


All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This is one of the rare occasions when Nouns has a chance to create its own IP, build something truly unique, and reach a larger audience. These films have garnered positive awards and feedback, and I believe this project has the potential to contribute something special to the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal would be more impactful if the creative team worked with existing Nouns projects to build on their narrative and incorporate their characters and worlds into the movie. This could also help to drive engagement for those projects.

I love the idea of seeing the full Nouns Movie and it is something I will support in the future. However, I think that having 1-2 minutes per episode makes the most sense to keep community engaged and not make a boring film. I am also not sure if having a full length Nouns Movie will have any value to the DAO. Perhaps, a few short, stand-alone shorts might be more impactful.

It’s good to see the Nouns movie moving forward and excited to see what the team can create. Also, it's amazing to see the project garnering attention from festivals around the globe.

I’m in support of more Nounish content and would be happy to see a longer form documentary. However, this feels like a very large commitment for two episodes. If it included more of a narrative arc, or more community involvement, I would be more supportive.

I really like the concept of the movie and the teams work, however, I think the proposal could benefit from additional details on how the funds will be used and a clearer explanation of the intended impact for the community. Also, a few more examples of how the project will be promoted would make a difference.

This prop feels a bit rushed. It doesn't sufficiently showcase how the content is going to be used to benefit the DAO. It also lacks details about distribution. The proposal could be improved by providing examples of potential partnerships that would bring value to the DAO.

I'm confident in the team's ability to deliver an engaging and high-quality product. The previous work is impressive and the narrative is well-developed for the next chapters.

It's exciting to see this project continue to move forward, especially with its strong reception from audiences. I appreciate that the project is delivered in stages to avoid any risk of disrupting the current production cycle.

While I appreciate the work and progress on the project, I think it needs a more in-depth look at the long-term vision for Nouns as a cinematic universe. This needs a more defined roadmap, marketing plan, and engagement strategy. The budget could be better utilized if the team focused on a broader community involvement approach for the project.

While I enjoy the work the team has done and the project is well documented, I think it would be better to release this film with an open license rather than gating access via tokens. This makes it easier for the community to celebrate, distribute, and further remix this project. I would also encourage sharing a higher quality preview for a broader audience.

A great idea but the proposal is a bit generic. I would be more inclined to support a proposal for a specific release or event, for example, a prop for the premiere of the next episode on a particular platform or a prop to fund the creation of a specific scene. I would also like to see more detail on the deliverables for the funds requested, and how the team is going to achieve those deliverables.

I'm excited about what this project can achieve, but it needs a lot of work to be palatable to the DAO. The team should explore alternative funding methods outside of a large single request. Also, the proposal needs to be more concise. If this were to be a prop I would be a yes if there were a more detailed breakdown of the specific production costs and a 50% cut to the total USDC ask. I also want to see some of the work the team is currently building before I give them this money.

I see the vision for this project and love that the team continues to produce and submit updates to the Nouns community, but I believe that this proposal would benefit from a more detailed roadmap for how these funds will be used. For example, a more concrete breakdown of how the funds will be allocated between specific tasks like scripting, animation, sound design, and post-production would provide valuable context for voting.

While I've praised Atrium and this project in the past, the budget feels like it's gotten out of control with the lack of additional features planned for the new episodes. The budget was reasonable in the past, but now feels unsustainable. In order to ensure the continued success of Nouns Movie, it needs to become self-sustaining as soon as possible. There needs to be a more detailed outline of plans for audience engagement and monetization, especially with the amount of money this proposal is asking for.

This proposal is a natural extension of the previous successful Nouns movie, and I'm interested in seeing where they take it. It's a unique film made by a great team, and I am looking forward to the final episodes.

The budget is too high. Instead of creating an 11-minute long film, I suggest producing shorter videos between 2-5 minutes in length.

The Nouns Movie project has had significant success but I am concerned about the ability to sustain the budget and the lack of a clear plan for monetizing the episodes.

It would be more helpful to the Nouns community if the proposal was to just release EP 6. That would enable the entire Nouns community to view this episode and provide feedback to the team. It also provides a clear path for the team to get the rest of the funding for episode 7.

I have supported the Nouns Movie project in the past, and I’m impressed by the team’s commitment to a high quality product. The project has received great accolades and is also a very good way to bring new people into the Nouns ecosystem.

The proposal is vague and lacks concrete details about the content, the target audience for these episodes, and the impact of the film, making it difficult to judge its value for the Nouns community.

The production of the film has reached a critical stage, and providing funds to complete episodes 6 and 7 will ensure the Nouns Movie Project concludes with a successful release.

I think it’s important that the Nouns Movie team release both Chapters 6 and 7 at the same time. This will ensure that the project’s storyline remains engaging and audiences do not lose interest while waiting for the next chapter to be produced.

The team should make the script for the next two chapters available to the community to review and give feedback. As always, transparency and community engagement are vital to the success of any project.

I think this proposal is a bit too broad in scope. I would like to see the proposal be more specific and focus on one episode at a time. I think a more focused approach would be more effective.

Would like to see more work completed for this prop before funding this large ask. The project is still under development, and it seems like it is in a early stage. Would be more open to a smaller ask, or to vote on this prop after we see some of the deliverables are already finished.

I appreciate the team’s work on these first five episodes and the amount of money put into the project. I’m not sure that we need to continue to fund this particular project, but I want to support the team by not disqualifying them from future funding by voting Against.

This feels like a huge ask and the only way to make this happen is to give them more than just an "okay" amount of runway. This might be a good prop once the movie is closer to completion, but not quite yet.

This is a fantastic initiative, and the team has a great track record. However, I think this proposal could be improved by showing how the community could be further involved in the process of these two episodes. It could even include a gamified approach that encourages Nouns participation through tasks or challenges, which would be another great way to proliferate the Nouns DAO!

The proposal states that the team is targeting a November finish on Episode 5. This is too aggressive a timeline with previous episodes averaging between 6-8 months for production time. This proposal lacks detail on the production plan and relies heavily on previous deliverables as justification.

The production team for this film is top notch, but the proposal could benefit from more granular information on the production schedule, as well as how the team plans to utilize the funds for story and scripting.

This is a great project, I would love to see Nouns Movie complete, but it's unclear how this project will help Nouns attract an audience and proliferate the brand. I suggest the team create a marketing plan and work with partners to promote the movie in a way that will expand the Nouns brand.

While the project has been recognized by multiple film festivals and has received positive reviews, the proposal lacks detailed information regarding the specific production costs for Episodes 6 & 7 and how the funds would be used. The proposal should be more specific regarding the budget breakdown and production milestones. Also, the proposal would be stronger with information on how the DAO can engage directly with this initiative, and how it would be able to contribute to future episodes.

I believe the team has the potential to do great work. I'm not comfortable with the ask. The proposal lacks information about the budget. I'm not confident in this proposal and am requesting a detailed breakdown of the costs and what they are for. The proposal does not show a clear understanding of the Nouns ecosystem. The team is actively working to incorporate the Nouns aesthetic into the story. There should be a more focused plan to include the Nouns community.

While the vision is impressive, I would like to see more clearly defined milestones and deliverables for this budget request. The proposal mentions many potential benefits, but lacks tangible evidence or concrete plans. I believe a more incremental approach with shorter-term milestones would be more appropriate.

I love what Atrium is doing but I’m not confident that it will make sense to the community outside of the Nouns ecosystem, and I’m not sure the community is ready to watch a series like this in its entirety. Also, the proposal feels too vague and doesn't provide details about how the episodes will unfold. It’s difficult to get behind an idea without a clear sense of what the end result might look like. I would love to see a v2 of this proposal with the complete scripts, the intended tone and overall arc of the series. It would be great to see some additional information about the intended audience and an understanding of why this might resonate with a broader community.

The proposal doesn’t make sense to me right now. I think we should focus on the completion of this project first and then think about future phases. It’s a bold project but we are early in the development of this movie and have had a lot of feedback on it from the community, which we should be absorbing before requesting more funds.

I love the concept and want to see the project completed, but I think there’s a lot more detail needed to justify such a large request. I also think this would be a good project to split into multiple smaller proposals.

The proposed work is a continuation of a successful Nouns project with a talented team and clear goals. It's exciting to see them deliver on their vision.

The proposal lacks a clear roadmap for distributing episodes 6 and 7. How will they be made available to the community and what will the distribution process look like?

This project has already received awards and positive feedback from its audience, further establishing it as a promising venture.

I see the proposal is asking for funding to continue a long-term project with a clear end in sight. I just don't see the value proposition for the DAO or the community here. The proposal should provide a way for the DAO to see lasting benefit beyond just watching episodes or having a few token gated releases.

Excited for this project to continue, but this iteration needs a lot more before I can vote For. It feels rushed and I need to see more before being convinced that this would be a good use of Nouns DAO funds. I'm also not sure that the intended impact of this proposal is clear, I believe it is missing a strong vision for the next two episodes.

The team should focus on completing the movie and submit a separate proposal for future phases after it is finished. The current proposal feels more like a marketing campaign that doesn't justify the request for funds. I would like to see more emphasis on the movie itself and less on the surrounding events.

I'm a fan of the proposal concept, but I think the current form is a bit detached from community interest. There seems to be no real value in providing token-gated episodes that only those who have purchased the Nouns movie can view. I’d prefer a model that would instead make more of these episodes available freely on Youtube, or to expand the current token-gating to include a larger group of people who own other projects. More details on the narrative and overall theme of the movie for the upcoming chapters would be helpful to get onboard.

I like the direction of this project but I feel that the proposal needs more clarity on how we will use the requested funding. To improve the proposal, a more detailed explanation of how the funds will be allocated and the specific deliverables for each episode would be helpful.

I would prefer if the team offered more visual representations of the story. The current proposal would also benefit from a stronger overview of how the project could benefit Nouns.

I think the current proposal could be improved by showcasing more artwork or examples of the film in the body.
