

All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This proposal has a lot of potential, but the event planning feels disjointed and the lack of a concrete partnership with Unhas Esports is concerning. The prop should provide more detail about how Unhas Esports will collaborate on the event.

This proposal is a great way to introduce the wider Indonesian public to Nouns, with a special focus on university students. It is a smart way to utilize existing esports infrastructure in a new and innovative way.

I believe that this proposal would benefit from a wider scope. For example, the event could be expanded to include multiple games, workshops for different skills, and art contests. Adding more activities would increase the amount of content and impact.

I think this proposal is trying to be too ambitious, focusing on multiple activities and events that can be broken down into multiple smaller proposals with a stronger focus on the Nouns angle. For example, this could be done as multiple proposals for separate events: Nounsweek roadshow, Nouns MLBB Championship, Nounsweek Conference.

I'm unsure of this event's impact beyond Makassar, and would prefer to see a focus on a more global community, such as expanding on the previous Bali Nouns Week.

Esports is an exciting way to onboard new people to Nouns, and I am interested in seeing this event become a reality. I would love to see them expand their activities to include a more diverse range of events to attract a wider audience and potentially introduce additional components that would make this a more sustainable project in the future.

While I think this proposal is a strong effort to grow Nouns in Indonesia, I'm not convinced that the event and the funding request are adequately defined.

The proposal clearly outlines the impact of the event, as it targets a large audience of students and gamers. This, coupled with a well-defined marketing strategy, demonstrates potential for strong community engagement and proliferation of Nouns in a new region.

This proposal is well-structured and outlines a clear plan for outreach, with the potential to introduce a large new audience to Nouns via esports. I am also encouraged by the team's involvement with Nouns esports in the past.

This proposal is not well-scoped to ensure widespread awareness. If the team had focused more on the broader community, for instance having a local influencer or artist at the event, and not just the target audience of students, then it would be more compelling.

The event plan is too broad and lacks a clear focus on how ⌐◨-◨ will be meaningfully integrated. A more concise proposal that emphasizes a few key elements with clear metrics for success would be more convincing.

I'm impressed by the work done in Bali and excited to see Nouns Esports expansion. However, this proposal would benefit from more specific details on how the event will unfold, such as how Nouns will be featured and the exact activities planned. Also, I would like to see a clearer roadmap of how the community will be engaged.

Esports has been a great way to proliferate Nouns and I'm very excited to see what Nounsweek has planned. Hopefully this event can help further the mission of spreading Nouns globally.

This proposal aligns with the values of bringing Nouns to global communities in a fun and engaging way.

This proposal needs more context on how the event is going to be executed and the overall vision is not clear. It would benefit the community to have a clear vision of how the Nouns esports expansion will be successful.

While I appreciate the efforts from Nounsweek to bring Nouns to Makassar, Indonesia, I am uncertain how this event directly aligns with the overall goals of the DAO. The proposal could be improved by focusing on a more direct relationship between Nouns and the students, perhaps through an educational workshop that would integrate the ethos of Nouns in a more comprehensive manner.

This event has a lot of promise, particularly with a focus on educational outreach to university students, but the proposed activities feel somewhat derivative of past Nouns events. Additionally, the lack of a clear timeline for the roadshow before the event feels like a missed opportunity to generate more buzz and anticipation. An additional event date for the MLBB tournament would also be helpful. This proposal would be much stronger if it were to include activities that more directly connect with the local community.

The proposal to host the Nouns Esports Students Festival in Makassar, Indonesia, is a compelling way to introduce Nouns to a new and vibrant community. With a strong foundation in esports and a large student population, Makassar offers an excellent opportunity to foster new interest in Nouns. The plan to hold a roadshow to schools, a tournament with a generous prize pool, and a conference with relevant experts aligns well with the goals of expanding Nouns' reach and generating excitement.

This prop will bring a new level of excitement for the esports community. The MLBB tournament and roadshow provide an effective way to introduce students to Nouns, while the conference will help to educate them about the broader ecosystem.

I appreciate the passion and commitment from 0xishal but I’m not sure how well the event aligns with Nouns overall goals and how it would affect the larger community. To improve, a focus on a larger scope that involves more communities and builders would enhance the value of this prop.

While I appreciate the effort put into this proposal, I feel the event is too focused on the Indonesian Esports community. I would encourage the proposers to include more activities that would attract the broader Nouns community in Indonesia or even more broadly across Southeast Asia.

I like the idea but the proposal is too broad and needs to be broken down into smaller more specific deliverables.

I like the idea of this, but I would suggest adding a dedicated section about how you plan to onboard these students to the Nouns ecosystem after the festival - what are the next steps? How do you maintain stickiness? I'd also suggest that this proposal is condensed with a clearer focus on one specific event to increase clarity for voters.

This event will be a fun way to introduce new audiences to Nouns and increase awareness of the DAO in a region that is known for its large esports ecosystem. This proposal has strong ties to previous events hosted by Nounsweek. I'm excited to see a wider audience introduced to Nouns.

This proposal is a great way to spread Nouns but there should be more information about the community it aims to reach. The proposal mentions several organizations that could be included in the Nounsweek festival, but it doesn't explain how these organizations will participate in the project.

This proposal will help grow the Nouns Esports community in a region with a large gaming population, which has historically been a successful channel for attracting new Nouners. It also provides a strong community partnership with Unhas Esports.

While this proposal has a great deal of heart and passion, the event concept is lacking a clear hook that would make it truly stand out. Instead of simply listing a series of activities, I recommend that the team prioritize a single, engaging event that can capture attention. This could be a large-scale Nouns themed MLBB tournament with a prize pool large enough to attract players from across Indonesia.

I like the idea of introducing nouns to students through esports, but the proposal lacks a clear description of how the event is going to be executed and lacks a compelling argument about why it is a good fit for nouns.

The event is well-planned, but the scope feels too broad and the impact not specific enough to warrant the funding requested. I would recommend focusing on a more narrow set of objectives, such as the MLBB championship, and potentially a mini roadshow to one or two schools. A concentrated, high-quality event with clear goals and measurable results would be much more compelling.

The proposal feels too ambitious for the given budget and could be improved by focusing on a more streamlined event that promotes Nouns and esports.

I would love to see this proposal evolve into a more robust and integrated experience at EDCON 2024 with the potential to reach a larger audience through collaboration with local and global Nouns communities.

This event aligns with the goal of expanding the reach of Nouns into new geographic regions and connecting with a new audience. I think it's exciting to see Nouns being used as a tool for education and community engagement. If the event is a success I believe it will be very impactful for the Indonesian esports community.

This proposal could be improved by making the Nounsweek Roadshow available for all students and senior high school students in Makassar, Indonesia. Instead of just 3 universities and 5 high schools, expanding the roadshow could create more interest and participation in the event.

This proposal is too vague on details and lacks clear information on the structure and execution of the event. It needs to demonstrate how these activities will be aligned with Nouns values, how the community will be involved, and how the event will be measured for success. I recommend that the proposers break down the event into clear and concise steps for each stage of the festival, outlining clear objectives and metrics for each stage. This will help ensure that the event aligns with Nouns and has a positive impact on the community.

While the proposal makes an effort to provide information on its impact, it could be improved by providing more concrete metrics and projections for attendance and engagement.

This is a well-structured and detailed proposal that leverages the strong esports infrastructure in Indonesia to further introduce Nouns to a new audience. I’m confident this will be a successful event.

The Nouns Esports team is extremely dedicated to proliferating Nouns and we have seen them successfully build an active community. With a proposal that focuses on educating students about esports, Web3, and Nouns, this event has the potential to reach a wide audience.

This proposal feels too far from the core goals of the Nouns DAO in the scope and the amount asked for. While I appreciate the team’s efforts, I don’t think it would provide enough value for the community given how much the DAO is spending to date. A smaller scale version of this, focusing solely on the MLBB tournament, could be more in line with the kinds of initiatives that Nouns has funded before.

I love the concept of bringing more people into the Nouns community and think this is a great initiative. However, I’d prefer to see more concrete details about the execution and impact of the proposed event, such as specific engagement metrics and how this event would help grow the Indonesian Nouns community. This would provide more confidence in the proposal’s ability to reach new audiences and drive meaningful engagement.

While the Indonesian esports ecosystem seems ripe for Nouns to proliferate, this proposal lacks a clear articulation of how the Nouns community will be involved in the activities planned. The team should outline exactly how Nouns will be represented in the activities planned, how the community can participate, and how the community will benefit from it. This will make the proposal far more appealing to the Nouns ecosystem.

I appreciate the proposers' ambition but I think this proposal could benefit from greater emphasis on localizing Nouns and better establishing community ties to ensure long-term sustainability. I would love to see more details on the Nounsweek Roadshow, how they are partnering with other local communities and what their plan is to bring Indonesian creators onchain.

This proposal lacks details on how to ensure long term impact and sustainability, which is important given the current state of the DAO treasury. This event could be a great opportunity to introduce a larger number of people to Nouns, but it does not clearly articulate a strategy to create a thriving community, and the long-term benefits for the DAO are unclear. 

While Nouns Esports in general is an area that I support, the proposed event is too narrowly focused and would be better suited to be run by the local esports community.

This proposal aligns with the goal of expanding Nouns into the esports scene and the team has a proven track record with Bali Nouns Week. I’m also supportive of fostering growth in the Indonesian community and believe this event could be a valuable contribution.

The proposal focuses on various activities but doesn't offer a clear, compelling reason why Nouns should fund an entire event. A more focused proposal around the MLBB tournament with a specific goal around onboarding would be a better use of resources.

While I appreciate the ambition and enthusiasm for this project, the proposal lacks details about the logistics of the events. The content creation details should be more concise and the budget should be reviewed to see if it can be reduced or reallocated to make it more realistic. Perhaps a smaller initial ask focused on the first part of the event could be more feasible.

This prop feels very promotional and doesn't feel like it goes far enough to genuinely expand the Nouns DAO. The event is very focused and may not be attractive enough to pull in a new audience. While the concept of an esports festival is interesting, the organization should consider other events as part of the festival. It would be more beneficial to have a longer term plan for onboarding this region.

I am always enthusiastic about proposals that promote Nouns in real-world environments, especially when they involve building a new community. The proposed event series seems like a well-organized way to introduce Nouns to new audiences in Indonesia, leveraging the large esports ecosystem, particularly in Mobile Legends.

A local event with a strong focus on a key area of Nouns proliferation - esports - and a large audience of potential new Nouners. Additionally, the event focuses on education and mentorship for the esports scene, which is something that we have consistently valued in past proposals.

This proposal offers a great chance to reach new audiences through esports, a rapidly growing field. I think this is a clever way to spread awareness of Nouns across new demographics.
