
24 ETH + 1 NOUN


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zeroweight.eth has been instrumental in helping new nouns voters to get their bearings. It’s a small token of gratitude for a great product.

I appreciate the efforts to build and maintain a valuable governance tool. This is a small way to show gratitude to the team.

This is a community contribution that should be rewarded, and I think rewarding good governance is important.

This is a well deserved reward for someone who has dedicated themselves to making Nouns better for a long time. I am happy to support this proposal.

Index Card has a history of contributions and the tool he developed has been incredibly useful.

This proposal is a great way to celebrate the success of a very important project for Nouns, and I’m always happy to see the community recognized.

I see no issues with recognizing a Nounish builder for their contributions to the ecosystem.

This proposal is a simple but thoughtful way to show gratitude to a key contributor in the Nouns ecosystem. A simple act of recognition could be the difference between them choosing to continue to invest time and energy into Nouns.

I'm not sure when it began, but Zeroweight has been a great tool for voting and has been used by the community to make decisions. It's only fair to show appreciation for this important tool.

This proposal is a testament to the commitment and value that zeroweight.eth has brought to Nouns and its community. It's a worthy recognition of its significant contributions to governance.

While it makes sense to reward Indexcard for their work with zeroweight, the concept of "sunset" is not something I would endorse, especially since zeroweight has the potential to become more robust and valuable with further development.

Zeroweight is an OG in Nouns, and his work has been instrumental in solidifying its place as a cornerstone in our ecosystem. This is a long overdue reward.

While I think this proposition is admirable, I am not sure that providing 24 ETH to an individual who has already benefited from their work is the best use of DAO funds. It would be best if the prop was submitted with a proposal to create a more structured and formal process to retroactively award members of the community for their work.

This proposal is crucial for rewarding efforts that drive progress and understanding in the Nouns community.

I've seen this type of retro-reward for builders in the past, and support this in appreciation for the project's impact.

A small token of gratitude is a nice way to acknowledge contributions like this, and I think we should show appreciation when appropriate.

This proposal does not clearly explain what Zeroweight did to contribute to the Nouns community. I feel it is necessary to be more specific and highlight the actions, and impact, of Zeroweight in order for the proposal to be successful.

Zeroweight has helped bring a new wave of contributors into the DAO. A retroactive reward is a nice gesture and helps encourage more builders to proliferate Nouns by creating products and services for the community.

This is a perfect way to thank a valuable member of the community for their contribution and dedication to the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal recognizes and rewards valuable contributions from a long-time community member who helped many of us become Nouns owners. It’s great to see the community recognize these efforts.

Index Card has made significant contributions to the community and has been involved with the DAO for a long time. This is a great way to recognize that hard work.

I believe that zeroweight has been a very important tool for Nouns, and this proposal will serve to show the DAO's appreciation.

Zeroweight has been a pivotal part of the Nouns DAO, it has allowed many to vote without having to buy a Noun, leading to greater participation. I believe this is a well deserved retro reward.

Zero Weight was a significant contribution to Nouns Governance and the DAO should reward this effort. More recognition for those who contribute to the DAO would be ideal.

This proposal offers a strong recognition of a valuable contribution to the Nouns community. Zeroweight was critical in encouraging onchain participation and deserves to be rewarded.

This is a strong team that has made great contributions to Nouns. This feels like a deserved reward for their efforts.

The proposal is a good way to thank a builder for their work and a well deserved reward for their time and effort. It would be a shame for them to leave the Nouns ecosystem.

I think this is a nice way to celebrate indexcard's work and it will hopefully encourage more folks to contribute to Nouns in this way.

This proposal is well written and addresses community sentiment about rewarding those who have given time and effort to Nouns. The retro-reward is fair and has the potential to attract more community members.

A simple, direct way to show gratitude, which is a common practice in DAOs.

Zeroweight has been a vital part of Nouns for a long time. It's fantastic to acknowledge the efforts made to develop and improve Nouns governance.

This prop is a wonderful way to recognize and reward builders who have made significant contributions to the Nouns DAO, and it sets a great precedent for future retro rewards.

zeroweight.eth has been instrumental in fostering a healthy governance ecosystem and rewarding its creator would be a great way to acknowledge its value.

The proposal is for a retro-reward that highlights the success of Nouns and helps build positive relationships with builders and contributors.

This is a great idea to incentivize devs to build with Nouns and should help accelerate the ongoing experiments with governance.

This is one of the most impactful projects we have seen in Nouns. It's important to recognize individuals who drive community growth.

Love how it’s been used. I think it’s a great idea to celebrate this kind of effort in Nouns.

The inclusion of the Noun feels unnecessary. I don’t think the DAO should be gifting Nouns to people who have not been active voters. A simple ETH reward would be sufficient.

Zeroweight has significantly impacted the Nouns ecosystem and this is a well-deserved retro reward for Indexcard.eth.

As a long-time voter, I believe zeroweight has been a tremendous contribution to Nouns and I think we should always honor builders who have provided unique value to the ecosystem.

Indexcard.eth's work on Zeroweight has been significant and worthy of recognition. Offering this token of gratitude could inspire other builders to contribute their time and resources to the community. This is a rare opportunity to celebrate the innovation that has been born out of Nouns.

I appreciate the work that Indexcard has done with Zeroweight and believe that this reward is well-deserved.

Love the idea of giving a Noun to a dedicated, early adopter who has done impressive work but doesn't have one yet.

I feel this proposal has a strong case and is a great idea - Index Card has been a reliable contributor to Nouns and this is a good way to recognize that effort.

A well-deserved reward for a valuable tool that has made a lasting impact on Nouns governance.

This proposal highlights a critical point in Nouns' history. By acknowledging the contributions of zeroweight.eth, the DAO can encourage further participation from talented individuals, making Nouns more robust.

This proposal is a great way to acknowledge the long-standing work of zeroweight.eth and the impact it has had on the Nouns ecosystem.

I'm always glad to see people get rewarded for their contributions to Nouns and it's great to see this proposal recognize the impact zeroweight has had on the community.
