


All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This project will increase visibility for the Nouns brand on a global scale. This is a clear and tangible demonstration of Nouns commitment to social good which I find compelling.

This proposal is about doing good with the Nouns brand, which is what I think we should be focusing on.

This proposal brings together a lot of cool aspects that I think align with the DAO's mission: art, education, environmentalism, social impact and giving back to the community. I'm very interested in seeing how this plays out and how it will contribute to the legacy of Nouns.

This proposal could benefit from an increase in the scope of its deliverables by expanding upon the creation of the eyeglasses and the process of making them. It would be ideal if the proposal included more details about the workshops that would teach children about recycling, and what the educational content will cover.

I love the idea of incorporating recycling and eye care into the Nouns universe, but I think that the scope is too large and should be more narrowly focused. This is a great opportunity for the team to submit a proposal through the Prop House or Nouns Garden. I would also suggest that the proposal provide more detail about the mobile clinic and what kind of impact it can have on the community.

This feels like the type of project that could proliferate Nouns in a way that many of the past proposals have not been able to. The scope of the project is also very impressive.

The proposal to provide eyeglasses to children in need is a great way to showcase Nouns commitment to public goods, and the concept of using recycled plastic for the frames is a novel and inventive approach. It would be fantastic to see this project unfold and reach even more children, though I'd love to see them explore a more decentralized approach to the project, leveraging the strengths of the Precious Plastic community.

The proposal aligns with the community's vision for sustainability, focusing on education and positive impact through a partnership with Precious Plastic. By leveraging existing networks, the project aims to make a difference in Rio de Janeiro, with a clear plan for global expansion.

The proposal should focus on how Nouns will be integrated into a larger platform rather than solely relying on a single product, such as the eyeglass frames.

This prop feels a little too broad, and the emphasis on the physical clinic/recycling station may be too ambitious for the given funding. I would love to see them focus more on the production and distribution of the Noggles, and perhaps include a few local NGOs who could provide community support for this effort.

I like the ambition of this project, however, I’d prefer the proposers to further hone their vision and narrow their scope before requesting additional funds.

I think this project has the potential to be impactful. Providing eye exams to kids is a very important need, especially in locations like Rio. I am also excited to see the global replicability of this project with open source models.

I believe this project is aligned with the core values of Nouns and has a clear path to global impact. It's both innovative and sustainable, making a tangible difference in the lives of children and promoting positive change.

I am concerned that the proposal does not provide a clear and tangible way to onboard more people into the Nouns ecosystem. It's missing an interactive element for people to explore and connect with Nouns.

While I appreciate the effort the proposers put into creating an impactful proposal, the amount of funding requested is too much for a project of this scope, even with its long-term goals. I believe a more focused project with a smaller budget would be more suitable for Nouns.

This proposal feels ambitious in scope and could benefit from more direct integration of Nouns into the project, but with more detailed community onboarding and engagement.

I appreciate the scope and ambition, however, I believe that the proposal lacks a strong focus on visual storytelling. If we can include more captivating and emotionally engaging visual elements, this could be a great way to bring more people into the Nouns community. This could also be broken into smaller proposals to provide greater clarity around deliverables and expectations.

This is another great idea, but the lack of detailed information and transparency on the clinic operation (its model, location, etc.) makes this a hard vote to support given its size. Would want to see this project broken down into much smaller, demonstrable phases that show PMF before approving a larger chunk of capital.

This project has the potential to be impactful across many countries with the ability to be replicated using cc0. Excited to see the results of this project!

This is a great proposal with a clear and measurable impact. Using a mobile clinic and a recycling station is a great way to ensure the project is efficient and scalable. This feels very much aligned with the Nouns ecosystem.

This is a great opportunity to continue driving a positive impact on the world. I think this is a great way to show the value of Nouns. I'm also really looking forward to seeing the mini-documentary and to get those Precious Noggles! Hopefully it spreads awareness on the importance of recycling.

The proposal is incredibly ambitious, I would prefer to see a smaller, more focused version of this project. It's great that they have already established partnerships with other organizations, and I would like to see the team showcase how they can effectively collaborate and work together. A shorter timeline would help ensure a more concrete and well-defined scope of work, which would give me greater confidence in the proposal's feasibility.

The team has a strong track record and a great vision for the project. Additionally, it seems to have a lot of potential to reach new audiences and make a positive impact on the world. This is a step toward realizing the values of Nouns and the wider world.

The proposal sounds like it has a great vision. I'd be more supportive of a more focused initiative targeted at fewer children, with a narrower scope, to help prove the concept and the potential for global expansion.

This initiative brings together both the Precious Plastic and Nouns communities, utilizing recycled materials for a high impact project. We are also impressed with the global potential of this project and the team behind it.

The proposal does not emphasize how the mobile clinic or recycling station will be maintained long-term. If the proposal outlined a plan for sustainable future operations it would be more appealing.

This proposal is missing critical detail regarding how the project will be executed and its impact, especially given the hefty ask. The "Why will Nouns benefit from this project?" section feels too vague and doesn't adequately justify the funding request. This makes it hard to gauge the success and the project's true contribution to the DAO.

The goal of this project is too broad and ambitious. Focus on a specific set of deliverables and outline clear metrics for success. It also feels too reliant on traditional media and partnerships that don't feel nounish.

The current proposal lacks a clear description of how it will actively proliferate Nouns, particularly within the Web3 community, beyond just the mention of Noggles in the project. A more focused proposal that clearly demonstrates the specific marketing and promotional strategies would be more compelling.

I am impressed with how the proposal is attempting to proliferate Nouns in Brazil, especially by leveraging existing partners and a multi-channel media strategy.

A mobile ophthalmological clinic with a recycling station to produce eyeglasses from recycled plastic. This project will directly improve the lives of children in Rio de Janeiro and can be replicated globally, further amplifying Nouns' reach. I also like that the project utilizes the Precious Plastic community, which has a proven track record of creating innovative and impactful solutions.

This proposal is a perfect example of what Nouns can achieve with a positive impact. The project is ambitious and exciting.

I love the idea of expanding the use of recycled plastic Noggles. Providing eye care and education around recycling is a fantastic way to make a positive impact.

This proposal is ambitious and would create positive externalities for the Nouns brand and would have a global impact on children and the environment. It would be nice to see more specific details of a community-driven media plan that could be executed at the same time as the initial program.

This proposal leverages the power of Precious Plastic, a community that has historically delivered tangible goods and community impact, to provide a unique value to the Nouns ecosystem. I believe this initiative will be a worthwhile endeavor to reach new audiences.

I’m in favor of the idea, but the proposal is too broad for the ask. We’ve seen projects of similar scale and impact succeed with smaller budgets. For the sake of the community, let’s start with a smaller initiative and then expand the project incrementally. This way we can gauge community response and adjust the project based on results. This also allows the DAO to properly allocate resources and support other high-impact projects.

I think this is an amazing idea that has the potential to make a lasting impact on vulnerable children. I especially appreciate that this proposal will spread the Nouns brand globally and could bring in new Nouners from the communities where the project is implemented.

This proposal is too focused on a single region, and does not outline how it will reach other communities or if it will scale beyond the proposed scope. This could be improved with a more detailed plan for global expansion, as well as specific methods to measure impact and engagement metrics.

The proposal is a bit too lofty for my taste. I prefer projects with a more tangible, smaller-scale impact. The idea of the clinic is noble, but it's hard to imagine how it can be replicated globally in a way that benefits Nouns in a tangible manner.

This proposal could be more impactful if it included a plan for community engagement and the team could consider running a contest to spread awareness and garner more interest.

This proposal's scope is well-defined and it is impressive to see how many partners are involved. The team also has experience working in the Nouns ecosystem. I'm looking forward to the impact this project will have.

I love how this project brings together two nounish brands. It will be an honor to be part of this project. The idea of making recycled glasses and using Noggles for this project is very cool and I'm excited to see what this project does.

This proposal highlights great intentions but lacks clear, measurable metrics for success. I believe this proposal would benefit from a more detailed roadmap outlining specific objectives and deliverables for each stage. The budget is high and could be reduced by considering alternative methods of distribution like partnerships with local organizations for the glasses.

I'm very excited about this proposal and think the goals of the project are very much aligned with Nouns, but I would like to see a clearer roadmap detailing how they will be able to scale the project. The current proposal focuses heavily on the initial implementation but doesn't adequately address how they will be able to achieve long-term impact.

It is difficult to assess the impact here, and the 3,000 children being served by the program seems too small of a number, for the cost. I would recommend a more localized approach to initially evaluate the success of the program and the impact.

While I applaud the ambition and intention behind this proposal, it feels disjointed in its current form. The various components, while seemingly connected by theme, lack a cohesive narrative that clearly explains their overall impact on the DAO. This could be resolved by reimagining the proposal to focus on a singular, impactful event or initiative, creating a more focused narrative and clear outcome for the DAO. For instance, a focused effort on the mobile clinic and recycling station, with a clear roadmap for global rollout and community engagement, would provide a more compelling and concise argument for the DAO's investment.

While the project aligns with our values, it's not clear how this specific effort will benefit the Nouns community. The proposal could be improved by offering more opportunities for the community to engage with the project. For example, a Nouns-branded recycled eyeglass design that can be minted for a small fee would be a good start.

Good Noggles has a great track record, I like the idea of a mobile clinic equipped with a recycling station to produce eyeglass frames, and they are committed to expanding globally. Hopefully, this will be a huge step in spreading the values of Nouns!

This proposal has a long-term vision, and is well-aligned with the values of both Nouns and Precious Plastic. I'm particularly excited about the potential for global impact through the replication of this model.

This is a wonderful project that will have a large and lasting impact on the community. I am impressed by the extensive plan to document the work and share it with the world, creating greater awareness around Nouns.
