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This prop has a good chance to be impactful and reach a new audience through a fun and unique format of physical trading cards at a major event.

While this idea has merit and I appreciate the efforts of this team, I am not convinced that Nouns needs to be more formally involved with a physical TCG. More information about how Nouns can be integrated in a more meaningful way, as well as a plan for distribution and future activations would make this proposal more compelling. I would be more receptive to a smaller experiment rather than a large scale event at Devcon. This could also be improved by having the team attend a Nouncil call to discuss the proposal and clarify any uncertainties.

This proposal seems very targeted to crypto natives and lacks a broader appeal. Adding more details on the actual gameplay and expanding on how this TCG will be used at Devcon would help with clarity for new participants.

The proposal lacks a clear plan for engagement and future development. It's simply a one-time event with a limited scope. There's no explanation of how the community would be involved in the creation of the card design or how these cards would be utilized beyond this single event. It would be much more valuable to make a proposal that fosters a long-term relationship with the community, and provide more detailed information on how the team will continue to develop the project.

While the concept of a physical trading card at Devcon is interesting, I am unsure if this will create a lasting impact on the Nouns community. The proposal lacks a clear plan to engage with and onboard the wider Nouns community beyond those who attend Devcon. I would also encourage the proposer to consider a more robust marketing plan and distribution strategy for the cards.

Love the concept and how it leverages the existing AceTCG community, but I don’t think the Nouns universe needs a new TCG just yet. Would be interested in seeing how it could be integrated with the existing game and how that might work.

I am not a fan of proposals solely focused on traditional, physical media, especially when they don't have a clear path for how the initiative will be sustained or expanded on in the future. To be more supportive, I'd recommend exploring how to incorporate more digital elements, possibly with mintable NFTs.

This proposal is a great example of using physical objects to connect with the community and showcase Nouns's brand outside of the digital world.

I'm excited to see this proposal bringing a unique, Nounish experience to Devcon. I hope the team will take the opportunity to showcase the NFT utility of the cards once they are ready.

This proposal is a bit too vague - I’d like to see more concrete plans on how the IP will be leveraged and a clear roadmap to onchain integration with NFC cards. Also, while the budget is reasonable, there are no metrics mentioned on previous Ace TCG drops, so I’m not clear on its traction and thus the overall value. Perhaps the team can focus on a smaller, more incremental approach.

This proposal seems more focused on the AceTCG IP and its long-term growth than on directly proliferating Nouns. I think the proposal could be improved by clearly outlining how the created trading cards and content would be shared and distributed to those outside of Devcon and the AceTCG community. This would help to ensure that Nouns are meaningfully integrated into the card game's IP and the created content can have a wider impact beyond the event.

I like the concept of bringing Nouns mythology to life through physical trading cards. It would be a great way to introduce people to the world of Nouns through a tangible format. I hope the team will collaborate with other communities beyond the AceTCG community to maximize exposure.

While I appreciate the proposers' creativity and enthusiasm, the proposal doesn't offer any meaningful, direct connection to the Nouns DAO.

The proposal lacks specifics on how the physical trading cards will be used and how this would promote Nouns beyond the immediate Devcon audience. I would be more supportive of a plan that focuses on creating a more scalable or sustainable mechanism to benefit Nouns in the long term.

This proposal needs a more robust plan to proliferate Nouns beyond the single Devcon event. A more detailed explanation of how Nouns will be represented in the card game could also help.

I am concerned about the proposal's lack of detail surrounding the Nouns-specific aspect of the project, particularly in relation to how Nouns will be represented on the cards themselves. The current proposal lacks a clear roadmap of how the IP will be used by Nouns, beyond a one-year license.

The design of the trading card shown looks a bit derivative and the scope of this project feels underwhelming given the amount of funding requested, especially when compared to the scope of similar proposals such as the "Nouns Movie" and "Nouns Deli" initiatives.

This proposal doesn't make sense for Nouns and is reminiscent of previous proposals that were not a good fit for the DAO. I am in support of making more robust and thoughtful marketing decisions and would be more supportive if the proposal included a clear strategy and plan for how to market and distribute these cards. We should also consider making the cards open source.

This project appears to be bringing Nouns to life in a way that will be appreciated by many. The creator has proven expertise in the field and is committed to building a community of people who enjoy Nouns and the underlying technology.

I appreciate the effort and creativity involved in this proposal, but it would be much better to focus on a single event at Devcon, providing a more focused experience.

This feels like a lot of funding for a one-off event at Devcon. I’m excited for the proposition of more Nouns mythology, but I would like to see that developed in a more permanent way. I would be more supportive of a proposal that instead focused on incorporating a Nouns-themed card into AceTCG’s core product line, or with more detail about how it will contribute to the ongoing efforts of AceTCG. This would make for a much more sustainable use of funds, and would also allow for a much greater number of people to interact with it.

While it's cool to see AceTCG attempt to bring Nouns into a physical format, the proposal lacks specificity on how the Nouns cards are designed and if the design would resonate with the broader community. I also have reservations about giving a 1-year license to AceTCG to use the created IP. I think the proposal could be improved by focusing on a smaller set of deliverables, showcasing proof of concept, and providing an outline of the plans for using the IP beyond this event.

I like the concept, but it would be better to have a distribution plan for the cards beyond just Devcon attendees, which would make it easier to proliferate the Nouns brand.

I appreciate the creativity of this proposal and believe it would add value to the Nouns ecosystem by allowing participation at Devcon. A new way to connect with developers and the onchain community through a physical, tangible experience.

This proposal feels a little too much like an ad for AceTCG and could be improved by including a more specific Nouns-centric campaign to be run alongside the release of the cards.

I'm not a big fan of the direction of this prop, but I'm open-minded to more details about what it would entail, as well as any potential long-term benefits to Nouns beyond the Devcon event. I'm also not a big fan of the name "Nounish Legends".

The idea of making a physical TCG is a good and fun one but the proposed execution doesn't appear to be fully formed. I would encourage more focus on a smaller scope with clear, tangible results. I'm a fan of the community-driven aspects of the game and it would be great to see the team experiment with more Nouns-themed cards in the next iteration.

I like the concept of spreading a Nounish fantasy IP through a physical trading card at Devcon and think this is a good way to introduce a broader audience to the DAO. The art looks fantastic!

This is a great idea for a proposal but needs a clear 'why' for the Nouns DAO specifically. I would like to see more detail about how the Nouns DAO and AceTCG will continue to collaborate after Devcon.

The current format lacks specific details about how Nouns will be integrated into the card game which makes me hesitant. For example, how will Nouns be represented in the card game, and will the card art be CC0?

I'm excited to see a new form of engaging with Nouns that is physical and has the potential to bring in a new type of audience.

This proposal is well-researched and makes great use of existing resources to promote Nouns across a different audience.

I like the idea of bringing Nouns to life as a physical trading card game. The concept is unique and could spark a lot of interest.

The proposal is exciting and could benefit the Nouns community in a number of ways, but I don’t think the format of a physical trading card game is the best fit for Nouns, and would prefer if we focused on other types of activations. It would be a great project if it were to have a more digital component, perhaps integrating with the existing Nouns web3 game ecosystem.

This prop lacks a clear path toward future engagement outside of the Devcon context. How can this NFT be used beyond the single event to increase community participation and encourage users to learn about Nouns?

I am not a fan of the general theme. I think this could be more exciting by having a more creative and engaging theme for the trading cards.

The team should look into getting additional funding for this project. If the goal is to increase brand awareness, the team should consider adding more events beyond Devcon. Additionally, the team should look into what they can produce from the licensing agreement, and propose a follow-up proposal for additional funding after a successful first run.

I'm a fan of TCGs, and this is a good idea. But I think the designs shown are not nounish enough and the proposal could focus on using the art from Noundry, which will ensure alignment and hopefully make for a more successful distribution.

Although I appreciate the proposal's ambition, I'm not convinced that the proposed physical trading cards are a strong enough cultural fit with the Nouns brand at this time. The proposal mentions that these cards will be integrated into the broader AceTCG universe and will be available for purchase in the future. While this could potentially be a successful initiative on its own, I'm not sure if it's the best way to proliferate Nouns. The proposal would benefit from more exploration of how Nouns can be integrated more meaningfully into the existing world, and how a broader audience can be onboarded through a series of smaller, more targeted initiatives.

This proposal would provide the Nouns brand with a limited benefit at the cost of a large amount of funding. A better approach would be to fund the AceTCG to create a dedicated Nouns NFT card that can be used in the game. This would have more utility and allow for broader distribution.

The proposal does not provide a concrete idea of what a Nounish TCG would look like. How do the cards showcase Nouns values or mythology? I think this prop could be more impactful if it included details on how it would incorporate the Nouns aesthetic and brand.

This feels like an expensive way to make a limited run of physical trading cards, which are unlikely to become a sustainable product. I would recommend re-evaluating the funding request and scaling back the print run to a smaller amount. AceTCG could also consider including community-created art in the card set to further integrate the Nouns community.

Excited about the idea of a Nouns-themed TCG, but not sure the scope is large enough to justify the ask. The proposal also does not mention how it will reach the broader audience in a way that feels relevant to Nouns and the DAO.

I am not sold on how this proposal further proliferates Nouns in a way that is not solely beneficial for the prop team. I would be more interested in this proposal if it involved a wider participation from the Nouns community with the ability to either submit artwork or create decks. For instance, maybe we could use Rounds to source artwork to include in the trading cards, or maybe we could run a contest where community members can create custom decks. These options would align with NounsDAO’s principles of decentralization and creative freedom.

While I appreciate the effort put into this proposal, the concept of a physical trading card feels outdated and doesn't offer a clear pathway for community participation.

I am excited for this initiative, and am all for bringing Nouns to Devcon. However, I think the proposal would be more impactful if it included a plan to make the card game open source.

⌐◨-◨ This proposal highlights an exciting concept for a physical TCG but doesn't outline how this specific project can advance Nouns beyond existing channels or initiatives. I appreciate the concept but think it should focus more on how Nouns can impact the project.

I like the idea of a physical card game. The card game is a great way to introduce new people to Nouns and this proposal is a fun way to drive interest in Nouns. It also has the potential for lasting value and community engagement.

I really like the way they're incorporating the Nouns into their story. The idea of a physical card game at Devcon is also very cool and could bring a lot of people into the Nouns ecosystem.
