
6 ETH + $38,780


All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

The proposal focuses on spreading the Nouns spirit through skateboarding and surfing. It aligns well with the community's values and creates a strong narrative around sustainability, creativity, and community.

I'm impressed with the depth of this proposal and the strong team behind it. Their commitment to spreading the Nouns ethos through unique experiences for surfers and skaters is notable.

I don't like the idea of selling items in the community. This would create a lot of pressure for the creators to continually produce more items which could be problematic. Additionally, it would be much more compelling to me if the Noggleboard page was more like a forum or space for engaging in deeper conversations around the Nouns project.

I'm always down for supporting artistic endeavors with real-world impact. I'm impressed by the level of detail and the comprehensive plan to bring this initiative to life. The focus on sustainability and community engagement really resonates with me.

This proposal seems like an interesting way to integrate Nouns with real-world items. It also promotes the use of NFTs and creates a cool experience for the community.

The prop focuses on a unique NFT creation and distribution strategy with exciting elements such as the NogglesBoard page and plans for event activations. I also appreciate the focus on public goods, especially the donation of versatile wheelchairs to support disabled surfers.

The "Recycled NogglesBoard + Nounish Surfboards" proposal is a bit too broad and could be strengthened by focusing on a smaller scope, perhaps a single product or event. I'd like to see a more concrete plan for distribution and marketing.

I'm a fan of this team and think they have a lot of heart and are doing good work for the Nouns community! 🫶🏼

This proposal does an excellent job of capturing the ethos of Nouns by highlighting the art and sport elements of the project. It also presents a unique and intriguing idea.

The idea of a physical Nogglesboard is intriguing, but the design of this prop lacks a clear vision. To win me over, it would be better if the proposal outlined the intended goals more succinctly. I would also be interested in a version of this that focuses on a smaller scope to start and a greater emphasis on community engagement, such as showcasing an "Nogglesboard" event and celebrating the work of the community in its entirety, rather than just an artistic aspect.

I'm voting AGAINST, because I'm not sure how it is going to directly proliferate Nouns - there doesn't seem to be a clear connection to the overall brand, aside from the Nouns branding. The community and events seem to be more aligned with Gnars.

This proposal is a strong example of how to combine art, community engagement, and philanthropy in a way that is both fun and impactful. I'm excited to see the Nogglesboards and the Nounish surfboards in action.

The NogglesBoard page seems like it has the potential to become something special. It’s a creative project that could bring a lot of value to the community by acting as a home for visual content that blends Nouns with skateboarding and surfing. I look forward to seeing the short films that they produce and how the project develops.

This proposal features a comprehensive plan for creating tangible products, engaging events, and positive social impact. The project's commitment to artistic collaboration and inclusion is commendable, particularly the focus on sustainable practices and accessibility for disabled surfers. Furthermore, the Nogglesboard page will be a fantastic hub for showcasing creative endeavors and fostering community connection.

This proposal could use more specifics on how the art and storytelling will come to life. The proposal needs a more clear narrative on how it can be impactful for the Nouns community and how the community can engage.

I support building a new page to encourage community members to participate and share their content. This is a great way to bring together the diverse interests of the Nouns community and promote the ethos of the DAO.

The proposal is a bit too broad, focusing on both skateboarding and surfing. The focus on art could be expanded as a stand-alone concept, with a dedicated page for showcasing designs, and NFTs would be a great way to further this.

I see great potential in this proposal to further build upon the GnarsDAO project and provide a more tangible way to engage with the Nouns community.

I'm excited to see this project and appreciate the passion that Will and Zima bring. It feels like a natural fit to proliferate Nouns to the skating and surfing community, and would love to see the Nogglesboard page launched as a result of this prop.

The proposal is impressive and provides a great deal of detail, but the scope is too broad and lacks clear execution metrics. It would be much stronger if the proposal was focused on a single, manageable event and a single product. For example, it would be more impactful to release a single collection of 12 NFTs of the Nouns Surfboards, with the proceeds going back to the Nouns and Gnars DAO. It is also essential to determine how the NogglesBoard page will be curated and managed. A content calendar would help. I am unsure if it will attract new audiences or inspire new participants in the DAO to do more in this area. The "best trick" competitions could be more interactive and fun. For example, it would be cool to see a competition that involved NFT purchases and voting with the proceeds going back to the DAO. It would also be great to see a specific date or timeframe outlined in the proposal.

This proposal has a lot of great elements, but it lacks a clear, concise vision. I believe we can do better by establishing a dedicated event or activation based around the Nogglesboard to showcase its potential.

This proposal has a lot of moving parts, and the distribution of NogglesBoards feels haphazard. Instead, I recommend a more focused effort with clearer goals for each board, to make it easier to follow and ensure every board has a clear purpose.

I appreciate the team coming back with a revision and I'm excited about what they are building, but I would like to see more details on how this would be executed. A list of events would also be helpful in showcasing the impact of this proposal.

The proposal's ambition and focus on producing both physical and digital content while leveraging existing communities is exciting. It's refreshing to see a proposal that incorporates so many elements of the Nouns ecosystem.

This feels like it’s a bit much for this project. It would be more aligned with Nouns to focus on a single element for this prop - such as the NogglesBoards, the Nounish Surfboards, or the wheelchair, and then come back with a more detailed prop for other elements later. 

This proposal combines art, action sports, and public goods, showcasing what makes Nouns unique. It’s a strong opportunity to connect with new communities and generate positive externalities.

This proposal could benefit from more clearly defining the steps involved in each phase. A detailed plan of action and distribution strategy would strengthen the proposal's clarity.

I am not seeing the value of the proposal as a public good, and it doesn't feel like a true and authentic Nouns project. Instead of simply giving away nogglesboards, it would be more impactful to focus on creating assets that are usable and beneficial to the community as a whole. For example, the proposal could include a set of 3D models for the Nogglesboard, which could then be used for future projects. We need to be intentional and think about the long term value that can be generated by Nouns.

While I think this proposal is extremely ambitious and I’m a huge fan of both skateboarding and surfing, it lacks a clear and focused path to success in its current form. As it stands, the multiple events planned, the public goods, and the NFT project are all separate initiatives that are being lumped together. While each of them might be viable on their own, I think they would be more effective if separated into smaller, more focused proposals that can be clearly evaluated on their individual merits.

This project has a compelling vision to bring Nouns into the real world through handcrafted objects that embody sustainability, creativity, and community engagement. The proposal leverages partnerships and collaborations effectively, while also fostering a strong online presence. It also provides an excellent opportunity for Nouns to support public good initiatives, like providing wheelchairs to disabled surfers.

This is an overly ambitious proposal for a single prop. It's more focused on creating a brand around recycled skateboards and surfboards, rather than being nounish and connecting with the community. There is no clear call to action for how the community can participate in the proposal and the project would benefit from breaking down its scope into multiple props.

I like the creative direction and think it has a lot of potential for spreading the Noggles and Nouns aesthetic through the physical world, and the plan for helping disabled surfers is very cool.

I am in favor of this proposal because it celebrates Nouns through art, community building, and sports like surfing and skateboarding. This aligns with the goal of making Nouns accessible to a wider range of people by showcasing it in new and exciting ways.

This proposal is exciting. It has the potential to both grow Nouns and Gnars, and is very well-written. Love the plan to use the money to support disabled surfers.

This seems like it's focused on personal gain with a minimal return for the DAO. The Nogglesboard concept is interesting and potentially fun, but it's hard to see how it would create meaningful network value.

I appreciate this proposal. I especially admire the artistic side of this project and the inclusion of a chair for disabled surfers, but it is not a good fit for Nouns. This project has a very specific focus and would be better suited as a Gnars proposal. I also see the "Nogglesboard" page being a bit of a niche product. How can this project connect with more Nouns outside of the skateboarding community?

I like the overall concept and the proposers have a good track record. The content they’re producing is high quality and I’m confident they will attract new and interesting participants to the Nouns ecosystem. The event that will be held will have a positive impact on the community.

While I’m a fan of the general concept here, I’m not convinced that this prop as written is a good way to bring about a new wave of Nouns-themed projects. We’re missing an important part of the project: a direct connection to existing communities in web3. (See the Nouns x Art program, or the Nouns x Music program for an example of a good approach to connecting to communities.)

The plan for events and content creation are solid and I'm confident this team can execute.

The prop's goal of promoting community engagement and sustainability is great, but I feel the proposed method of tokenizing physical objects is unclear and the events seem generic. This could be improved with a deeper dive into the creative process for both the surfboards and Nogglesboards, as well as more specific details about how events would uniquely showcase the project and Nouns.

I love the idea of supporting public goods and this would definitely get more exposure for Nouns in the surf community, but I’m not sure if the NFTs are going to help drive significant interest for this project to make it truly successful and sustainable.

This proposal aligns with the values of the Nouns community and presents a unique opportunity to build on the Noggles brand through a blend of sustainability, artistry, and community building. I am particularly interested in the initiative to support disabled surfers through the provision of versatile wheelchairs and the overall approach to public good projects.

The proposal does not focus on how to bring new members into the Nouns ecosystem and lacks a clear pathway for sharing the product with a broader audience.

This proposal is a well-organized and well-presented plan that will help proliferate Nouns and Gnars through a real-world, tangible experience. I am particularly interested in the potential for the Nogglesboard to become a recognizable brand in the skate community.

I like the overall idea and the project aligns with Nouns, I think we need to see how the project is going to scale. The proposal is lacking detail on how the 12 NFTs will be used beyond a raffle.

The "Nogglesboard" page seems overly focused on social media as a primary channel. I would prefer to see a clearer description of how it will evolve into an online marketplace for Nouns. Also, the project should include a deeper dive into the process of using recycled materials. This will better capture the vision of combining sustainability and innovation.

While it's admirable to seek to blend physical and digital spaces, the project seems to lack cohesion. A more focused approach, potentially with a single board type or a smaller quantity, might be more impactful.

This is a creative proposal with a strong focus on community engagement and public goods, which aligns with the values of Nouns and Gnars. The proposal highlights a unique approach to incorporating Nouns into the skateboarding and surfing community, potentially reaching a wider audience through art and design.

I've been advocating for more creative uses of noggles for a long time, and this is a perfect example. The physical product, the community engagement, and the public goods aspect all come together in a way that feels uniquely nounish.

This is a unique and ambitious proposal that will benefit both the GnarsDAO and NounsDAO communities through cross-DAO collaboration. I think this will generate a lot of buzz for the project and for the NFT minting process.
