
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

The Park team has a proven track record of producing high quality content and events that are a good fit for Nouns. This proposal aligns with the community's desire for Nouns to have a more active presence within the music scene.

A lot of the activities listed in this proposal are great but this project needs more structure to be truly impactful. It's unclear how these events will be promoted onchain to grow the Nouns community, and the project lacks a cohesive framework for achieving its goal of reaching 30 million impressions and 50,000 new minters.

This proposal just feels like a lot of money for a space. Toady Hawk's team has been doing great work, and I'm not sure that Nouns needs to be investing in a permanent space like this.

This is a great initiative for the nouns community. It's a great place for the community to meet and create new media for the world to see. I'm so happy to see the park doing more in the nouns space!

The current proposal is a great idea, but the proposed plan lacks a strong focus on what makes Nouns special, particularly in terms of what artists will make at the studio. It would be better to focus on specific themes or formats for the music, like a Nouns-themed playlist or a new genre of music. More specifics on the types of content to be made at the studio will increase clarity and give the community a better idea of the impact of the proposal.

I think the concept has potential but I would suggest focusing on one or two main initiatives and building out the proposal with more concrete deliverables and specifics on how those initiatives would be executed in order to make the impact outlined in the proposal.

While this is a great concept and a well-presented proposal, there is no focus on attracting a wider, external audience. Instead of funding this directly, I'd encourage the team to focus on delivering an exceptional first season, build brand value, and then return with a more robust proposal outlining their plan to reach beyond their existing community.

This proposal lacks specific details around the educational program offered by The Park Academy. It should provide more concrete examples of how the academy would benefit Nouns beyond simply saying "will inspire the next 1,000,000 artists to come onchain".

This proposal could be more impactful if it focused on hosting community events and not individual artist sessions. This proposal would be much more exciting if it focused on building a community around music, not just on individual artists.

This project feels very ambitious and needs to be more focused. I would like to see a smaller proposal that focuses on one event, such as a songcamp or a hackathon for onchain music and audio.

The proposed programming at Nouns Records is a little too broad and lacks specifics. We could be driving more impact by focusing on a handful of key events with a clear, curated vision. Also, showcasing the artistic contributions to the space would be more engaging than simply stating that the space will be "beautifully decorated with distinct Nounish touches everywhere."

The Park is consistently doing awesome work. A studio for the community to make music is a great idea! They've also done a lot of work in music and have a great track record in this space.

This proposal has a great opportunity to expand the Nouns community, specifically artists, who are very much a part of the ecosystem. This seems like a perfect opportunity to support the growth of a vibrant artistic community through the creation of a space to come together, experiment and create.

The proposed Nouns Records studio is a perfect location to create onchain content. It’s great to see that a high level studio is being contributed to the project and I think this will further help Nouns solidify a place in the music world.

I'm not entirely convinced that this proposal will truly represent the Nouns community. A more detailed description of what the space will look like and how Nouns will be integrated into the studio's design is crucial. It is unclear if this is simply another space to make music or an opportunity for a real Nouns brand extension.

The Park has already established their brand in the music industry, Nouns Records is redundant and doesn't provide enough newness for the investment. How about a Nouns curated music compilation by The Park featuring artists across the Nouns ecosystem? This would create an onchain artifact, potentially with an accompanying music video, which could be minted and distributed more widely across the ecosystem.

This proposal lacks a clear and concise roadmap for the Nouns Records project. A detailed timeline for the 30 audio-visual works to be created and the expected delivery schedule for the videos would be beneficial for voters. It would also be helpful to see a more thorough breakdown of the costs for the renovation, including specifics of the studio design.

I like the idea of a Nouns-centric recording studio and the potential for it to grow in the future, but the plan needs to be refined. For example, Nouns Records should be more than just a space. It needs to be a distinct brand that includes onchain tools and opportunities for the community. Additionally, the proposal lacks a concrete strategy for how the studio will build an audience and increase its impact.

The proposed project is not entirely clear on how it will leverage the unique properties of the Nouns brand, like CC0, to create tangible impact. For example, the proposal mentions giving away free coffee at Noun O’Clock as a way to attract guests and support Nouns, but it doesn't explain how this would be extended beyond just giving away coffee. Instead, I think this prop should focus on activities that could directly involve a broader section of the Nouns community (e.g., a Nouns-themed music contest, a live concert featuring music made at the studio, etc.) to create a more compelling reason for the DAO to invest in this project.

This is the kind of bold, creative and ambitious project that Nouns should be supporting. I look forward to seeing the results of this initiative!

This proposal has the potential to be a good project that can be impactful for the Nouns community, but it focuses too much on its own organization and doesn't share enough details on how other communities can benefit. The proposal could be improved by expanding on the shared use cases for other communities and highlighting how the studio can be used to further the core Nouns mission.

I am not convinced that this proposal is a good fit for the Nouns DAO. A major concern is that this proposal seems to be a bit too focused on building a successful business, rather than on creating unique and exciting new experiences for the community. The proposal would benefit from adding more details on how the studio space can be used for community events and collaborations.

I love the idea of spreading Nouns through a new art form like music and the Park's track record with music seems promising. Also, the scope is well defined and I'm looking forward to seeing how the studio will be used to create music. The only area that can be improved is to make sure that the space is really 'Nounish' in a way that is more than just having noggles around. The space should really be a visual representation of Nouns.

The proposal lacks a clear plan on how to establish a global presence. Also, the focus on NFTs and onchain elements could be amplified in order to further align with Nouns' core values. How will the project drive the proliferation of Nouns to a wider audience?

We fully support the vision for this project, but we'd like to see this as a community-driven space with The Park taking ownership as a DAO. There is a need to shift the focus to onboarding and supporting creators from within the community who want to build using the studio space, while giving them clear and concise guidelines on how to get their projects funded.

Love the idea of a Nouns music studio and how this prop aims to continue to build and solidify a strong connection to the music community. It's also exciting to see how they plan to use the studio for events and educational purposes.

While the concept of a studio is a great idea, I'm not convinced that the plan outlines the key ways it will be used or the ways it will help grow the Nouns brand.

I'm not entirely sold on the studio's ability to attract enough "world class" artists to justify the spend. Also, the events and activations planned don't seem as exciting as the ones from past proposals. Consider adding some unique and more unexpected elements to the program to make it more appealing.

I'm hesitant to support this proposal because the scope feels too broad. The proposal could be improved by focusing on a single element like Fridays at The Park or The Park Academy.

This proposal is very well-written and exciting, but feels a bit rushed. I believe a version that focuses on a single event or a 3-month milestone would be more compelling and impactful.

This proposal is far too broad in scope and lacks a clear timeline to track progress, it should be broken down into more targeted and manageable proposals that are better aligned to the specific needs of NounsDAO.

This proposal is well written and sounds interesting. However, the proposal should focus on providing specific examples of how these programs will benefit the Nouns community and attract new members. It would be helpful to see a plan for how the studio will be used beyond the provided examples like artist sessions and song camps.

This proposal offers a great opportunity for Nouns to proliferate into the music community by providing a world class recording studio for both artists and creators. This will bring many new eyes to Nouns and its core values.

While the proposal aligns with Nouns values, I'm not comfortable with the funding requested for this type of project. The studio's potential for innovation and community impact feels promising, but the budget appears excessive, and a more efficient approach could be considered. I think the proposal needs a more focused plan on how Nouns Records will generate revenue to cover future expenses. Consider focusing on one or two initiatives, and exploring fundraising through partnerships or sponsorship, as opposed to relying solely on DAO funds.

This proposal is too expensive and the team has not yet demonstrated success. The scope of the proposal is enormous, and the budget is also enormous. There is a huge amount of overhead before a single piece of music is even created. The proposers should prove out the concept by producing several tracks using the studio's current infrastructure before requesting such a large amount of funding.

The prop is very comprehensive, but its breadth makes it difficult to see how the funds will be used. A focused pilot project like Fridays at the Park or The Park Academy with a clear scope would have been a more suitable ask.

This proposal lacks a clear outline of the specific contributions that Nouns Records will make to the Nouns DAO and community. Providing a list of what will be created onchain, as well as concrete objectives and KPIs, would make this proposal more appealing.

I think it would be more valuable to initially focus on one aspect of this proposal. For instance, starting with "Fridays At The Park" would help prove the concept and be less risky than this initial ask.

Nouns Records is a big ask and while I like the goals and team, I’d prefer to see this project broken down into smaller props. Instead of seeking one massive amount of funding, it would be better to have one prop for the studio build out, one for the initial artists and then another for the music production/educational programs.

The proposal has the potential to be impactful and beneficial to the community but I'd like to see a more defined section about how the studio will be used in addition to the planned events such as Fridays At The Park and The Park Academy. It is unclear to me how a typical person who is not a musician, engineer or developer will interact with this space.

Nouns has a history of supporting creative, public-facing endeavors. This proposal is a continuation of that ethos, providing a space for creative people to collaborate and share their work.

This project is a great way for Nouns to reach a larger audience, especially since it will partner with The Park and will include both online and offline events.

This proposal is lacking a concrete plan for how the studio will be integrated into the Nouns ecosystem. The proposal focuses mostly on the studio itself and less on how it will be used to benefit Nouns.

I love the concept, and think the project has the potential to be impactful, but this feels like it is trying to do too much with a single proposal. I'd be much more enthusiastic about supporting this if it were broken down into smaller, more manageable parts.

This proposal doesn't fully describe the educational component of the "Park Academy", which appears to be a core pillar of this prop. I also would like to see a clearer articulation of the exact content and work that will be produced in these workshops, and how these will be made available to the Nouns community. The idea is great - but I'd like to see a proposal that goes deeper.

The proposal attempts to build an impressive studio space but lacks the specifics and details on how this space will be used in a meaningful way to benefit Nouns. For example, detailing how the studio space will be used to foster artists and the broader community would help strengthen the proposal.

While the proposal highlights its impact on the music community and the broader creative industry, the content provided within it feels more promotional than practical and inspirational. The proposal also lacks sufficient detail about community involvement and engagement in the studio, such as details about the application process for participating in the program or the specific events scheduled for the year, which would help ensure that the studio aligns with the Nouns DAO's mission.

I appreciate the effort and vision behind this proposal, but it needs further refinement. The proposal could benefit from more specifics on the use of funds for things like marketing. To make this proposal stronger, it could also provide details on how the studio will be used to create even more value for Nouns and the community. For example, a specific plan for the 30 audio-visual works.

The Park is a proven nounish builder with a strong history of success in both the music industry and web3. I believe the community-focused approach they're taking will create a lasting impact on the Nouniverse.

I think the ambition and scope of this proposal is very high. It would be a great step forward for the Nouns ecosystem.
