
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

The abacus head seems like a good fit for the Nouns collection. I particularly like the artist's reasoning about the abacus representing knowledge and precision which is something we should continue to explore as a community.

I like the concept of adding new traits but I would like to see some additional details on why this particular design is considered unique or important. 

I think this trait is both culturally relevant and aesthetically pleasing. Also, I'm a big fan of Nadia's art and would love to see her awarded a Noun.

The proposal fails to fully explain the artistic value of the new trait in relation to the collection's overall aesthetic. A more in-depth explanation of its conceptual value would improve the proposal.

I appreciate the artist's hard work and enthusiasm, but the Abacus head is too simple and needs more creative elements to fit in with the other traits.

Would love to see some playground examples that show how the abacus head trait can be used with various other head and body traits to illustrate how it would function. Also, I think it would be nice to provide some context on what makes this specific Abacus design unique and how it was inspired by the Nouns ecosystem.

I really like this trait and believe it's a great fit for the Nouns collection. The Abacus head adds historical context and also aligns well with the collection's emphasis on simplicity and playfulness.

Abacus is a fascinating choice of head trait. It adds a touch of historical relevance and thoughtful complexity that fits well within the Nouns collection. We're excited to see how this new head trait will inspire new art and memes within the community.

Adding new head traits is something that will make the Nouns ecosystem more diverse and adds to the project's cultural relevance. With so few new traits being released, this trait helps to push that direction.

I like it. The abacus is a fun and unique addition to the Nouns collection, and I am excited to see this trait added.

While I appreciate the effort put into the design, I'm unsure about its fit with the current Nouns style. I think it would be better to see more varied head traits.

I have no doubt that this trait would be a hit amongst the Nouns community and the Abacus is a perfect addition to the collection. It's an iconic cultural icon.

I find the abacus head trait interesting and a good addition to the collection.

The proposal aligns with Nouns’ aesthetic by adding a unique trait that is visually appealing and culturally relevant.

This proposal is an interesting new head trait that feels right at home with the Nouns collection and is likely to contribute to new artistic expressions. The artist is a strong contributor to the Nouns ecosystem.

I am unsure of the merit of giving away a Noun for a contribution to the collection. I think this would make more sense if it was an open edition of the Abacus head. This could be a good opportunity to fund other artists in the Nouns ecosystem.

While the Abacus head trait is interesting, the proposal lacks a clear articulation of the design considerations. A section detailing how the Abacus head was designed, the reasoning behind the selection, and how it fits with the overall aesthetic of the collection would increase the likelihood of a favorable vote.

It seems like a solid and straightforward proposal for a new trait for Nouns. The Proposer has a strong track record of contributions to the ecosystem, and is using the new Noundry Gallery to do it.

I see this proposal as a positive step for Noundry and would like to see more trait proposals like this that contribute to the Nouns ecosystem.

I’m very impressed by the detail in the proposal, but I’m unsure how the abacus would meaningfully contribute to the Nouns collection. I’m curious to see how the artist envisions this trait incorporated into the existing Nouns universe and if they could provide some more specific examples to help clarify the proposal.

While I like the art, and am a proponent of giving contributors Nouns, I think it's more important to give a Noun to a contributor for actions *within* the Nouns ecosystem. This proposal should be re-submitted to emphasize that. It could also be reframed to be a contest based on the creation of a new trait.

I love the abacus design. I think it’s truly *nounish*. Sadly, awarding this specific Noun feels off. I would rather see a more organic process in place that rewards artists with Nouns or a better system for doing that. The team should consider suggesting an alternative approach.

The abacus is an excellent addition to the Nouns collection and helps further the collection's diversity. I'm impressed with Nadie's work and dedication to Noundry.

The abacus is a fantastic and widely recognizable symbol for Nouns. This is also a great way to recognize the artist, who is a prolific creator.

The abacus head trait is a good idea, however it lacks context and narrative about its integration within the broader Nouns world. This could be strengthened by highlighting how this trait enhances the collection's diversity or connects with a specific theme or project.

The abacus is too complex and would be hard for any NFT project to use. I would be more compelled if there was a more simple and minimalist approach to the design.

The abacus is a cool concept - I think it's fun but it doesn't feel like it adds enough value or originality to the collection. I’d be more inclined to vote for if the artist included a more cohesive background in addition to the abacus.

The abacus is a historically important symbol of learning and calculation. Adding it as a trait would be a fun and recognizable addition.

The Abacus is a unique and fun trait, and the artist has been an active member of the community. This feels like a good opportunity to give back and reward a creator. 

I believe this trait would be a welcome addition to the Nouns ecosystem. I am excited to see how this trait could be utilized in future projects and initiatives.

This proposal only adds one head trait and I'm not sure if that is enough to justify a Noun. I recommend adding a few more traits to this proposal so it can have more impact on the collection.

I've been in favor of adding new head traits in the past, and this is no different.

Adding a new trait is important for Nouns' growth and this is a well-designed trait that aligns with the Noundry and gallery projects.

This abacus head is a fantastically quirky addition that feels very much in the spirit of Nouns. The artist has a strong history of high quality submissions.

This new head trait is a welcome addition to the collection given its unique nature and ties to the larger artistic ecosystem. The creator has made a great deal of contributions to the Nouns community through the Noundry Gallery and I am happy to see that they are able to further showcase their talents within the Nouns ecosystem.

The proposal only requests a noun. It would be better to have the proposal include a project or an action that goes along with the head trait. There are a lot of talented artists in the community that would love to participate in such an initiative.

The Abacus head is a bit on the boring side for me, but I'm always down for adding new art to Nouns. A good way to make this a bit more interesting would be to incorporate elements into it that tie in with the Nouns project history. Maybe include a subtle reference to something like the first 100 Nouns or early proposals. Perhaps even consider a unique Abacus bead configuration that reflects the current treasury breakdown!

It’s really cool to see another trait submitted! I like the pixel art here. But the abacus is not something I see being widely associated with nouns or triggering widespread recognition.

This trait feels on brand with its quirky yet simple approach, fitting seamlessly with the Nouns collection. It's also a nice nod to the history of calculation and a fun touch for a Nounish pfp.

The Abacus head trait is a perfect fit for the Nouns collection, and Nadie has a track record of delivering amazing art.

I am not sure if this is the best use of a Noun. I'm not a big fan of awarding Nouns to artists for creating traits. The proposal could be improved by focusing on using the Abacus trait to make a larger event or project.

The proposal doesn’t feel weird enough. The abacus is not a unique trait. It could be made more fun or absurd with the addition of a bead sliding around the abacus. Would be interested to see this trait with a dynamic element.

This trait is a natural and playful fit for the collection, and is especially relevant given the emphasis on financial literacy in the community. Thanks nadie!

The abacus feels a bit too niche for me personally. I'd love to see a more universal item in the next proposal. Maybe something like "streetlamp"?

This proposal is not well-defined in its goals or impact. While it is great to see the creator of the Abacus trait being rewarded, the proposal does not clearly demonstrate a measurable benefit to the Nouns ecosystem.

I am a huge proponent of the Noundry gallery and think the addition of the abacus head will be a welcome addition. I am also happy to see the proposal includes the NFT contribution agreement which I am sure will have a positive impact on the Noundry ecosystem.

βŒβ—¨-β—¨ The concept of an Abacus head for a Noun is funny and makes sense, but the proposal is missing some details about the design process and the community's involvement in the decision to add the trait. Maybe include some of these details for better awareness and support.

I'm always happy to see more creative traits introduced to the Nouns collection. The Abacus Head is a fun and unexpected addition that might inspire more creative usage.

I think it is important to recognize and reward hard work and this is a simple way to do it.
