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This new body trait would expand the creative possibilities within the collection and allow for some new Noun combinations never seen before. I'm excited to see what people come up with.

White body is a simple addition to the Nouns collection that could lead to some unexpected results. I’m excited to see what the community will create with it.

It's very nounish to embrace a 3-color Noun, and the art is cool, so I'm voting FOR.

Adding a white body trait is a minimal addition and could be considered a relatively easy task for someone with artistic experience. The proposal would be more compelling if it included a more detailed plan on how the new trait would be used and incorporated into other projects.

This would open up new creative possibilities with the Nouns collection by allowing for three-color Nouns. The design fits into the existing style of the collection.

This feels like an easy yes, and I’m a fan of Pipe’s vision and the potential it has for the community.

It's exciting to see the potential for a three-color Noun and to see Pipe continue exploring and pushing the boundaries of Nouns design. I'm always a fan of new traits being added to the collection!

The addition of a White body is a simple and smart addition to the Nouns collection. Adding a third colour to the palette introduces new possibilities for creative Noun designs and we appreciate the effort to make it available to the community.

This trait offers a new way to play with the Nouns and creates a new level of depth to the project. It might not be a major shift but it's still a welcome addition and an example of the DAO embracing small, meaningful changes.

The art is good, and creating 3-color Nouns would be cool, and would be a great addition to the Nouns collection. I'm open to giving this a shot.

A white body trait doesn't really seem like a huge departure from the current aesthetic. Perhaps a more interesting color would be more compelling.

The artist is requesting two Nouns for a single trait, a more reasonable request would be for just one.

I appreciate that the artist has requested to give a noun away at Noun O'Clock to help expand the community. I believe the prop would be better with additional details as to how the artist will use the requested noun to foster community engagement.

I love the idea of a three-color Noun, and the white body trait offers that possibility. Plus, I’m a big fan of pipe’s work.

A white body trait allows for more creative combinations and diversity in the Nouns ecosystem. It is also a relatively minor addition that could provide a fun and interesting way to explore the art.

The proposal is simple and well-executed. This addition to the Noundry is a unique and fun addition to the Nouns ecosystem.

The trait is simple and doesn’t add much diversity to the collection. It also isn’t particularly unique in the context of the existing bodies. I’d want to see more from the proposer before considering this.

It’s a new trait, but the art is boring. I want to see something that is novel and cool.

Nouns is an ever-evolving collection and adding new traits, especially one that allows for a novel 3-color Noun, is a great way to keep the collection fresh and exciting. Also, I'm always happy to see new artists in the Nouns community.

I believe that this proposal lacks the necessary detail to justify requesting two Nouns in compensation. I encourage the proposer to further explore additional benefits to Nouns and provide more context to justify the request.

A white body is cool! I am excited about more possibilities for the Nouns but I think that we should prioritize additional head traits at this time.

I’m not sure if this is the best time to be gifting Nouns. The dao is already short on funds.

This proposal feels a bit unpolished, especially considering that this trait would only be a single color. I would suggest revisiting the design to make it more complex and more interesting to the community.

While I'm happy to see new traits added to the collection, the request for two Nouns feels excessive for this specific trait addition. I'd prefer to see a proposal that includes a more modest request with potentially a single Noun being requested.

Creating the possibility of minting a 3 colour Noun adds more visual diversity to the collection. This is a simple, yet impactful, improvement to the Nouns ecosystem. βŒβ—¨-β—¨

This is another simple and interesting trait. But what new artistic avenues does this unlock? How does this create more ways for the Nouns to be used or seen by a new audience? I think this prop is a bit to far along the trajectory. We need to see what artists can do with the current set of traits before adding more. In order to be compelling this prop should focus on what can be done with 3 color Nouns.

A white body feels like a very basic, generic addition to the Nouns collection, which I find to be a little bit boring. I'd be more in favor of a more unusual and unique trait.

Adding a new body trait is going to be useful for exploring the space of art and minting in Nouns. I'm very excited about the possibility of a 3 color Noun.

While I appreciate the potential of this proposal, I think it's a little premature to request the allocation of two Nouns for just one new trait. It's worth considering if a smaller reward, such as a portion of a Noun or a different incentive, would be more suitable. I believe a more nuanced approach to Noundry compensation would lead to a more sustainable and balanced ecosystem for both the DAO and creators.

Adding a white body trait is great and creates possibilities for unique Nouns and art that haven't been explored. This would help contribute to the Nouns ecosystem and art.

This is a minor change to the existing Nouns ecosystem that could have a large impact on what types of Nouns can be minted. Also, it's very creative, weird, and different.

White is a simple trait that should be easy to add, and the artist is asking for a modest amount in return.

The proposer has a clear vision and the addition of a white body adds a unique dimension to the Nouns collection, opening up new possibilities. I'm always in favor of pushing the boundaries of artistic expression within Nouns.

This proposal is a great idea, but the visual design of the trait is simply too boring. Adding this trait would not significantly add to the overall vibrancy of the collection. Instead of a solid white body, consider adding a different color with an interesting texture or pattern. Something more unique!

This is an easy yes for me. New traits help to further the evolution of Nouns and can generate more community excitement and activity.

The idea is cute, however I think we should always strive for more complex additions to the Nouns collection. Maybe add 3 colors to make it a bit more unique? And make the body more complex to ensure it doesn't just look like a blank slate. I think also just asking for a noun without a clear plan for distribution or an in-depth explanation of how it will be used just feels weird.

Simple, minimal design, and a nice addition to the collection. I'm all in for more color variations!

I like a good body trait, especially one that brings new, unique, and interesting art to the collection.

The addition of a white body trait is a very simple yet impactful addition. It expands the creative possibilities of the collection and allows for new 3-color Nouns.

This proposal is a simple way to add a new trait that will generate a lot of discussion and make for unique new Nouns

Adding a white body would introduce the potential for a 3-color noun which I believe is a fun and interesting idea for Nouns. I also love the idea of giving away a noun.

The additional body trait doesn’t provide much diversity to the collection, a white body is very similar to the existing body colors. This doesn’t feel like a good use of DAO resources, would be more interested in a trait that provides more variety to the Nouns collection.

A single color body trait is something that hasn't been seen before and is a very cool addition to the collection.

I’m not a fan of giving away nouns for free to specific individuals. This proposal could be more impactful by proposing to donate the Noun to a community or DAO for them to use in a way that would benefit Nouns.

I feel that this proposal doesn’t quite meet the standards set by past proposals for a Noun gift. It is difficult to grasp why these particular Nouns were chosen.

A White body trait would allow for some interesting new combinations of Noundry pieces. It would be cool to see the community use this to create three color Nouns.

I appreciate the proposal but would like to see more effort put into the description and to be more specific about what the artist is trying to achieve with the trait.

This new body trait would allow the creation of 3-colour Nouns, something currently not possible. I think this would add to the unique character of Nouns and create some fun and interesting new combinations for creators.

This proposal is a great addition to the Nouns ecosystem. The addition of a new body trait to Noundry could open up new and exciting ways to experiment with Nouns art. I'm excited to see this happen.
