposals. I’d like to see a better explanation of the mechanics that make up the protocol. For example, a more detailed description of the "Vault" concept, how the ERC-721 token is used for voting, and a more detailed explanation of how the "voting logic" is structured.

The $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol suite represents a significant evolution in Nouns governance, and the audit is a crucial step in ensuring its viability. I am eager to see how this protocol unfolds and how it impacts the future of the DAO.

The proposal provides a good outline of the proposed $βŒβ—§-β—§ protocol suite and how it could be a positive addition to the Nouns ecosystem.

It is not clear how this will positively impact the Nouns community, and the proposal focuses on technical details, rather than the impact it will have on the community.

This contract is a great addition to the DAO's toolkit and provides a more accessible governance onramp for the community.

This is a complex proposal, and I think it could benefit from a more streamlined approach to onboarding the community. I would like to see more emphasis on visual documentation, including a clear and concise breakdown of the mechanics of the proposal, a basic tutorial for users, and some examples of how to utilize the new protocol. I also think a demo version of the protocol could be helpful.
