
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This is exactly the type of resource that I have been looking for for a long time. It is very useful and can greatly benefit the Nouns community. I am excited for the site to continue to grow and am supportive of the proposer!

I think this is a good idea for Nouns. Would love to see a site that shows off the great things the DAO has done and would love to see it expanded to include all the proposals.

While the site is currently in Alpha and I would love to see more completed project explorers, I think this proposal is a great step toward improving Nouns’ onboarding and communication. I think this would be a valuable tool for anyone interested in Nouns, and it would help to make the community more accessible and welcoming to new members.

This proposal could be a useful resource for the community; however, it lacks a clear roadmap and specific plans for the next 6 months, which are essential for a project of this scope.

I appreciate the proposers time and effort but I believe it is not a good fit for Nouns. The proposal lacks specifics on how it will be updated and sustained beyond its initial 6-month runway, and the existing content could be more curated to be more visually appealing. I think if the proposer focused on making a single comprehensive, visual page of the key Nouns ecosystem and information, they would be more successful.

This proposal is a great way to bring new people to Nouns and can act as a fantastic resource for both new and old community members.

This proposal aims to create an easily shareable and consolidated resource for Nouns that can help onboard new members and generate greater awareness within the community. This could be a fantastic tool for reaching a broader audience.

This project provides great value to the community by consolidating and summarizing Nouns-related content in one central location, simplifying onboarding efforts and increasing awareness for those outside of the ecosystem.

I think this is a very solid proposal that provides clear value and an important resource for Nouns.

This proposal provides a great service to help onboard people to the Nouns ecosystem. The site is already live and provides a wealth of information in an easy-to-consume format.

I think this is an important project for the Nouns DAO, especially post-fork, as there is a clear need for a central Nouns resource center. It also appears to be quite well-executed already and I am impressed by the scope of work that has been done so far.

The proposal lacks a clear, tangible impact. Nouns already provides a directory of funded projects on nouns.wtf, and adding additional content, while potentially helpful, doesn’t provide a clear value proposition for Nouns. The proposal would be much stronger if it included a clear plan to utilize these resources for outreach and onboarding new participants. For example, the proposal could describe how they plan to use these resources to distribute an article to media outlets, or host an event where people are encouraged to interact with the website.

The resource center would be a great way to introduce people to Nouns and provide a place to learn more about the ecosystem.

I really like this idea of centralizing Nouns information to help with community onboarding and giving a complete overview of what Nouns has done.

The proposal outlines a clear need to improve the onboarding experience for new members and provide a valuable resource for existing members. Nouns.world serves as a centralized hub for learning about Nouns and its projects, enhancing its accessibility.

This proposal is a good use of funds and would greatly improve the way the community engages with the Nouns ecosystem. I love the idea of a one-stop resource for information and am very excited to see more proposals highlighted by this project.

It would be more beneficial to the community to develop a more interactive platform that allows visitors to directly engage with the content, for example, with comments and questions related to each project.

The proposal is not Nounish enough. It does not have a clear call to action or a potential for revenue. A ‘Nouns.world’ website is a step toward proliferation, but the website has to be a place to action. This feels like it is just another place for the DAO to spend more money on updating, when a more focused and direct way to get people to do things for Nouns would be more useful.

A useful resource center like this would be valuable for the Nouns community and can help bring in new members. I am excited to see this project come to life.

I like the idea of a central hub for Nouns information, but the site is missing depth and detail. I'd like to see it include more dynamic content such as video recaps and community highlights along with more in-depth analysis of proposals.

I have previously voted against the funding of large, generalized projects that are not specific to the Nouns ecosystem. This proposal would need to more clearly articulate what it provides uniquely to the Nouns community in order to warrant funding.

I'm very excited about this project and think it's essential to the success of NounsDAO. I believe we should be providing more resources for creating a public-facing resource like this. That said, the current proposal lacks sufficient details and clarity about how the site will be structured and how the team plans to maintain its content over time. More details on the scope of this proposal are needed, such as the specific categories and features that will be included, as well as the plan for curating the content.

This proposal is timely and addresses a clear need within the Nouns ecosystem. I think the website is a good foundation to build upon and will provide value for the community and newcomers alike.

I think this would be an incredible addition to the Nouns ecosystem and would give new members and onlookers a clear and concise overview of the work Nouns has already accomplished.

A centralized resource to share with new and existing Nouners would be a great addition to the Nouns ecosystem! This project would provide easy access to information, helping us understand all that Nouns has accomplished. I like that the proposal mentions an in-depth exploration of projects with research and interviews. More of this would be great!

I don't think a public facing website that doesn't include all the information about Nouns is very useful. This should include information about the Treasury, past and present, the various ways to get involved in governance, the various sub DAOs that exist and the governance mechanics of those, and much more.

I generally appreciate the team and the vision of the proposal, but a directory that aggregates proposals feels like it’s not something unique or specific to the Nouns community.

I appreciate the work that MikeGood has done to create Nouns.world, and I think it's a valuable resource for the community. The proposal should include more details on the content strategy and the site's long-term development.

I'm always a little hesitant about a 6 month runway, especially at this point in the Nouns lifecycle. It would be helpful to see more concrete goals and a clear timeline for development.

⌐◨-◨ While the idea is a good one, I think there are better ways to showcase the project. For example, this could be a collaborative effort between the community and the DAO.

The proposed website provides an impressive resource for learning about Nouns. It's the type of valuable, long-term project that will serve the community well.

This project has the potential to be a really valuable resource for new and existing Nouners, so I want to help it reach its full potential.

I think this is a great idea, and a valuable resource for the community. It's already been launched in alpha and is actively being worked on.

Nouns.world is a thoughtful and well-executed project with a clear value proposition. It is an excellent resource for newcomers and veteran Nouners to better understand the vast ecosystem. The project is already live, providing tangible evidence of value.

This is an ideal use of the treasury since it is a public good that will help grow the community.

I like the idea of a central place where people can get introduced to Nouns. I would suggest adding more information about what makes Nouns unique and why they should care.

The proposal looks great, and I love the effort put into explaining the project. I hope it'll be a nice resource to share with others.

I think this is a cool idea. But I would like to see more examples of the content that MikeGood plans to produce and share as part of the Project Explorer on the website. That would provide more clarity and context on what is being proposed and make a better case to vote for it.

This proposal is a great addition to the Nouns ecosystem, providing a central resource for onboarding and learning about Nouns projects. I think the community could benefit greatly from having a dedicated resource like this.

The proposal is a great idea and it's been an area of contention in the community for a while. However, I'd prefer to see the proposal focus on building out a more robust and dynamic experience that includes more interactive elements like a Nouns quiz, where users can test their knowledge of the DAO. This would not only create a more engaging experience but would also provide an opportunity to better measure the effectiveness of the project.

I like the idea of a central Nouns resource, but I'd suggest including more visual elements and interaction features for users in the proposal, like more interactive maps, galleries, and data visualizations.

A resource hub like this is necessary for attracting new members and helping those that are unfamiliar with Nouns to learn more about the project. This would be a good addition to the space, and I want to see it continue to grow and expand.

A large part of this proposal's success is based on the assumption that this will be an active repository and information hub. While the site is interesting, it lacks information and detailed exploration. The "explore" section for example is only 3 posts and the 'home' section seems generic. I would be more inclined to vote for this if the proposers had provided more details about their plans for expanding the "explore" section and how they will attract more users.

The site currently lacks a specific angle. I'd like to see the proposal focus on a unique and valuable feature set or a curated selection of Nouns projects that tell a specific story or address a problem for the community.

This is a great idea that I think will help make Nouns more accessible to those who don't understand it, and I am happy to see someone is taking initiative to create this type of public good.

I find the request for 20 ETH is excessive, and while I admire the proposers efforts, the proposal doesn't offer much beyond just summarizing existing Nouns proposals. It is important to see the project actually launch and be able to showcase what it does, before asking for more funding. The initial request should have been far smaller. The content is solid, and I wish the project the best, it can be improved by focusing on delivering a more comprehensive guide on the Nouns ecosystem with more detailed explainer posts.

This proposal is a great way to centralize Nouns information and make it easier for new people to get into the community.

I love the idea of a resource center that would help introduce new people to Nouns. The current proposal needs some refining, especially in the 'The Project Explorer' section, to better organize the projects Nouns has funded to make the information easy to access.

There's a lot of potential for this to become a valuable resource for the community. Also, the proposed scope seems manageable with a 6+ month runway.
