
16.6 ETH


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I appreciate the proposers’ ambition but I'd be more supportive if they were committing to being more explicit about their vision and plans for the future. I don’t feel that they've gone deep enough into their goals to be able to justify this level of investment.

This proposal would allow us to be at the forefront of the viral consumer endgame in web3. I think this is a great direction for the DAO to move in.

The proposal relies heavily on an undefined "viral" factor. I am not sure what specific project would be built, or how it would proliferate Nouns? The proposal also seems to lack a clear metric for success, making it difficult to objectively determine whether it is worthwhile. If the proposers created a specific project idea, along with a clear metric to assess if it's successful, I might vote for it.

This proposal is lacking focus in its current iteration. It is important for the proposers to define a clearer scope of work, and outline how the project will specifically contribute to the Nouns ecosystem. I'd love to see another proposal that clearly outlines the deliverables, targets, and metrics, and how these will benefit Nouns. It should also explain the reasoning for this large amount of requested funding, specifically for a short timeframe.

It seems like a large ask for a 1-month experiment. I am not sure how we would measure the success of the project and I don’t think the proposal adequately addresses this. Also, it’s not entirely clear what kind of apps they are building, and there is a lack of specifics on what they want to achieve with the funding. I would support a proposal with more defined deliverables, milestones and metrics to track.

This proposal feels a bit too vague and could benefit from being more specific. It would also be helpful to see a portfolio of past projects that demonstrate the proposers' expertise.

This feels like a very vague proposal. While it's cool to explore building viral apps, I think Nouns can be a more focused and strategic sponsor by committing to a specific project and outcome that's more demonstrably nounish.

This proposal lacks a clear, tangible connection to the Nouns ecosystem, and while the proposers have demonstrated skill, their commitment to spreading the Nouns meme is not fully substantiated.

The proposal is bold, but I would like to see a more clearly defined plan for what they are going to build. If they're looking for 16 ETH a month to do rapid prototyping, I'd like to see the 1-3 apps from previous months before committing to the next month.

The proposal feels a bit too general and lacks specific examples of app concepts. I'd be more inclined to vote For if it was clearer about what the proposers would build, and how those concepts would be 'Nouns-ified'.

While I appreciate their enthusiasm for making Nouns viral, the scope of the proposal feels too broad, and the lack of a defined plan for how to actually make those viral apps 'Nounish' makes it a tough yes for me.

I believe this proposal is the next step in Nouns' journey as a pioneering leader in web3, and its open source and CC0 aspects are perfect for amplifying our community's impact. Let's bring more fun and weird things to the ecosystem.

I think this proposal's focus on building viral apps is aligned with the Nouns philosophy of proliferating the meme beyond just NFTs. It's a bold experiment and I'm curious to see what kind of projects come out of it.

I appreciate the proposers for their time and effort, but I believe this proposal could benefit from more thorough descriptions of the applications that will be built, outlining more specifics around the planned use of funds and expected outcomes. This would help the community make more informed decisions about this idea.

I appreciate the commitment to open source and CC0 but I don’t think Nouns should be funding a viral app studio. This feels too broadly scoped for the current state of Nouns. I would recommend the proposers explore a more specific or smaller scope for a more impactful proposal.

While I love the general idea, this proposal needs to be scoped better and it's too vague for a proposal like this. For example, the proposers could provide examples of the types of apps they'll build.

This proposal aims to fund an app studio incubator. While I appreciate the ambition and effort, it feels like the vision is a bit too broad. The proposal would benefit from outlining a specific roadmap of the applications and their potential impact on the Nouns ecosystem, as well as a clearer explanation of how the funds will be used to support the various applications.

This proposal's strength is the 'viral app studio' concept but it feels too general, lacking concrete examples of what 'viral' even means to the proposers. This makes the ask of 16.6 ETH for month 1 seem risky.

The proposal lacks any concrete details about what apps will be built, which makes it hard to gauge if they will actually be successful. To increase confidence, I suggest the proposers detail their planned app ideas in the proposal, as well as provide a brief explanation of why they believe each app would be viral.

This proposal requires more information to be fully understood. The ‘app studio’ idea seems intriguing, but the lack of specifics is concerning. What types of apps are being proposed? What are the clear goals and metrics for success? It is difficult to endorse this proposal without detailed information.

I appreciate the passion, but the proposed work is too generic to be impactful. I would recommend including specific examples of viral apps that will be developed and how these apps will be directly beneficial to Nouns.

I'm concerned about the long-term viability of this project, especially given that the team has only produced one successful project. It would be better for the team to come back with an updated proposal with a more concrete plan and a clearer vision for how they will ensure the project is successful and self-sustaining.

While I appreciate the ambition of this proposal, I'm hesitant to fund a viral app studio that doesn’t focus on directly integrating Nouns branding and functionality. I would suggest an adjusted proposal that prioritizes building viral apps that are specifically designed to promote Nouns, and demonstrate how our ethos can be implemented in a scalable way.

I'm impressed with the proposers' track record in building viral and successful apps. This proposal offers a high-value, low-risk approach to investing in web3, and I believe that this approach could contribute to the growth of the Nouns ecosystem.

This is an interesting and forward thinking concept, but I think the proposal needs more information. It could be helpful to see some examples of potential apps or how the studio would approach building these apps.

I think this proposal could use more structure and a focus on what makes Nouns special. Defining a few core goals for the viral app studio would improve its impact.

While I'm interested in seeing this concept developed, the proposal is lacking in details. There needs to be a concrete plan of what the team will build and how they will track impact. I would like to see more tangible examples of the types of projects they plan to build. For example, they can list three applications they plan to develop with their budget.

While I appreciate the proposers’ enthusiasm and their previous contributions, I’m not sure I can support this proposal. I do think NounsDAO should be funding projects that contribute to the meme, but I’d like to see a clearer articulation of the scope of work and specific examples of potential projects. I think the team should also consider reducing their reliance on a funding stream, and instead aim for self-sustainability through a more robust business model.

I am highly skeptical of a proposal with a vague outline of deliverables, especially when the funding requested is substantial. I believe this proposal would be more compelling if it focused on a single, concrete project to be completed within the requested timeframe. I’d be interested in seeing more specific examples of potential applications, or even better a proposal for a single app with a clear roadmap.

The proposal is a bit vague. I would suggest that the proposers add more specifics about the apps they are planning to build and how those apps are going to connect to Nouns and its community.

This proposal could be improved by providing more specific details on how the proposed apps will be aligned with Nouns. Providing examples and links to past work to demonstrate the ability of the proposers to make viral applications would also help to strengthen the proposal.

This proposal is interesting but I believe we would be better served by funding projects with a longer term vision. For instance, a fully functional application with clear goals rather than a stream of small app experiments.

I appreciate the proposers for the ambition and commitment to build and proliferate the Nouns ecosystem, but I wish the proposal included a more concrete set of ideas for what they plan to build.

I am skeptical about the potential for viral apps to proliferate Nouns. This feels like a stretch, even if it’s a common belief in the community. It’s also unclear what *specific* metrics of virality the proposers will track, as well as how the DAO might get value in return. Would be more comfortable voting for this if the proposers proposed a clear, specific outcome that’s measurable.

I think this proposal is a little too broad and needs to focus more on specific ideas. Perhaps with a narrower scope, the proposal would be more enticing.

This proposal contains a lot of strong ideas. However, the scope is too broad for the initial ask. To improve, I would suggest focusing on a specific app concept, delivering a working prototype, and then iterating from there.

I'm not sure that Nouns is the right place for this proposal, but I'm very interested to see how it plays out. This concept could be greatly improved by taking a longer-term approach, maybe even 6 months, and providing a detailed roadmap so that the DAO can understand the vision more clearly, and make more informed decisions.

The proposal’s vision is compelling, however the lack of clarity on specific projects and the absence of a clear plan for engagement with the Nouns community makes me hesitant. This proposal could benefit from more detailed project examples and a stronger roadmap for community integration. I would love to see more information on how these projects would be shared with the broader community, particularly with those who are new to Nouns.

I’ve seen several projects where teams create great content and get a large following. I believe this proposal would be more impactful with a clear scope of what exactly is being created and more specific examples of what that content might look like.

This proposal lacks a clear scope of what they intend to build. I'm supportive of a creative studio, but to have the best chance of success I think they should focus on 1-2 well defined, engaging, and impactful viral app concepts.

This proposal is too vague and doesn't provide enough information about the specific apps they will be building. It would be much more helpful to see a detailed plan with concrete examples.

This proposal does not demonstrate a clear connection to the Nouns community or its values. A more in depth description of the apps that would be created would be helpful to determine if they are relevant and impactful to the Nouns ecosystem. The proposed plan does not explicitly address how the viral app studio will incorporate Nouns and its open-source values.

The proposal is light on specifics. I would like to see specific examples of apps that would be built, along with some proposed game mechanics and how these would be shared. A clearer demonstration of these details would be more compelling to vote for.

This proposal is missing clarity on what specific viral apps will be built and the expected outcome. This leaves the DAO with a lot of uncertainty when making a decision.

I think it's great to see NounsDAO investing in building viral apps that would draw people to the ecosystem. I do think that some elements of the proposal could be more fleshed out (like a detailed plan for the first month) but overall I think the team has a strong track record, and their vision is aligned with the goals of the DAO.

This proposal is asking for a lot of money to experiment with the goal of being viral. I don't think that is a good idea. It's best to focus on high-quality initiatives rather than chasing hype. The proposal could be improved by focusing on a specific project, showcasing a clear value proposition, and demonstrating the long-term impact that it would have on the Nouns community.

While I like the idea of creating a viral app studio that is open source and CC0, the proposal lacks concrete examples and focus. I would prefer to see a few specific app ideas and the vision for their virality before I can vote in favor. I appreciate the effort put into this proposal but I think it needs more planning before we can support it.

This proposal seems overly ambitious for one month. The team proposes to build 1-3 viral apps a month while also providing continuous updates and feedback. The team should focus on delivering a few quality apps instead of quantity to make a bigger impact.

This feels like a prop that might work better with a bit more specificity, I'd like to see this team present a set of 1-3 applications that they plan to build in this first month and request funding for them.

I believe this proposal is too risky and the project should be de-risked before seeking more funding. If the proposers could show more success of their prior projects, I could be more supportive of a more iterative approach.
