
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This proposal has incredible potential to further proliferate Nouns across the globe, bringing a fresh perspective to the communities that engage with this school project. I particularly appreciate the inclusion of images and videos that showcase the project's progress, and the commitment to transparency and community engagement.

I believe this project is a great example of how Nouns can be used to proliferate positive externalities. I support this project’s commitment to finishing and furnishing the school, as well as its continued efforts towards water sustainability.

The commitment to building a Nouns School in Uganda is inspiring, this will bring recognition to the Nouns community.

I really want to see this project succeed. But I think a more detailed and specific breakdown is required, especially concerning how the project is intended to further Nouns' goals.

This proposal lacks a clear narrative for how the finishing, furnishing and painting will further the Nouns mission and brand. To be more convincing, there should be a clear and concise explanation of the impact.

The project is going to be a great contribution to the community. This is a prime example of how Nouns can be leveraged to create positive externalities.

I'm still very much intrigued by this project and the potential positive impact it can have on the community but the team needs to incorporate a more comprehensive progress tracker that clearly outlines the scope of work remaining for the completion of the school. This should include a breakdown of the specific tasks being completed in this proposal, as well as a visual guide of the key deliverables that are in progress.

The proposal could be strengthened by clearly outlining the specific needs of the students in the school and how this project can help address those needs. If the project is solely for the purpose of providing a safe, clean, and effective learning space for the students, then more emphasis should be placed on the needs of the students. This would also provide a clearer path towards sustainability in the future as well.

The proposal details the challenges faced with the water well project, but does not offer solutions to mitigate these issues for the future. A clear plan with alternative solutions to meet the water goal should be included.

This prop requires too much trust and is not well-defined. It’s unclear to me what the specific deliverables of the remaining work are. The scope and timeline should be narrowed. I also think we should ensure that a formal contract is in place, outlining any legal responsibilities.

The Nouns School project is a fantastic effort and I appreciate the work done thus far. However, I think it is moving too slow and doesn’t clearly demonstrate how it is making a positive impact on the community. More community engagement will be required before I’m fully on board.

We need more than just pictures of progress, I would like to see the exact materials needed for each building phase and the planned distribution of funds.

This proposal shows progress, but could benefit from clearer communication on how the school will be maintained and funded long term.

The Nouns community is working together to bring a physical, real-world representation of Nouns to the world. I am down to support this continued effort.

The proposal is not focused enough on the core principles and goals of Nouns DAO. The proposal is missing specific plans for a sustainable water source for the school, which is a critical need that was not adequately addressed in the initial proposal. To be more successful, the proposal should focus on a clear and achievable goal, and outline a plan for how the school will be used to proliferate Nouns and its ideas to the wider community.

I'm happy to see the proposal update and the progress on the project. The Nouns school is a fantastic way to celebrate Nouns DAO and it's ethos.

I appreciate the project's intent, and the team's dedication, but the proposal should be revised and focused on the delivery of a clear, visual story, as opposed to a detailed overview of the project's history. This will allow for the project to be more easily understood by the community.

The project is already well underway and has made significant progress. This funding will help ensure the school is completed with the best possible materials and equipment. I appreciate the comprehensive updates provided and the team's transparency on progress.

Davin and team have been doing an amazing job with this project and I'm happy to see it nearing completion. This is a unique opportunity to showcase the benefits of crypto to those living in underserved communities.

I would be happy to vote FOR the proposal if the document provided further details regarding the community and artist engagement.

The proposal still lacks a clear path to sustainability. Including details about how the community can directly engage with the school and be part of its daily operations, or even how the school will operate and generate its own funds after construction would help strengthen the argument for the proposal.

It is very difficult to verify all the costs listed. I would like to see more details about the materials and labor cost breakdowns. While I am excited about the work that is being done, I am hesitant to approve the proposal without more information and transparency.

The team has already done a ton of work on this and it's important to see it through to completion. It also fulfills the UN's sustainability goals.

I'd suggest breaking the project into smaller, more focused phases. It's great to be ambitious, but I'm concerned that requesting one large budget to complete an entire building, with multiple ongoing initiatives, could leave the project vulnerable. It might be a good idea to focus on finishing one or two specific blocks, like the admin or tech building, and then request funding for the remaining ones later as milestones are achieved. This would not only be more cost-effective but also reduce the potential for unforeseen delays and allow the DAO to prioritize funding for those phases that are already complete.

This project is showing real-world impact, helping students and the community. It's important to get the school fully functional to inspire more builders.

This proposal focuses on providing tangible infrastructure to make the Nouns School functional. The visual aid in the proposal provides a clear illustration of the progress made and clearly states the next steps.

This prop is lacking a clear overview of the planned aesthetic upgrades for the school and it does not inspire me enough to feel good about voting For.

This is a very large ask and it's unclear if we will be able to fully leverage this project in a way that is beneficial to the DAO.

This is a really fantastic project, but there is more work to be done before this should be approved. I appreciate the effort to reduce the scope of this proposal but I feel like this is still too much for a single proposal. Breaking this down into smaller proposals would be a better use of community time.

I'm against the proposal's current form, but am excited about the concept of building a school for kids, I think more time should be dedicated to planning a sustainable path to complete the vision of building a full school.

It is really cool to see a proposal that is focused on building a school but the scope is too broad to effectively manage and will be hard for the community to be involved. If you could focus on either Finishing, Furnishing or Painting it could be easier to oversee.

The Nouns School project is an incredible way to positively impact Ugandan children. I look forward to seeing the completed project.

We've witnessed the challenges with this project in the past. I am worried about the timeline and the likelihood of it being successfully completed.

I appreciate the ambition and progress on this project, but I believe the proposal lacks a clear roadmap for water sourcing. The recent drilling failure highlights the need for a more comprehensive strategy, especially given the environmental challenges in the region. The proposal should also clarify how it intends to leverage the school as a community resource beyond the initial construction phase.

The Nouns School project is too large in scope, and the budget is too high, but the project is highly aligned with Nouns DAO's values and has been extremely transparent. This should be broken down into smaller proposals and should be re-presented as such to ensure greater accountability to the community and to ensure that the cost is appropriate and commensurate with the risk of this project. The success of the project to date is a credit to the team and Davin Oyesigye.

This proposal is impressive. This project brings the Nouns community together for a real-world positive impact. This is the kind of work that will showcase the power of Nouns and continue to drive adoption.

Davin and Nouns DAO Africa have demonstrated their commitment to executing this proposal. This is a high-impact project and I believe they can deliver on its ambitious vision.

I'm very impressed with the progress of this project and the commitment of the team. The Nouns School has the potential to benefit a significant number of students, and I am confident in the ability of the team to deliver.

Overall I’m still not sure we’re ready to fully invest in a school at this level. I’m not confident that we’ve nailed the budget or even understand the need for this school with such a heavy emphasis on water. I’m not sure the DAO is either.

This proposal has a ton of detail in the form of photos, videos and links, but lacks an overview of the long term plan and the specific goals of this proposal. A more focused approach with a clear roadmap for the next 4 months would be helpful.

The proposal states that the school buildings have been built. Finishing, furnishing, and painting the school further emphasizes the impact of the project, ensuring that the school is fully functional.

This proposal provides updates and concrete progress of work completed. Its good to see that the team is actively engaging with the community by providing updates and sharing the work done with us.

This project has come a long way already. This funding proposal focuses on completion of the school and the images make it clear it's very close. I think this is a great step in fulfilling the school's original vision.

I believe that the Nouns School is a solid public good and this is a well-scoped, reasonable cost investment to bring the project to the finish line.

This project is making steady progress. I think it is important to provide continued support given their commitment to building a Nouns School.

The proposal lacks clarity concerning the roles of each team member in completing the tasks and feels overly ambitious. It may be more efficient to break the proposal into more easily managed, focused objectives. The "What has been done since proposal 447" section does not effectively communicate the accomplishments.

While I appreciate the vision and past efforts, I believe that the proposal lacks a specific plan and fails to showcase the impact. I suggest the proposers elaborate on the future of the school by providing specific projects and initiatives. It also feels like a bit of a stretch to request more funds without highlighting what has been achieved during this stage.

I'm thrilled about this proposal! It's a major step forward for the Nouns School in Uganda, and the team has consistently demonstrated its commitment to the project. They've already built amazing structures, and finishing, furnishing and painting will give these spaces an even more impactful and nounish feel.

This project is important to the Nouns ecosystem, but I do not think that it is ready for completion. The proposers should focus on a single goal and work towards a full completion of that goal before requesting additional funding. More detail should also be included to describe the impact of completing each of the proposed steps.

I really appreciate the dedication to the project and seeing the progress that has been made. This will have a huge impact on the local community.
