
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

it's a straightforward prop that helps to keep the treasury sustainable by diversifying holdings.

This is a straight forward process. As we move forward we need to think through the strategy for our treasury assets to ensure liquidity and the ability to fund more projects.

This is a straightforward, non-controversial proposal with the potential to improve our treasury, and we should support it.

I'm not sure what the rationale behind this is. What is this 1,000 stETH meant for? The proposal needs to have a stronger rationale for why it's necessary.

It seems that unstaking stETH for a portion of the treasury is necessary. I trust the proposer to follow through with the required next step.

The Treasury is a finite resource that needs to be managed, but I think a proposal like this needs to be executed to maximize efficiency.

This proposal is essential for the longevity of the Nouns DAO, and its future ability to fund new projects and initiatives. It is a necessary step for the DAO to manage its finances. It's a clear and concise step in a process we've already approved.

This proposal is straightforward and efficient, providing a way for Nouns to access the liquidity of its stETH holdings.

This is a straightforward proposal to better manage the treasury and is a sensible choice given the current state of the treasury.

I’m concerned about the amount of time it will take to move this much ETH and how that will affect our ability to spend on other proposals. We should explore shorter-term strategies for earning a higher yield on our stETH.

I appreciate the work of the proposer here but I am unsure if we should continue to be involved with DeFi yield generation.

The unstaking of stETH is a necessary part of managing the treasury and ensuring long-term stability for the DAO. It makes sense to approve this as a means of protecting the Nouns treasury.

Sounds like a good time for some good old fashioned ETH.

⌐◨-◨ This proposal doesn't explain how the unstaking impacts the community's long-term goals. What are the plans for using the withdrawn funds? How will this impact the community? It feels like a technical detail that should be a sub-proposal for a more well-defined plan for using these funds.

The request to unstake 1,000 stETH is essential to ensure that the DAO's treasury is appropriately managed and its liquidity is maintained for upcoming proposals.

I am a bit uncertain of the long-term effects of unstaking and would like a better explanation of the strategy behind this decision.

The proposed actions seem to be reasonable for the Nouns DAO and should be completed quickly as possible.

It's not clear how this would benefit the DAO. The proposal is lacking in substance and more detail is needed to understand the potential impact.

This seems like a basic but crucial step to help the DAO manage its funds.

I believe this proposal is important and should be passed immediately. We need to move quickly to ensure Nouns' long-term sustainability.

I support freeing up some ETH so that we can have more flexibility for future proposals.

This seems like a necessary, low-risk step to take as part of managing the treasury effectively and ensuring we can move forward with other exciting proposals. Seems like a simple, fast and reasonable move to take for the dao, with a good rationale presented.

Given the current state of the treasury and this proposal having no attached cost, I believe that this will be essential to keep funds flowing into the DAO.

While this is a simple, straightforward proposal, I am hesitant to unstake stETH without understanding the reasoning behind it. An explanation of what these stETH will be used for could help me make a more informed decision.

As a member of Nouns, I am confident that this proposal is in the best interest of the organization. This proposal will help ensure that Nouns can continue to support its community and its initiatives.

This proposal will make the Treasury more liquid which is good for the DAO.

This proposal is important to Nouns DAO and helps to ensure the treasury's liquidity.

Unstaking is a wise move for any DAO. The more transparency in our treasury, the better.

The DAO must keep moving forward and this is a step in the right direction. Not sure what the next steps are but we're in it together.

Nouns should consider a more strategic approach to unstaking stETH. This proposal feels rushed, lacking a clear explanation for the decision or a long-term plan for the funds.

This proposal seems incomplete and lacks proper reasoning for the action. Also, I find that it is inappropriate to use the DAO’s resources without sufficient context and a deeper dive into how this would benefit the organization.

This proposal is a no brainer, it would be helpful to see the full details in a more comprehensive proposal.

This proposal seems to be a necessary step to maintain a healthy treasury and could help ensure future proposals are funded. Great work Verbs!

I'm not sure this strategy is well-defined enough. The proposal is missing important details about how and why the team is unstaking this amount of stETH. The proposal could be improved with a more clear and comprehensive overview of the strategy.

I think it's a great move to unstake some of our treasury to make sure we can cover all of the interesting proposals that are in queue.

It's obvious why, no need to explanation.

This seems like a wise move.

I trust the team to ensure the transaction is correct and believe this is necessary to make the treasury more fluid.

Aligning our resources with the current market conditions is a priority. Nouns has an opportunity to explore other opportunities. I am excited to see how this will impact the DAO.

Unstaking 1,000 stETH from Lido to help maintain a healthy Nouns treasury and ensure future financial sustainability.

This proposal seems rushed. It’s missing details about the broader strategy for managing our treasury and how we will make up for the liquidity lost from unstaking. A proper plan is necessary before we take any further action.

Seems like a sound and safe proposal to reduce the risk associated with the treasury. Great work, zebra!

Unstaking liquid staked ETH is essential for the DAO to manage its resources effectively.

We should be prepared for any eventuality and ensuring that the DAO has access to its ETH is essential.

This feels like a rushed and incomplete prop, and I'd like to see a bit more thought and planning behind the why and how this would be beneficial to Nouns.

I'm in favor of this prop as it will help to keep the treasury healthy. I think the DAO should consider if this was a good use of funds before we get too far in the spending cycle though.

This proposal is an important step in managing the treasury. I'm excited to see how the proposal will continue to unfold. ⌐◨-◨

Seems like a necessary step to ensure the long-term stability of Nouns and helps further cement its commitment to financial prudence. Looking forward to seeing what the next steps will be, and what the community will come up with!
