
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

I like the idea of adding another recognizable and iconic animal to the Nouns collection. It's a great way to expand the Nouns brand's visual identity and appeal to a wider audience. This simple head design fits nicely with the Nouns style.

I think this is an excellent addition to the Nouns ecosystem! It's funny, creative, and a high-quality addition to the existing art.

The elephant design is really well done and it's great to have new Nounish art added to the collection. Hopefully, this will lead to more cool art submissions for the collection.

This head trait is simple, iconic and nounish. It is also a natural fit for the current head collection.

Adding more head traits, even ones that are relatively common, makes the collection more appealing and keeps the Nouns Weird.

This is a great trait, but it's not clear from the proposal that the artist has actively participated in the broader Nouns community or voted in the past. It’s always a good thing to encourage broader participation and support from newly onboarded Nouns voters.

I'm happy to see this addition to the Nouns collection, as it reflects the positive aspects of Nouns and art through a fun and playful design. However, there is always room for improvement, and I would suggest that the artist explore the possibility of simplifying the design elements for a better visual integration with the Nouns canon.

This head design is very distinct and would add a bit of whimsy to the Nouns. There's a lot of potential for new combos with an Elephant head.

I'm a big fan of seeing how Nouns art is expanding and this proposal is super fun! I'm excited to see the community come together to create and explore new possibilities!

The Elephant head trait would be an excellent addition to the Nouns collection, adding a new element of whimsy and visual variety.

I’m voting FOR because the artist has a good track record, and the proposed head trait fits into the collection. The trait artwork and circle crop are strong, and overall the proposal is well-constructed.

The Elephant head trait is a creative addition to the Nouns collection, and the design is well-executed. I'm confident the community will appreciate it.

The Elephant head trait is aesthetically pleasing and will likely encourage new Noun holders to explore and mint. It aligns with the mission of the Nouns DAO to support creative expression and the proliferation of the collection. The submission of the Elephant head trait is a minor addition to the collection and makes the proposal very low risk.

The Elephant head trait is cute and silly, which aligns with Nouns' playful aesthetic. It also expands the diversity of head options. The proposal includes a signed Nouns Art Contribution Agreement.

This is a new head trait. Adding new traits has always been important to the DAO, and I want to keep seeing new Noun types introduced.

This head trait appears to be a good addition to the Nouns collection. It expands the potential for diverse expression and blends well with the current aesthetic.

Elephant heads are pretty cool. This would further proliferate Nouns.

I really dig the design of this head, it looks really good and fits perfectly with other existing head traits.

The addition of an Elephant head is a fun and surprising addition to the Nouns collection. It expands the cultural relevance of the collection and fits seamlessly within the existing aesthetic.

While this proposal is well-designed, it does not include any additional information about the proposed head trait. It would be more beneficial to have a deeper explanation of the rationale behind adding the trait as well as how this trait would be used by the community.

This head trait is clean, minimal, and fun. It's a good addition to the collection. It also aligns with the aesthetic of previous head traits.

I love seeing new traits added, even if I'm not a big fan of the Elephant head specifically. The team has a proven track record of submitting high-quality, well-thought-out art proposals.

Adding new head traits is a fun and simple way to proliferate the Nouns ecosystem.

I think this is a great new trait that would add to the diversity of the Nouns collection. The elephant is a powerful and iconic animal, and I believe this trait would be a welcome addition to the collection.

The Elephant head has the potential to be a great fit for Nouns. It's a classic, recognizable image with a wide appeal and the design is simple and well executed. Plus, tummlin's past contributions to Nouns have earned them a degree of trust.

This Elephant Head trait has a simple, clean design that aligns perfectly with the rest of the Nouns art. I like that the artist is asking for a Noun rather than ETH or USDC to signal their commitment to the community.

I don't find the "Why" section to be strong enough, it simply describes the benefits of the trait rather than making a passionate argument for why it is unique. There's a lack of personal connection between the artist and the trait.

The voting history indicates a preference towards more open source software, viral media, and tools to support the ecosystem. The proposed artwork is very interesting, however it would be even more impactful if the artist committed to releasing all design materials under CC0.

The proposal is missing a clear explanation of how the new head trait will impact the Nouns ecosystem, and it could be improved by providing a clear vision of how the new trait can be utilized to enhance the Nouns brand or drive engagement.

This proposal is a great addition to the Nouns ecosystem, it will add more diversity to the head traits. This addition feels fun and will help to create more variety in the collection.

I like the simple design and that the artist has experience with creating head traits for Nouns. I think it's a good fit for the collection.

The Elephant head is a unique trait that adds diversity to the collection and it's a clever reference to the project's history. The artist's history and commitment to Nouns also make them a worthy addition to the collection. It would be nice to see the artist's CC0 statement on-chain to further solidify the commitment to this principle.

The proposed elephant head trait is a unique and welcome addition to the Nouns collection, adding to the existing diversity and expanding the possibilities of combinations.

This is a fun and clever trait that adds to the existing Nouns collection in a thoughtful way, and is a good addition to the collection. Great work Tummlin!

While I love the effort and the vibes, it's too similar to the recently added 'Snake Head' trait. There is no need for two head traits that are practically the same, so I'm going to be voting against this one. Maybe another one could be added for another animal, not necessarily a similar one.

The artwork is excellent and fits within the style of the Nouns collection. The design is simple and has a clear resemblance to an elephant, which I like.

I love this Elephant and think it’s a great addition to the Nouns ecosystem.

This is a great example of a head trait with universal appeal and a strong connection to the Nouns’ creative spirit. It perfectly represents the freedom to create and experiment in the community.

Adding new head traits is always fun, especially if it's unique and well-designed. The Elephant Head looks like a cool new addition to the collection!

Adding Elephant to the Nouns collection enhances cultural diversity and expands creative possibilities, furthering our goal of community expansion.

I support the addition of new traits to Nouns and this proposal is well-designed. The artist's previous work has been successful in the past, and this trait will make for interesting new combinations.

The Elephant head design is simple and well-executed, aligning with the overall visual style of the Nouns collection. Its use of a minimal palette keeps it clean and consistent. The Elephant head feels fun and playful while maintaining a recognizable silhouette.

The design is a great example of simple, iconic art that is well-suited for the Nouns collection.

The addition of a new head trait like Elephant would create a fun and interesting new dimension in the Nouns art collection.

This trait brings new life to the Nouns ecosystem by increasing the variety of possible combinations. It's a fun and creative addition that aligns with the spirit of Nouns.

I'm really in favor of new head traits, and the artist has done a great job. It's always exciting to see new additions to the Nouns collection.

I'm always a big supporter of new Nouns traits and I think this addition will be a great fit to the collection.
