
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

The proposal highlights the positive impact of NounsDAO through community engagement, cultural exchange, and accessibility for those with color vision impairments. I find this direction particularly exciting.

It's important to keep growing and supporting the community of Nounish creators, this is a great way to connect local communities in Japan with the US.

The proposal's focus on developing a rewashable coloring book feels like a distraction from the core mission of expanding Nounish art and culture through workshops. I would prefer if the proposal focused on developing tools for artists with visual impairments, such as a color confirmation tool, rather than solely focusing on producing a physical product.

This proposal is well-written and showcases a strong plan for how to take the project to the next level. I appreciate their focus on accessibility and inclusion, which aligns with Nouns' values.

This proposal provides a unique opportunity to bring together a diverse set of stakeholders through a variety of activities. I am also a big fan of how it emphasizes the benefits of Kitpas, which aligns with Nouns' emphasis on public goods.

The proposed workshops demonstrate the potential to proliferate Nouns globally while also bringing joy to those involved. I am also inspired by the team’s commitment to empowering individuals with disabilities.

The inclusion of a tool to assist artists with colorblindness is a truly nounish addition and a great demonstration of the DAO's values. This proposal represents a very thoughtful approach to proliferating Nouns.

I believe this project has a lot of potential to broaden the impact of Nouns, bringing the spirit of creative freedom and inclusivity to audiences both on and off-chain. The inclusion of workshops, a coloring book NFT, and a Farcaster Gallery makes for a unique and engaging way to further Nouns' mission.

Great proposal. The Kitpas color tool is a great addition, and it's nice to see a proposal that is trying to give back and support the colorblind community.

The proposal focuses too heavily on the experience of the proposers rather than the potential impact of the proposal itself. To improve, it needs to focus more on the impact and explain how it will contribute to the Nouns mission. The proposal should also clarify the details of the coloring book NFT, especially how it connects with the Farcaster Gallery.

The proposal is too broad and lacks a defined focus on one area. I'd be more supportive of a version that focuses on one key area of the project to demonstrate its potential.

This proposal lacks specific details on the implementation of the digital gallery space. The digital gallery is a key part of the project. It should include a concrete plan for the digital gallery space, its functionality, and a clear explanation of how it will benefit the project. The proposal also lacks details about the colour accessibility tools. More information should be provided on the specific features and functionality of the color accessibility tools, along with how they will be integrated into the workshops and the proposed web-based tool.

The initiative is quite ambitious, but could be improved with a more focused approach. By reducing the scope to focus on just one region or type of workshop, it may be easier to track progress and prove value for the DAO.

This proposal aligns with Nouns' values. It is designed to have a broad impact on the community and I appreciate the commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

The proposed Kitpas coloring book sounds like a fantastic way to spread Nouns to a broader audience, especially with its integration with Farcaster. I would love to see a new coloring book with a unique design that both honors traditional Japanese art while also reflecting Nouns.

This proposal expands upon a successful previous effort and brings tangible Nounish-themed products and a new level of international community outreach.

While I appreciate the goals and the team's history, the proposal does not have a clear path towards implementation and lacks a compelling value proposition. Specifically, the details around how the project will be executed and the benefits to the Nouns community are unclear. A more concrete plan and targeted metrics for success would make this a stronger proposal.

This is too ambitious in scope and I am unsure of its ability to generate lasting impact in the community. The proposal should focus on a single key deliverable and build a strong proof of concept before asking for more funding.

I'm excited for this initiative. Nouns has done a great job connecting with art and this seems like a good way to continue that trend.

This proposal has a lot of potential for positive impact and aligns well with Nouns values. I’m particularly excited for the focus on making art accessible to children and artists with visual impairments, and for the creation of the color confirmation tool. It’s a great example of how we can use technology to bridge cultural gaps.

The proposal lacks a clear explanation of how this project would benefit the Nouns community and a deeper analysis of the target audience would be helpful to ensure effectiveness. In addition, the proposal could be strengthened with additional details about how the project will become self-sustainable.

This proposal highlights the potential for Nouns to create real world impact and further its goals of promoting creative expression and supporting public good causes. I'm very excited to see how this project unfolds.

While I love the idea of bringing Kitpas to more audiences, I think this is a bit too broad and should be broken down into individual smaller proposals. I would suggest focusing on one major component of this proposal first and then scaling from there.

It would be better to focus on a singular goal that can be achieved in a shorter time frame. I'd suggest focusing on a single event or a single product and building out from there.

The proposal emphasizes cultural exchange and accessibility by developing Nounish Kitpas products and workshops, which could further the Nouns brand while also creating a global community of creativity and cultural exchange.

Would like to see a clearer and more concise breakdown of the proposed activities. Also, the project’s timeline could be more clearly defined and broken down into stages. This would help ensure more clarity for voters and give the project better direction.

I’m excited about this idea and would love to see it happen. I am worried that the scope and duration of the proposal are too large and would prefer to see it break down into a more focused plan with a narrower timeframe to demonstrate clear progress and impact.

This is a very interesting prop and I'm excited about the work the proposers are doing, but I think a bit more emphasis should be placed on how the Kitpas ecosystem will specifically benefit the Nouns community. It’s a great initiative, however, I'd be happier if the project were more directly tied to Nouns, rather than focusing entirely on the Kitpas brand.

The proposal seems ambitious in scope, and there is limited information provided on the specific implementation details for the digital gallery integration and color tool development. For the sake of clarity, these aspects should be fleshed out in greater detail within the proposal.

While I like the idea of Kitpas and its commitment to inclusion, the proposed ecosystem is overly ambitious in scope and might be better tackled in smaller, more focused proposals. I encourage the team to simplify and streamline the project for greater clarity and more efficient use of resources.

It’s wonderful to see a continuation of the previous Kitpas proposal. However, the proposal focuses too much on the creators. I suggest the focus should be shifted to the community benefits of the Kitpas workshops and how the proposed workshops could be expanded to reach more individuals.

I would like to see more emphasis on the global community and the potential for cultural exchange in the proposal. The proposal should explain how this will specifically benefit and engage the broader Nouns community.

It’s a fantastic and ambitious project that could have a substantial positive impact on the Nouns brand and community.

The proposal is well-written and outlines a clear path for expansion. The team has demonstrated success and the global initiative holds potential to benefit the community, especially through the creation of the accessibility tool.

I love this proposal’s focus on bridging art and communities globally. It aligns with the Nouns’ mission of cultural proliferation and creativity, and the team has already demonstrated the ability to deliver. I think this is a great opportunity for Nouns to build a self-sustaining creative network.

I appreciate the work being done but this proposal lacks a clear and concise plan, and also lacks focus on how the community will be directly involved. It doesn’t really lay out a plan for long term sustainability. I believe that with some adjustments, a stronger case for funding can be made. A more detailed plan including metrics and tangible deliverables, alongside a strong vision for community engagement, would be more compelling. For example, how can the project reach a wider community through social media or a dedicated online space? How will the project evolve and remain sustainable over time?

This is a great way to expand the Nouns brand while empowering artists and kids. I would love to see a focus on community involvement. It would be ideal to see the use of rounds.wtf here as well, to drive even more participation.

This proposal needs to be streamlined and the specifics about the team, funding, and deliverables need to be more concrete. It needs more clarity and focus.

This proposal is centered on expanding the Nouns vision through a collaborative approach with a global audience and I see the value in how it can bridge traditional art with Web3 technology.

This proposal is an ambitious project with good intentions but lacks a clear path to proliferation, including a strong narrative to connect it to the Nouns brand. The proposal can be improved by defining specific impact metrics and quantifying how the project will contribute to the Nouns ecosystem's growth.

The proposal showcases a tangible way to bring Nouns to a global audience through art and culture. Midas' experience and training add credibility to this initiative, potentially generating a lasting impact. This project has the potential to inspire creativity and inclusion in multiple communities.

This proposal effectively leverages prior successful initiatives and provides a clear vision for continued impact. The inclusion of accessibility tools for the colorblind demonstrates a deep understanding of Nouns values.

This proposal lacks a clear connection to the core of the Nouns brand. I believe a more compelling proposal would incorporate Noggles more organically and not be just an off-chain experience. There should be a more cohesive plan on how the program could be brought onchain.

I like the ambition of this project and think it's a great way to blend traditional and on-chain creativity. The team has also demonstrated success with their previous proposals, making me more confident in their execution capabilities. This project could be really effective at bringing Nouns to a new audience and expanding its reach to a global community of artists.

This proposal has a strong history of success with previous projects, and it continues to align with Nouns values. I am confident that it will reach new communities and expand Nouns.

This is a great proposal to bring Nouns to a new audience, making art and creativity accessible. I think it would be beneficial to explore the potential of the proposed color tool to support visually impaired artists. The project is very ambitious, but the team has a great track record and seems dedicated to fulfilling it.

The project is already underway and shows impressive results. Expanding the project's reach and impact is in alignment with Nouns' core values. I'm excited to see how this proposal develops.

This proposal represents a great opportunity to connect Nouns with a global community and encourage creativity. The emphasis on inclusivity through accessibility tools and workshops for visually impaired artists aligns perfectly with Nouns' mission to do good. I'm excited about the potential for the Farcaster Gallery to become a central hub for sharing artwork.
