
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This is a bold new direction that I think we should explore. I like the team and I'm excited to see what comes out of it. I believe that positive-sum piracy could be a powerful force in the world, and I'm excited to see what Gami can do with it.

I think the overall concept for Pirate is very clever and could be incredibly impactful but I want to see more of the app in action before I vote for it. Also, the potential for a future droposal doesn't quite make sense to me.

I think this proposal is very well thought out and aligns with Nouns' commitment to experimentation and pushing boundaries. I believe the Pirate team is capable of delivering an impactful project, and I am excited to see what they can create.

While the premise is intriguing, the implementation of the proposal is more abstract than tangible, with limited proof of concept and a focus on speculation. The proposal could benefit from a smaller scope, more detailed examples of how piracy will be implemented, and tangible outputs to demonstrate the value of DePi to Nouns.

While I understand the desire for new forms of content monetization, the current proposal lacks a clear outline for how it will truly benefit Nouns. A more structured plan for bringing the proposed vision of positive-sum piracy to life is required.

I love the ambition and the potential of this project to impact creators. It has a solid technical foundation and can greatly benefit the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal has the potential to be very fun and interesting. The concept of pirating content onchain is unique and could lead to new ways to engage with the Nouns ecosystem. I appreciate the vision for expanding to other types of media.

I believe this proposal presents a unique opportunity for Nouns to reach a wider audience by promoting a creative approach to digital distribution. It is a provocative idea that has the potential for strong proliferation.

I can see this prop being a source of positive cultural change in the creator economy. Pirate could help onboard creators to web3 and provide a more nuanced perspective on the role of piracy. While the impact may be hard to gauge at this stage, it's worth supporting as a DAO.

I'm very curious to see what Pirate turns out to be. However, I'd want to see a working prototype to demonstrate the concept.

The proposal doesn't provide enough details about the initial iteration of the product being built. The user experience is also unclear and it's hard to tell how this will actually incentivize others to contribute beyond a more decentralized form of piracy.

The proposal mentions plans for a show on UFO, which seems like an expense we could avoid. This proposal can be more focused and impactful by focusing on the pirate tool and less on the side ventures. This will allow for the project to gain momentum quickly, attract more creators, and showcase the project's merit.

While the vision for positive-sum piracy is compelling and well-explained, I think the concept needs a bit more work to be fully realized. For example, the process for claiming a reward from the creator is not entirely clear. The proposal doesn't go into enough detail about how to prevent fraud or ensure authenticity. It also lacks a plan for driving community participation in the project beyond simply minting NFTs. I would suggest making a clearer plan for driving community participation and providing a more detailed explanation of how creators will verify their claims, or adding more detailed explanations about what community members can participate in.

The proposal is very light on specifics on how the project will be executed. A concrete road map and additional details on the proposed tech stack would improve the proposal.

This is a really fun idea that has the potential to be truly Nounish but I'd like to see more details about how the project will be developed and a clearer timeline for the initial release. This would help give the community a better sense of the project and ensure the long-term success of the project.

While I’m always interested in new ways to engage with content and onboard new builders to Nouns, I don’t believe the scope of this proposal is quite right for the community. There needs to be a more direct connection to the Nouns ecosystem beyond a single noun-inspired NFT drop. I’m interested in seeing the results of the project and learning more about the team's vision for how they can further engage with the Nouns community.

I would prefer to see a more detailed outline of how Pirate plans to actually incentivize artists and how that aligns with broader community goals. This proposal needs a bit more specific detail and a clear explanation of how it will be implemented.

The idea is clever but lacks a concrete execution plan with quantifiable results to warrant 13 ETH. It would be much more useful to see Pirate proven as an MVP with demonstrable traction before committing further funds. I'd also like to see a more detailed roadmap beyond "build in public." A detailed breakdown of milestones, timelines and metrics would show a path towards concrete outcomes and ROI.

This proposal is a clever and fun way to engage with a new community, explore new possibilities for the Nouns brand and generate new income streams. I'm excited to see how this plays out.

I am hesitant to vote for this proposal. I do not believe the proposal clearly defines its goals or the expected impact for the Nouns community. While I am open to creative projects, it is important to be thoughtful about what we fund and how we are allocating our resources. The proposal can be improved by providing greater context on how this aligns with the Nouns mission and why positive-sum piracy is necessary for the community. It is also important to consider alternative methods for monetization that don't rely on piracy.

While I like the premise of this project, I would want to see more details about how it works and how it benefits the Nouns ecosystem. Specifically, I'm hoping that the proposal would explain more concretely how the protocol would be used and the expected impact of using it.

The proposal feels like a product with an unclear explanation of how it will proliferate Nouns and what the impact will be to the community outside the proposer’s network. I think there needs to be a clearer plan of how the app will be used, and the value proposition to the community should be better explained. The proposed content should not be limited to the proposer’s personal network. It should instead focus on how others can use the platform and what the value proposition will be for users beyond the proposer’s immediate circle.

I really love the idea of this proposal. I think that this project has the potential to onboard new users to the Nouns ecosystem, as it would allow creators to be compensated for their work and allow people to have easier access to content they would otherwise not be able to afford.

I appreciate the unique use of the Zora protocol to decentralize media ownership, and the Pirate project has the potential to become a valuable tool for content creators.

Pirate's premise of 'positive-sum piracy' is intriguing, but the proposal lacks concrete steps for onboarding creators and how to scale for wider adoption. How can we incentivize content creators to utilize the platform?

I’m intrigued by the concept, but it’s not clear how this project would help proliferate Nouns. A more robust plan for engaging the community, particularly those outside of Nouns, would be needed to make this a success. I also think this proposal would benefit from a clearer roadmap for how the team intends to reach sustainability.

The concept is great, however the execution and details don’t line up. The proposed campaign lacks a specific plan for fostering community building and lacks a concrete method for integrating the concept of positive-sum piracy into a tangible, desirable experience for ⌐◨-◨.

This is a bold, thought provoking idea in an area I believe is ripe with opportunity. I am enthusiastic to see where Gami takes this.

I think a clear roadmap with measurable goals would make this proposal more compelling.

The proposal describes Pirate as a headless Zora client, which makes me uneasy about the complexity of the project and its ability to properly onboard users. In addition, it feels like a lot of the proposed features and concepts are already available or could be achieved in a simpler way by utilizing current Nouns resources.

The proposal would be better if it included a more concrete plan and roadmap for how the protocol would be developed. A clear timeline and specific milestones would increase confidence.

A creative concept with the potential to impact a large audience, and it provides a compelling explanation for why positive-sum piracy could help both creators and consumers in the crypto space.

While the idea is interesting, I'm hesitant to support a project that is essentially built upon piracy. It's important for Nouns to maintain a strong ethical foundation.

The proposed experiment with positive-sum piracy and Zora rewards feels unrefined and too reliant on speculation. This would likely lead to a lot of spam and wouldn't align with Nouns' brand in any meaningful way. The proposal could be improved by focusing on how it will benefit the Nouns community and proposing a clear set of metrics to evaluate its success.

I'm excited by the concept of positive-sum piracy, however, the proposal needs to provide more details on how it will specifically benefit Nouns. The proposal seems too focused on the generalized benefit of a "vampire attack on the incumbents." To be successful, the proposal needs to demonstrate how Pirate can be used to benefit Nouns as a community, specifically.

This proposal is pretty vague and it's hard to see how the proposed product will be meaningfully integrated in the ecosystem. The proposal is also missing details on the development process for the product.

This proposal is really cool and I think this approach to solving an issue that's already facing the media industry is extremely well aligned with the Nouns DAO. I believe Pirate will add a lot of value to the ecosystem.

While I appreciate this proposition, I think the proposal could be improved by including a roadmap that details the project's goals and milestones, as well as a clear timeline for delivery. I would also like to see some more emphasis on how the project will be integrated into the wider Nouns ecosystem.

This is a great idea with an exciting and well-defined scope. The ‘Why’ section highlights the need to address the current problems of centralized content platforms, and the proposed solutions are unique and interesting. The team's previous successes with a wide variety of Nouns-related projects also inspire confidence.

This proposal sounds fun, but I don't see how the proposed Pirate platform has the potential to be truly disruptive to the status quo of content distribution. It's unclear how the Pirate platform will be able to address the complex challenges of artist verification, copyright disputes, and content moderation. Also, the Pirate team should create a pilot program with just a small number of creators to test out the platform and gather feedback.

The concept of "positive-sum piracy" feels uniquely nounish and aligns well with the goals of the DAO. I like the idea of making the platform a collaborative and decentralized experiment, with the ability for anyone to contribute.

While the proposal outlines a novel approach, its premise of "positive-sum piracy" relies on an assumption that content creators will be willing to accept being "pirated" to gain broader reach and potential secondary market value. This is a very difficult concept to implement. I would be more interested in funding this proposal if the team provided a more detailed plan of how they will collaborate with content creators. Specifically, they should define the process for how content creators will get paid and how they will be able to verify their ownership of the content.

This proposal lacks a solid plan and clear purpose. It seems to be a mix of disparate ideas that are not fully fleshed out. Instead of asking for a large upfront budget, it would be more compelling to see a more focused, smaller-scale version of the idea to demonstrate its potential. I would be more supportive of a proposal that focuses on a more tangible and clearly defined outcome.

I like the idea of this prop and the team but Pirate's vision feels too broad and unfocused. I would be more excited about a proposal that involved creating a specific tool or experience that would be useful for the community, rather than a general concept of "positive-sum piracy".

I'm hesitant to support this proposal. While the concept of positive-sum piracy is intriguing, it lacks a clear connection to Nouns, focusing primarily on distributing content for rewards. To better align with the Nouns mission, I encourage the team to explore ways to bring a specific Nouns element into the project, such as a curated collection of CC0-licensed content or a collaborative art initiative.

Given the past success of Gami's work with Gnars and other projects, this proposal is a unique and exciting opportunity to advance the concept of positive-sum piracy and explore new ideas to help grow the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal is well written and well intended but the concept of “positive-sum piracy” does not align with the values of Nouns. I appreciate the effort of the proposer but the concept of pirate and the associated visual imagery is not aligned with the ethos of Nouns. The proposal should focus on a different area of crypto and avoid the pirate theme.

Pirate is the future. This is a long-term project and I have faith in Gami to continue to build something that supports the entire ecosystem, not just the current one.

I like the concept but it feels too similar to existing features of the Nouns ecosystem, like Prop House. The proposal would be stronger with a better defined community onboarding strategy.
