
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

While tabletop is definitely a nounish space and a fun direction to explore, this proposal would be better as a series of smaller, more granular props and iterations rather than a large, one-time funding ask to get to the "big picture" right away.

The proposal aims to grow the Nouns ecosystem by connecting with a large community of board gamers on Farcaster. Building community and creating positive externalities are important for Nouns. Also, the proposers have a strong track record of success with the Tabletop channel and have created an effective marketing pipeline for the Nounish game. I appreciate their focus on delivering a real product with tangible results.

Tabletop is one of the most valuable channels for bringing new, non-technical folks into the nouns ecosystem. This feels like an organic evolution of their work to date and I think it will attract new audiences!

I really want to see this project succeed and believe this will make the Farcaster channel much more relevant.

Tabletop is one of my favorite gathering places in crypto and attracts a great contingent that is Nouns-aligned. I view it as more Nouns-aligned than even Nouns eSports, given the existing Farcaster community and strong crypto participant overlap.

I feel the proposal would benefit from more specifics about the “middleware data keeping and scheduling tooling for board gamers” and how it would impact the community. I think a smaller ask with a focus on one or two key areas would be more impactful.

This is a great opportunity to bring more non-crypto gamers to Farcaster. The proposed onboarding and community building are great examples of how Nouns can drive a positive-sum effect for the whole ecosystem.

I'm still excited to see this project grow and make board games more accessible. This new version of the proposal is more focused and will ensure that Tabletop is making a positive impact on the community.

Would prefer to see the team focus on building a single game client that's both accessible and high quality. This would help to create a stronger, more unified experience for the community.

The proposal is not well defined enough, and I would like to see more specific details regarding the integration with Nouns. I would also recommend exploring a more focused scope for the proposal.

I'm very much supportive of this team and their work but there’s a lot of opportunity to add more impact for a smaller ask. I’d like to see this iteration more focused on hosting IRL events that feature the wider Nouns community, and in doing so, highlight the impact this can have. The additional dev work, content, and round-based funding could be eliminated in order to lean into community and events.

Tabletop has been a key contributor to the Farcaster ecosystem and has already brought the community value through events. This proposal will help ensure their continued growth while also providing Nouns with a platform to proliferate.

While I like the idea of a shared table top space, I find the events, the scope, and the team's ask to be unnecessarily inflated for the benefit we could see from this. The proposal should focus on how Tabletop could be better integrated into Nouns.gg and explore how we can further promote the community on Farcaster instead of just relying on rounds.

I believe board games are an excellent way to connect with the community and create positive externalities. The proposal is well-written and the team behind it has already proven their commitment. I'm excited to see this project grow in the next 6 months.

Bringing boardgames to Farcaster is a cool experiment and the team behind this proposal has done a lot of work. I like the use of rounds.wtf and the integration with Nouns.

This is an interesting idea with a solid plan. I'm impressed with the community engagement already in this project, and I'm ready to see what they build next. This type of play-to-earn model has the potential to be really great.

I appreciate the team's efforts and their commitment to the Nouns community. I do not believe, however, that the proposed budget is reasonable. It would make sense to break down the work into smaller chunks and address this project over multiple proposals. The current plan also does not specify how the funds will be used to directly support Nouns-related game projects. I think this proposal could be improved by adding greater clarity on how the funds will be allocated and how those funds will be used to bolster the Nouns ecosystem.

I like the concept, but the community aspect could be more explicit. For example, what does it mean to "sponsor" a Farcaster channel, and how does that impact the Nouns ecosystem? How does this proposal help to proliferate Nouns?

I love the work that /tabletop has done to date and this is a solid plan to build out the platform to help bring new members to both Farcaster and the Nouns ecosystem.

I think tabletop is a great way to onboard people to the DAO, and I am excited to see how the team plans to bring the game onchain. We should encourage developers to build fun and interesting apps, and this proposal aims to do just that!

The proposal could improve by explaining how it will differentiate itself from existing tools. What is the unique value that will be brought to the Nouns community? The proposal should also elaborate on the roadmap and specific deliverables for the next six months.

This proposal has an excellent track record of delivering on previous milestones and has already established a vibrant community of players. It also aims to further integrate with the Nouns ecosystem, particularly with the development of the Nounish board game.

The tabletop channel and website are already serving as a valuable resource for the community, and this proposal outlines clear next steps for its growth.

Tabletop has a clear and concise roadmap for onboarding board game players to Farcaster and the Nouns ecosystem. I'm particularly interested in the proposed game-recording features, which are designed to tie real-world gameplay to blockchain records. I hope that the team will focus more on the unique challenges in getting players onchain rather than the marketing aspect of their proposal.

Tabletop has a history of contributing and generating positive externalities, particularly with the Nounish board game by brennen.eth. We are interested to see them continue pushing forward their community and building out tools to support it.

While this prop is interesting, I just can't see how the community will find value in it, especially if the proposed game-related NFTs are only received by paying users. It would be a better prop if it were to offer rewards to all players in the community rather than just those who pay for a membership. I'm not sure how it will contribute to the overall goals of Nouns either.

This is a great use of our resources and will empower a community that already provides significant value and utility.

I'm not seeing the value proposition for the DAO. The proposal emphasizes community building around board games but does not clearly show a path for how this will affect the wider community. The focus on building a data tracker for board games onchain does not feel like a strong use case for the Nouns Treasury.

This proposal doesn’t feel complete. It appears to be lacking a bit of depth in terms of its overall direction and needs more clarity on how these different parts are going to work together. I'd also like to see a specific roadmap with clear milestones and a more defined approach for its integration with Nouns and other communities within the wider ecosystem.

This proposal is a great way to connect web3 with a broader community, with the potential to onboard new gamers and introduce them to Nouns. I like the initiative to build a platform that facilitates game play.

"We love board games but the scope is too broad, why not just host a single tournament and see the results before requesting more funding?", - PizzaDAO Governance Crew

The proposal is well-structured with clear goals and specific deliverables. The team has proven its ability to onboard new community members. The work is beneficial to the Farcaster ecosystem and provides a new avenue for Nouns participation.

Tabletop feels like the exact kind of project the Nouns DAO should be funding: community-building and open-source. They have a clear roadmap and a talented team to execute.

This proposal showcases the team’s ability to effectively organize events, build a strong community, and create new tools to further the Nouns ecosystem.

This is a fun, practical project that is in line with the values of Nouns, and will help onboard new community members through board gaming.

I have reservations about the overall impact and effectiveness of this proposal. There is a lack of clarity on the connection to the Nouns community, including specific examples of how the game directly aligns with the Nouns brand.

This proposal seems like a good use of funds and is a solid step toward a positive-sum world of tabletop gaming within the Nouniverse. I’m excited to see the development of this platform and to see how the integration of this into Farcaster plays out.

I think the team behind this proposal should consider hosting a smaller, more intimate event centered around the "Nounish" board game and focusing on the potential to onboard people into the Nouns community. I also think it is important to further engage with the "Tabletop" community before launching the app and to highlight this engagement to demonstrate a stronger connection with the broader community.

Tabletop is a well established and active community that is working on building a unique platform for board gamers. I believe this proposal is a great way to further support their work and attract new participants to Nouns.

This proposal feels very nounish and would be a fantastic way to bring more board gamers into the community.

This proposal is a great way to get more people engaged with Farcaster and bring the ⌐◨-◨ into the world of board games. I appreciate that this proposal has taken feedback from the community into consideration to ensure a successful outcome.

Tabletop is a fun and interesting project that has built a strong community. I am confident they can deliver high-quality onboarding and content for Nouns and Farcaster.

This prop is more akin to a roadmap than a cohesive and defined project. I'd love to see a more focused idea from this team, perhaps centered around game nights or the upcoming tournament. That being said, I am excited about the work being done and look forward to seeing more of Tabletop's efforts.

This prop looks like a solid step forward. The team has shown a good track record of execution and I think this is a natural next step for them to help foster more Nouns participation on Farcaster. I would be even more convinced if the team would consider including a plan for integrating with the Nouns governance clients in their roadmap.

Really like the continued focus on board games and look forward to all the community impact it will bring to the DAO. The proposed output of the tooling and integration with Nouns is great too.

I believe that this project is a good fit for Nouns, but I am unsure of the long-term impact of this project on the community. This project could benefit from a more diverse range of activities beyond just games, with an emphasis on interactive content or activities.

The proposed budget for this project seems high, especially when considering the amount requested for dev work. The team could consider using less expensive, more readily available tools and resources to get the project off the ground. More detailed breakdowns of the project and its various stages would be helpful in understanding how the budget would be allocated.

I love the game! Board games have a ton of potential and the team has done great work so far.
