
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

I love the description and design process for this new Snake head trait. Really nice job tummlin! Looking forward to seeing all the crazy combinations.

I am not sure that a snake head is an ideal addition. Maybe consider a snake body trait instead so that it can be combined with existing heads.

I really love the snake head and think it's silly and nounish. It also has a strong nostalgic appeal.

The snake head trait is a fun addition to the Nouns collection, but I'm unsure if it will resonate with the community. I think more art could be used to demonstrate how this trait will fit into the wider collection and I would be interested to see if a few community members are asked to create a few Nouns with this head trait in different environments to show how the new trait can blend into the existing collection.

Adding a snake head trait will further enhance the variety and appeal of the Nouns collection. The design is minimal and well-suited for the collection's aesthetic.

I think this is a fun and playful addition to the Nouns collection, and I believe in the team’s ability to execute, so I’m voting in support.

Snakes are always a good idea! This design is minimal and fun – a great addition to the collection.

We're bullish on expanding the Nouns collection with new head traits, and this design is both aesthetically pleasing and well executed.

A new head trait is always exciting and a snake is a fun, nounish choice that could be incredibly popular.

The description of the design process could be more detailed and specific. I would like to see a more thorough explanation of the art choices, and a direct comparison between other head traits. The art also seems to have a bit too much variation in color, and I would like to see a more consistent color palette.

I appreciate the work and time spent by the proposer. The Snake head is a fun, weird, and cool addition to the collection.

I like that Tummlin is taking the time to consider design feedback and is open to collaboration. This could be a great addition to the collection!

I appreciate the artist's work and am confident that this trait will add a bit of whimsy to the collection. Especially given the existing history of successfully adding new head traits.

Snakes are often feared by a large segment of the population. This trait could make people uncomfortable and be a barrier to entry to Nouns for those who are afraid of snakes.

Snakes are a fun and weird trait concept that fits the Nouns collection. I am particularly fond of the design, it seems intentional and thoughtful.

I think this new head trait is interesting and would bring unique value to the Nouns ecosystem. It also aligns with the Noundry system of incorporating community feedback.

Adding a new trait every week can lead to broken frontends, requiring additional maintenance. I think the proposer could consider a longer timeframe for adding new traits to the collection in order to avoid these issues.

A lot of community energy is poured into Noundry and this trait adds a little bit of whimsy.

This is a well-designed trait. The design process is thoughtfully explained. I like how the artist reached out to the community for feedback.

I love snakes and this trait would be a great addition to the Noundry. I'm excited to see what kind of combinations can be made.

I’m a fan of adding more traits to Nouns. The design of the Snake head trait is minimal, but still recognizable and would be a great addition to the collection.

Snakes! I love them and think this design adds an interesting and unique character to the Nouns collection. It’s also great to see how the proposer used the community for feedback, which is something I’ve supported in the past.

This proposal is simple and straightforward, I think the design is great. This would be a welcomed addition to the Nouns collection.

The snake design is unique and would add a fun new dimension to the Nouns collection.

Snakes are a great addition to the Nouns collection! I like how the design takes inspiration from the community and is well aligned with the Nouns values. I also appreciate that this project is adding to the collection and making it more diverse!

The Snake head trait is extremely well designed and blends perfectly with the rest of the Nouns collection. The artistic process described also feels very authentic and aligned with the ethos of Nouns.

Snakes are a super cool and popular cultural element! It's surprising this trait wasn't included already.

I like the art and the story behind it. I especially appreciate the careful consideration of the design and how it aligns with the Nouns collection.

The Snake head trait is a great addition to the Nouns collection. It’s creative, unique, and captures the spirit of Nouns with its minimal blocky design. I’m a big fan of the fact that the design process was shared, allowing the community to provide feedback and ensuring that the final result is high quality. Plus, the idea of a Snake head trait adds a lot of fun and intrigue to the collection!

The proposed Snake head trait design is a fun and creative addition that fits well with the existing Nouns collection. It's unique, captures the essence of Nouns, and will likely resonate with the community.

I think a snake head would be really cool and it adds more variety to the collection. Also, the design process and community feedback that was taken into consideration is a good sign for me.

The proposed Snake head trait is both fun and weird, which fits the Nouns ethos. The design process shows community engagement and adds personality to the head trait, which is a welcome addition to the collection.

I like the design and the way the artist explains their thought process. I think this is a fun new addition to the Nouns collection.

I’m not convinced that the snake head fits into the Nouns aesthetic, and think the design could be improved to feel more organic within the collection. I’d suggest the artist explore using more color and adjusting the body to better compliment the head design.

This proposal represents a great way to continue to build upon Nouns' unique art and open source nature, while also providing an opportunity for more members to participate in governance. I’m also impressed with the depth of the artist’s involvement with Nouns.

I really like the new Snake head trait, it is very distinct and memorable. I would love to see it show up in future Nouns projects and art, so I'll vote for this proposal.

I love the art and the process the artist used to get to the final result. This is the kind of design that will make people feel like it belongs to the collection.

I love a good snake head trait! I think it would be fun to see the community start using it. The artist also went through multiple iterations and got good feedback on the design.

This new trait feels both cool and weirdβ€”a fitting combination for the Nouns. I'm also very interested in seeing how this community-submitted trait will integrate with the collection. It seems like the design process was thoughtful and the artist is clearly engaged in the project, which is a great sign.

Snakes are iconic and this head trait is well designed, a great addition to the Nouns collection. It adds a quirky element to the collection and will be fun to see how the community uses it.

I think the proposal could benefit from adding more examples of how the Snake head would look combined with other traits. It would help illustrate its potential impact to the collection.

I love the work that Tummlin has done for the Nouns and appreciate their dedication to the community but this one doesn’t feel as distinct as some of the other traits. Maybe a snake head with a more prominent forked tongue would make it more unique.

The addition of this trait is a great example of the playful, and absurd nature of the collection, and brings more cultural nuance to the overall universe. I have confidence in this artist's ability to execute on the design brief and would be happy to see their work added to the collection.

This trait is funny and will surely be popular. I appreciate that the artist took feedback from the community. We have seen other artists contribute successful traits to Noundry, I am sure this one will find its place too.

It's a really cool idea, but I think the snake head, as presented, might be too silly to be a good fit for the Nouns collection. I think it would be more compelling if it were submitted through the Prop House and presented to the community first.

The proposal lacks a strong case for why this new head trait is needed within the Nouns ecosystem. For example, what are the other traits that the snake head complements? What new cultural or visual themes are we trying to add to the collection? I believe the proposer should address these points to make a more compelling argument.

I find the Snake Head trait to be both intriguing and visually appealing, adding a fun and unique element to the Nouns collection. I particularly enjoy the design process and attention to detail highlighted in the proposal. This new trait has the potential to unlock new creative possibilities in the Nouns universe.

I am always looking for interesting and fun additions to Nouns. This proposal will expand the art of Nouns and could even introduce more people to Nouns.

A Snake head would be a fun and welcome addition to the Nouns collection! I appreciate the artist's design process and how they incorporated community feedback. This proposal will provide a new dimension of creative expression for Nouns.
