
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

The proposer has reduced the scope and budget of the initial proposal to deliver a website and provide a solid foundation for future initiatives. This approach aligns well with the DAO’s preference for digital-first projects.

This proposal has made some fantastic improvements since its last iteration by focusing solely on digital. This direction is a very smart way to build out a foundational website and content that can be reused for later phases and could inspire other communities.

This proposal aims to make Nouns into a recognised art collection. It is a unique concept that could expand the value of the collection as well as bring more attention to it.

This proposal is a good step towards expanding the scope of the Nouns ecosystem into the fine arts realm. The digital-first approach makes sense considering the potential to easily adapt content for multiple platforms.

I appreciate Facu’s vision and the work they have done so far. I’d be more in favor of a proposal that focuses on surfacing existing art, rather than creating new pieces specifically for this project. I also want to see a more detailed and concrete approach for finding galleries and promoting the project in a sustainable manner.

I think we’ve learned that an open-source digital-first approach can be very effective for getting people into Nouns and is much lower risk than physical products.

I am not sure about the need for a physical book as an outcome of the project. The proposed content would be best consumed digitally and easily distributed. This would be a good opportunity to partner with a museum or gallery with a strong focus on digital art.

This proposal is quite ambitious in its scope but the current iteration feels vague and lacks sufficient context to fully understand its potential impact. A stronger narrative would be more compelling to vote for.

This proposal has potential to elevate the Nouns collection, showcasing its value as digital fine art and fostering a new appreciation for the artwork.

I am always for pushing boundaries in the arts and would love to see more projects exploring the art and culture of Nouns. This proposal lacks a strong narrative and vision to articulate how the art of Nouns can be elevated from being purely pixel art. I would encourage the team to provide a stronger narrative and vision to help people understand the value proposition of the project.

This is a solid concept but I'm still looking for more emphasis on storytelling. I think there is a lot more opportunity to craft a compelling narrative beyond cataloging.

I appreciate the focus on building something that is digital first and also like the plan for future expansion, I believe this proposal has the potential to be a new and exciting way to highlight the art of Nouns.

This is a solid foundation for a great vision and I'm excited to see more of this in action. I think a lot of work will be needed to make it into a truly compelling and inspiring project, but the direction seems sound and will benefit from community participation.

This project has a strong vision for how Nouns can evolve as a Digital Art collection. This could also help bring in a new audience who are more interested in art and design.

This proposal presents a compelling vision for Nouns and a thoughtful approach to scaling. I'm eager to see how the project progresses in the digital space first before physical iterations.

The proposal has shifted its focus from physical to digital, and this is a strong move to maximize impact. The proposal also offers a thorough plan for the website, content creation, and book production. It is a strong project that could benefit Nouns.

While I appreciate the artist's history with Nouns and the reduction in the budget, I think the current proposal needs to be more focused on the narrative of Nouns's evolution as art rather than just showcasing the art itself. The content section needs a more concise overview of what the website and book will actually contain, along with examples of what the content will look like.

The digital-first approach is a good way to reduce risk and focus on creating high-quality content and a website. The website could serve as a valuable resource for current and new members.

The proposed 32X32PX website will be a great resource for new and existing Nouners to learn about Nouns' history, culture and art.

I appreciate the thoroughness of the proposal, and love the team’s enthusiasm for the Nouns art and creative direction. This feels like a worthwhile exploration for the DAO and I believe the website will be a valuable addition to the ecosystem.

I would prefer to see a more comprehensive and impactful approach. The team should prioritize working on a website with a well-defined purpose and create an experience that will motivate designers and developers to explore Nouns further. Additionally, it would be helpful to include a concise statement articulating how the proposed content will be leveraged across a wider range of media and channels, providing more context to the project’s overall value. Finally, it would be great to see more specific milestones and clear timelines for delivering each stage of the proposed work.

I appreciate the proposers’ efforts, but I’m not convinced that building a website solely focused on promoting Nouns as a form of digital art will achieve widespread recognition or attract a new audience. I feel this project would be more impactful by showcasing a broader scope of the Nouniverse and how Nouns is making a real impact in the world.

This proposal is a digital-first approach, reducing manufacturing and shipping costs and is a clever way to introduce Nouns to a new, non-NFT audience.

This proposal is a good starting point for a larger concept. However, the vision behind the idea isn’t clear enough to support this proposal without further development and a well-defined roadmap. The lack of a clear roadmap and timeline also makes it difficult to gauge the impact this proposal could have on the wider Nouns community.

We appreciate the downsizing and digital-first approach to this project. We love the concept of exploring the art of Nouns and believe that this would be a great way to inspire and onboard artists in the digital and on-chain art space.

This prop shows great promise to help grow the Nouns ecosystem while also being a great way to tell the story of Nouns Art to a wider audience.

This proposal is a great idea, but the proposed site design is not very engaging and does not provide sufficient information about the history of Nouns art. The proposed scope should include more content as well as an enhanced UI/UX.

I wish this proposal included more concrete details about the content that will be created, and how the artist plans to engage the community. The website and its content are critical to the success of this proposal and should be a focus.

This proposal is well-intentioned, but the website is a bit too basic in scope. It would be more impactful to focus on a more comprehensive website with deeper, more engaging features.

This proposal continues to expand the scope of the Nouns project beyond PFPs and explores innovative ways of communicating the artistic vision to wider audiences.

The website concept is a great idea to help elevate the art of Nouns, but the proposal should include more details about the direction of the website’s design and content. For example, including mockups and a more detailed table of contents for the website’s content. A visual representation of the final deliverable is needed.

I appreciate Facu's vision for showcasing Nouns art in a new way. The digital-first approach makes sense, and I hope this helps attract new audiences. The website and book sound like a strong foundation to build on.

I believe that building out the website will be a strong initial step towards showcasing Nouns art. This proposal will also create a good foundation to build upon.

I am happy to see a proposal that has a clear vision and an ambitious plan. The focus on a digital-first approach is wise.

The website is a great idea, and the author is a prolific Nouns contributor, but I think the focus should be on content and building a digital first community. The website should be built with future expansion in mind, and that should include functionality that will easily facilitate a community of contributors.

This proposal is a big step in shaping the perception of Nouns as art. The visual language and the project's ambition are all in line with the values of the community.

This proposal is very ambitious but needs more details to be successful. The website should focus on the specific traits, the history of these traits, and the artists who created them, while also clearly outlining the plan for the book. These elements need to be defined before it is a "hell yes".

I think this proposal makes sense and would be good for the Nouns ecosystem. I like that the project is focused on digital first to be able to experiment with creative direction for the collection and refine the content before it gets printed. I would just encourage the team to share updates on a more frequent cadence than just monthly Propdates.

Still a lot of emphasis on physical deliverables. A more direct way to promote the project and bring in artists is by focusing on a series of tweets and farcaster posts highlighting the artists and their work on the site.

The proposal doesn't have a clear plan for engaging with the wider community outside of the DAO. The team could also incorporate a plan for reaching out to art museums, galleries, and schools to promote the book and potentially secure exhibitions.

This proposal focuses on developing a digital-first experience to tell the story of Nouns art, which I think is a good way to utilize the treasury for long-term impact.

I appreciate the team’s dedication to the Nouns art ecosystem. It's great that the team is taking a digital-first approach. This is an exciting opportunity to create a new vertical within the Nouns ecosystem.

The proposal focuses on creating a digital experience and showcasing the story behind the art of Nouns, which I think is a valuable direction for Nouns to go in.

The proposal is very thoughtful and addresses a key need for the Nouns community, but I would also like to see a more robust approach to content creation that includes more than just text, pictures and links.

The proposal provides a great opportunity to showcase Nouns art in a new way and reach a new audience of digital art enthusiasts. I believe this will have a positive impact on the perception and valuation of the Nouns collection.

This revised proposal demonstrates a commitment to listening to the community and reducing risk to the DAO by focusing on a digital-first approach and by reducing both the budget and the team size. I appreciate the detailed description of the vision and the content that will be included in the website.

While I can see the potential value of the project, the proposed website is not specific enough. I would much prefer to see the proposers commit to a specific website that will clearly benefit the community like the examples given in the proposal. It would also be helpful if the team was smaller and more clearly aligned with the project's goals.

I don't really understand the website's purpose or content. The team can improve this proposal by adding more detail about the website, for example, by making a mockup.

I'm excited to see a project dedicated to promoting the art of Nouns, and the website will be a great addition to the existing ecosystem. A lot of excellent ideas are laid out in the proposal as well.
