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This is one of those proposals that’s going from 0 to 100. I’d prefer if this was structured as a smaller budget project with an emphasis on a test-and-learn approach.

This prop is more of a business plan than a proposal and the scope seems to large given the request for funds. We should be looking at smaller, more focused projects.

I appreciate the proposers' experience and commitment to Nouns, but I do not think this is the right time for a Nouns plush initiative. In my opinion, the focus should remain on building and distributing digital assets in the immediate future.

This proposal lacks a clear vision on how to integrate the Nouns brand beyond just placing them in existing stores. They need to further articulate how the proposed initiatives will create a distinct and memorable brand experience for the Nouns community.

The proposed retail locations and trade shows may be a good fit for Uglydoll, but they do not resonate with Nouns. This proposal could be better by focusing on unique touchpoints, like niche online stores or events, that are more closely aligned with Nouns' identity.

I appreciate David's extensive experience in character branding and his previous success with similar projects. It feels like a natural extension to the Nouns ecosystem and would be a great way to reach a wider audience.

I believe this proposal has the ability to reach a very wide audience and would also help to proliferate Nouns across a global scale.

I'm leaning against this one. The proposal feels rushed and like it's focused more on gaining revenue than proliferating the Nouns meme. I think the team should focus on the project in Japan for a few more months before expanding to additional territories. Also, the project feels a bit too focused on the "toy" aspect of the plush and could benefit from a better explanation of how it'll build a broader Nouns brand.

The proposers are established creators with a proven track record in character branding and building global reach. They have a plan for organic discovery and opening shelf space for other Nouns creators. I am confident that this proposal will deliver tangible results.

This is a great example of how we should work with major established brands. Unfortunately, this proposal seems to focus on how to proliferate a brand with limited direct ties to the Nouns community and a product that is not directly associated with Nouns. The proposal could be improved by directly using the Nouns brand and art in a way that creates direct synergy. For instance, the proposal could be modified to use a Nouns-themed design for the plush, or the products should be made available on Nouns.wtf or via an NFT minting mechanism that would be easier to understand for the community. We could also add features to the product that promote the Nouns ecosystem, or at the very least, have the product promote an external link to Nouns.wtf.

This is a great idea and I appreciate the proposers time and effort here. But I'm not sure that it's something Nouns should be pursuing. It's clear that this proposal is the start of a larger plan and that the DAO will be expected to fund this in the future. I'd like to see a more fleshed out proposal that details the full vision and how the DAO can benefit in the long term.

I am always excited to see Nouns proliferate through physical goods and how it can attract new people to the protocol. The proposers have experience in character branding and I think they have a good understanding of the space. I'm interested to see this initiative unfold.

I think there's a lot of opportunity for this proposal to be successful. It seems like the team has a deep understanding of the retail market and a successful track record. However, this proposal lacks the "why" of it all: *why is this specifically for Nouns?*. I think the proposal would benefit from some more clear details on how this program would benefit the Nouns DAO.

Like the idea to bring Nouns to the world but feel the proposal is too focused on the retail expansion process. I'm looking for a more community focused approach that leverages the existing network of Nouns builders and creators. A version that includes art contest or NFT creation to incentivize onboarding new fans would be a better fit for me.

I'm very interested in the brand and the vision to expand beyond Japan.

I am confident that this proposal is designed to generate organic, long term interest in Nouns beyond the typical digital realm. It makes sense that we would use the brand recognition of the Uglydoll creators to establish a physical presence in Japan.

The proposal's scope is too broad and unfocused. We should focus on specific deliverables. For example, we could start with a limited release of the Nouns plush in just one retail market and then re-evaluate based on the results. The marketing strategy also requires more detail and the budget is excessive given the lack of clarity.

This proposal is attempting to blend a cultural brand with a protocol, which has historically not worked well. I'd encourage the proposers to focus on making Nouns a successful brand in its own right before blending with another, or to just focus on an internal product that the community can build on for themselves.

I'm a big fan of both Uglydoll and the creators but I'm not convinced that this is the best project for Nouns. A more community focused, free-to-mint Droposal on Zora would be a better approach to introduce the characters and have a more consistent stream of income for the creators.

This proposal is very well written and provides clear details regarding the project and potential impact. I'm excited to see what new people can be brought to the protocol via organic discovery.

This proposal is very similar to a previous proposal I voted against. While I like the idea of introducing more people to Nouns governance, I am uncertain of the proposal’s impact and ability to reach a wider audience. Perhaps a smaller scale, or even a staged approach, may be more reasonable.

It's really cool to see the creators of Uglydoll wanting to build on Nouns, but the proposed approach feels too focused on brand awareness and less on world building. I would love to see a more Nounish design and a proposal that explains how the Nouns plush will integrate into existing infrastructure, such as the Noundry Gallery and the NFT naming registry, before we see these kinds of large-scale retail initiatives.

Love the proposers and their work. However, I think this project is too risky and doesn't leverage the best aspects of Nouns. The proposal should focus more on community building and direct interaction with the Nouns community.

The proposed plan is well intentioned, but lacks specifics for how the Nouns plush will actually be integrated into the existing Uglydoll program. There isn’t enough detail on how Nouns will be represented, and the prop doesn’t explicitly state if any existing sales will be directed toward the NounsDAO treasury.

The proposal is well-written and well thought out, and I appreciate the proposer's experience with brand building. I would be more comfortable supporting this proposal if it outlined a strategy to make the Nouns plush available to a wider audience beyond just high-end retailers. I am also unsure if this project would benefit from having a more detailed strategy for how the Nouns plush can tie in with the Nouns community beyond just a brand.

This proposal has good potential, but I would like to see an emphasis on generating and sharing free content about Nouns plush. If we made the assets and content available for free, more people would be able to participate in the proliferation of the Nouns brand in Japan.

Although I appreciate the team and their history in the space, it's not clear that the product would resonate with the community. The focus on high-end retail and museums leaves me with a feeling of a lack of inclusiveness for the broader Nouns community. I'd recommend a proposal that includes a wider distribution strategy, more grassroots initiatives, or a larger volume of products that would be more accessible to a wider range of Nouns fans.

The goal is to create a Nouns lifestyle character brand but this proposal is quite vague and there are few clear deliverables that showcase how this will be accomplished. For example, it is not clear which stores will be carrying these plush and the distribution plan for beyond Japan seems to be left out.

I love the work the Uglydoll team has done for Nouns in the past, and I’m very intrigued by the long-term vision of building a Nouns lifestyle character brand. However, I’m not sure that producing plush toys is the right approach right now. Perhaps a more focused proposal just around producing a small batch of promotional plush toys to be used for events and to test reception might be more compelling. I also think the proposal could benefit from a more explicit plan for how they will share the successes of the plush program beyond the Nouns community.

Nouns have a strong history of funding projects that use unique creative tactics. While I appreciate the history of Uglydoll, and the proposed retail strategy for Nouns plush, I would prefer to see a proposal that more clearly outlines the Nouns-specific creative strategy for integrating the product into the community. It would also be great to see a breakdown of how the proposed profits will be used to further the Nouns ecosystem.

While I appreciate the proposers' experience and track record, I am concerned about the long-term sustainability of this project as it currently stands. I would be more inclined to vote for this if the scope were more focused on reaching other territories beyond Japan during this timeframe. In doing so, the proposers would be able to demonstrate the broader impact of Nouns beyond one country. In addition, I believe the proposal should be amended to include specific details on how the team will track the metrics and success of this project beyond just the sales at each retailer.

The proposal relies on a previous successful launch to justify its execution. I suggest focusing on a smaller, self-sustaining project first to demonstrate the potential of the Nouns brand in the space.

This proposal doesn't clearly explain what the Nouns community will gain from these products. It mentions expanding shelf space for other Nouns creators, but the details are lacking. Additionally, the proposal doesn't explain how these plush toys will be promoted or distributed in a way that will resonate with a wider audience.

The proposal focuses too heavily on the commercial side and less on the community and cultural impact. The proposal would benefit from more elaboration on the long-term plans for how Nouns plush will contribute to the ecosystem and community, and how the project will be shared with Nouners.

This team has a long and proven history of building successful lifestyle character brands. Their expertise and knowledge, combined with their existing network, are valuable assets to the community. I'm excited to see this program come to life.

I think the goal is to establish a connection to existing customers and not to make a new market by focusing on the plush only. The proposal needs to include more items and experiences like the ones mentioned throughout the proposal but not focused on.

I'm really happy to see this proposal, a really interesting take on how to build a brand in a way that's not just marketing, but becoming one with the culture.

The proposal seems a bit too ambitious for such a large ask. I'd be more comfortable with a smaller starting budget and then a later proposal if the project proves to be successful. I would also like to see a more detailed plan for how the project will be scaled beyond Japan, particularly given the emphasis placed on the region's retail environment.

I'm hesitant to fund any proposal that plans to make a profit from the sale of products. This project could be more successful if it focused on a non-commercial, community-driven approach such as creating a open-source pattern for the plush.

David has shown a dedication to building lasting impact with Nouns, and creating a Nouns lifestyle brand is worth exploring, especially through the lens of high-end specialty and museum stores.

This proposal is a natural fit for Nouns based on the creators' extensive experience building character brands and their existing relationship with the Nouns community. The proposal also aims to expand the reach of Nouns through a well-established global distribution network.

This proposal is a bit too ambitious. It would make more sense to start with a smaller, more focused project.

Excited for this team's attempt to turn Nouns into a global character brand. They have a proven track record with Uglydoll and Bossy Bear, and their vision for establishing a foothold in high-end retail is compelling.

This proposal lacks a clear strategy for expanding beyond Japan. A solid roadmap for global expansion should be outlined before funding.

I appreciate this proposal, but am concerned about the potential of confusion for consumers given that the Uglydoll brand has traditionally catered to a different demographic than Nouns. There's a real risk of brand dilution for the Nouns project and a lack of clear articulation on how this would address that.

I am unsure if this proposal has the potential to have lasting impact and find the proposed program of retail and trade shows to be overly complex. The plan should be streamlined and reduced to focus on a single, measurable goal. I am open to voting on a revised proposal with a more focused goal.

I love this proposal. However, I believe the plan is too focused on a single region, Japan, and would need to include expansion plans for other territories in order to secure broader impact and ensure long term growth. If the proposal included more details on how the project would be promoted in the US, South Korea, and Taiwan, I would definitely reconsider my position. For example, adding a timeline for expanding into new regions would help with understanding the long term potential.

The proposal mentions the plush being in high-end stores, but fails to explain the vision beyond the plush. It needs a clearer roadmap for bringing Nouns to Japan and expanding it beyond that.

While I appreciate the long history and experience of the proposers, I'm not sure that Nouns plush would be the right way to proliferate Nouns. The proposal could be improved by focusing on something that is more unique to the Nouns ecosystem and less like a traditional toy.
