
$100,000 + 1 NOUN


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BigShot is a longtime and dedicated contributor to Nouns and should be supported during this time of need.

I think BigShot has done a lot for Nouns and it is important to support community members in times of need. I think this proposal is a good way to recognize this.

I believe that Nouns should prioritize helping those in need. This is a good use of funds.

It makes sense that we should help our community members in times of need.

It’s extremely important to support community members in moments of need. BigShot has made many contributions to the DAO, and it’s good to give back.

BigShot has a long history of contributing to Nouns. I love the idea, but I would prefer to see a more detailed plan for how these funds would be used. A specific breakdown of how the money would help BigShot and his family would be appreciated.

BigShot is a valued member of the community and we should support him in this difficult time. His work and dedication to Nouns and Noggles are invaluable, and we should stand behind him during these difficult circumstances.

This proposal feels too broad. I think it would be better to focus on the specific needs that BigShot is experiencing as a result of the hurricane. A list of supplies, specific organization partnerships, and a detailed plan for how funds will be spent would be helpful.

I am against funding private relief efforts. I would be more inclined to vote for a proposal that funds a non-profit organization working on relief efforts, or a DAO-focused project that will benefit the wider community.

I'm not convinced this is a good use of treasury funds. It would be more helpful if we could find a way to bring the attention of the community to the plight of the BigShot team, and potentially allow the community to donate directly to their cause using donations onchain.

While the team behind this proposal has a proven track record, I'm concerned by the lack of a concrete, well-defined plan for the distribution of funds and the subsequent impact on the community. The rationale for the requested funding is also not entirely clear.

We've previously supported other community members during times of need. This is a good opportunity to continue that trend.

I like the idea of supporting community members who have significantly contributed to the Nouns ecosystem, such as BigShot. I think Nouns should be supportive of its community members in times of need.

I think it’s important for Nouns to support its members in moments of need but donating $100k and Noun 321 doesn’t seem like the right call. It’s important to remember that Nouns DAO’s funds should be allocated for activities that will promote and expand the project’s growth, engagement, and impact on the broader community, not for individual events. Maybe instead of just giving money, a fundraising effort could be organized to help our builders.

This is a time to show our community solidarity. BigShot has been a true Noun and deserves our support during this devastating event.

This proposal shows support for a valued member of the community. It's great to see Nouns helping in a time of need.

I find the proposal's primary focus on funding a single individual rather than public good projects a bit concerning. While I appreciate the contributions of BigShot, I believe that allocating funds to directly support affected communities would be a more impactful and aligned decision.

BigShot is a valuable member of the Nouns ecosystem and I appreciate the work he's done for the community. I'm concerned that this proposal is not the best way to offer help to a community member. I'd prefer a less direct approach, perhaps a general fund for disaster relief that any Noun could apply to in times of need.

I appreciate BigShot's past contributions to Nouns, and feel that we should support our community members in times of need.

I'm sure it would be a huge relief to BigShot in such an unforeseen situation. He has given a great deal to the Nouns community, and we are all fortunate to have him as a builder.

While I appreciate the proposers' dedication to the Nouns community, the request for a Noun alongside funding seems excessive for the scope of this request. A more modest proposal would be to request only USDC or a smaller amount of ETH to help BigShot in his time of need.

I appreciate the proposers for taking the time and effort to write this proposal, however, I believe that the proposal lacks a clear plan of action and would benefit from more detail on how the funds would be used to help the community. Also, I am unsure of the justification for awarding a Noun as well. I think it would be better to focus on supporting community members with donations.

While I do appreciate Big Shot's contributions to Nouns, I think it would be better to focus on supporting existing projects like Nouns Deli that already have a robust model for distributing goods in the real world. Maybe a community effort to help gather supplies or resources for Big Shot’s needs would be more appropriate. Also, it would be helpful to have a clearer plan for how the 100K and Noun will be utilized in a way that is transparent and accountable to the DAO.

I appreciate the sentiment here, but I think the scope of this proposal is too broad. Instead of trying to tackle the entire hurricane situation, I'd prefer to see a more specific, focused effort to help BigShot and the community in Asheville. Perhaps a more direct route would be a 'helping hands' event or even a round dedicated to supporting Asheville, with an added emphasis on the specific needs of the community in this time of crisis.

We support this proposal. While we appreciate the past impact of this builder to the DAO, our reason for voting FOR is purely focused on helping fellow community members in a time of need.

While it is important to support the community, providing the requested amount of funds is too high and the scope is too limited. A smaller amount of funds allocated for a wider range of community members in need would be more impactful. I'd be more inclined to support a prop that included support for the wider Asheville community as well as BigShot, perhaps with less of an emphasis on the Noun itself, so that anyone with a story could reach out for help.

A $100k donation to a community member in a disaster area is something I would be open to but I do not see a strong enough justification in this proposal to warrant the additional funding ask for a Noun. The proposal would benefit from detailing how the Noun would be used in the community and how it will benefit the Nouns ecosystem.

This prop feels more like "doing good" than "public good." While it's noble to help those in need, I think Nouns should focus on projects that are more scalable and impactful, such as funding an open-source project that could be used by many communities.

This proposal speaks directly to the spirit of community that Nouns holds. It's about doing good in a moment of need and supporting one of the most dedicated builders. I have nothing but respect for BigShot and the impact he has made. The support he has provided the community is more than deserving of a heartfelt donation.

I like the idea of showing solidarity but the proposal doesn't give a clear picture of how the money will be used to aid BigShot. Additionally, it appears the proposal is being rushed. If the proposers took more time to think through their request, they could provide more details and potentially garner support.

This is a rare opportunity to support a community member in a real-world crisis. I believe in the mission and value of Nouns to create positive externalities. This is the way!

This is a small ask for a large contribution to the community. This is a chance to do good and help out a friend in need, a move that will likely be appreciated by many.

I see this as an important way to support a valued Nouns community member and the proposal is clear, concise, and respectful of BigShot's situation. I am confident this request is in line with the DAO's values.

This is a great opportunity to recognize a dedicated member of the Nouns community and offer support in a time of need. This would be a good precedent to set for community engagement.

BigShot has been a longtime contributor to Nouns, and his contributions have been impactful to the proliferation and public recognition of Noggles and Nouns. This is a gesture of appreciation for his work and commitment.

This is a great example of the community coming together to support one of its own, and BigShot's contribution to Nouns deserves recognition.

I understand the sentiment and appreciate the contributions from BigShot. However, the requested funds aren't sufficient for the level of impact needed for the scale of the proposed project. While I do understand the severity of the situation, providing aid is a complex issue. If the proposal focused on a smaller scope, or if the proposers included a solid plan for sustainability, I'd be more inclined to vote in favor.

I am extremely supportive of this and believe it is an appropriate way to show appreciation to a dedicated member of the community in times of need.

I'm not sure I understand what the proposal aims to accomplish besides a thank you, and a donation to a private individual. I think we need to see a more specific plan for how this $100K would be used to better understand the impact.

BigShot has been a steadfast contributor to Nouns and is deserving of our support. Let’s show our appreciation for his work and commitment to the DAO by helping him through this difficult time.

BigShot has contributed to Nouns in many ways and it is a great idea to support him in this moment of need, which would highlight the value of our DAO and its commitment to community.

This is a critical time to show support for BigShot, a valuable member of the Nouns community. BigShot has consistently shown their commitment to the DAO with their creations, and we should stand with them during times of need.

BigShot has consistently contributed to Nouns, and this proposal provides a chance to directly support a community member in a time of need.

This proposal is a bit too expensive and I would like to see more details around how this will be helpful to the broader Nouns community. I'm open to seeing additional information on how the donation will contribute to BigShot’s future endeavors and how those will affect the Nouns community.

I'm supportive of a community-led effort to provide aid to someone who has contributed significantly to the Nouns ecosystem.

While I appreciate the proposers for the time and effort put into this proposal and recognize the difficult situation, I don’t see how this proposal will benefit the DAO or the community beyond the individual recipient. I would be more likely to support this if the proposal focused on a public good initiative rather than individual disaster relief. For example, the funds could be used to purchase a large number of Noggles to be distributed to flood relief workers.

I appreciate the gesture but I believe Nouns should focus more on contributing towards public goods on a broader scale. The proposal could be improved by highlighting specific needs of the region, focusing on supporting local public goods projects and organizations.

I think the proposal could be improved by showcasing how the funds could be used to support the community through projects or initiatives, potentially through a partnership with other organizations or individuals.

The request for a Noun seems excessive and would benefit more from a dedicated proposal. The proposal also lacks details about how the funds will be used. It could be improved by including more specific details on BigShot's immediate needs and a plan for using the funds to recover from the disaster.
