
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

I'm very impressed by the team's work so far. It's great to see them building a strong, physical presence for Nouns in Malaysia. I believe this is a great way to increase awareness and generate interest in Nouns amongst a wider audience.

I would like to see a tighter focus on the prop. It would be better to include one or two specific areas to focus on rather than a wide variety of initiatives.

The Nouns community in Malaysia is doing an incredible job with the hub. They are clearly dedicated and excited about the project, and it's great to see the energy they are bringing to the community. I appreciate their commitment to a 3-year contract as well, ensuring the space will be a reliable resource for Nouns for years to come.

While I appreciate the goals of the proposal, the description lacks a concrete plan for onboarding new contributors and lacks clear metrics for impact. The proposal also lacks any indication that the proposers are using the space daily and taking the initiative to bring in new people.

I believe this proposal could be more impactful if it focused on a single area of growth or if it more explicitly highlighted what makes the project nounish. I'm also concerned that some of the events mentioned took place in the past.

A great idea to continue fostering the community's creativity and building a dedicated hub for physical expression of the Nouns brand. The proposed format of the space and events seems to be designed to naturally draw new people into the Nouns ecosystem.

The team has a proven track record, and the plan to create a hub for Nouns and creative communities in Malaysia is well-articulated and exciting.

We are strongly in favor of the goals outlined by the team, but propose a slight change: Include a public Nouns educational component into each funding initiative, as this would make each program more self-sufficient and could also help boost overall DAO participation and awareness.

This proposal is a little too broad in its scope. The 'Want to Fund' grant could be broken down into specific projects, each with its own proposal and budget to make it more clear to the community how funds are being allocated.

The team’s effort to create an IRL Nouns Hub is commendable, but given their track record, I would like to see more focus on generating revenue and a clear path towards sustainability. With more robust metrics and a stronger focus on their key initiatives, I could reconsider this proposal in the future.

I appreciate the passion the team has for Nouns, however, this proposal seems like a high budget for a relatively narrow impact on Nouns as a whole. It feels difficult to justify spending the requested amount on an initiative that does not clearly demonstrate the ability to onboard new participants.

This proposal is trying to do too many things at once and I believe a more focused approach would be more successful. I appreciate the creativity and the effort made to create this, I would be very supportive of individual proposals for each initiative.

I am unsure why they are seeking funding to cover the cost of the team's salary. They should at the very least delegate a few Nouns and also look for outside sponsorships to help alleviate this.

While I appreciate the ambitious vision and progress made in this proposal, the request feels too broad. I would be more supportive of a more focused effort on either the community hub or the capsule collection.

It seems like this proposal is more focused on setting up a permanent physical space rather than a dedicated Nouns event. I would be more interested in seeing a more concentrated event based around this theme that is hosted in a temporary venue. Maybe this proposal could be updated with an event-centric approach to better capture the attention of the community.

The proposers have provided a detailed overview of their work and successes from the previous proposal, which included a grand opening. This initiative has the potential to spread the reach of Nouns. The inclusion of the community voting installation will also benefit Nouns by making the voting system accessible to a wider audience.

This proposal is too vague and needs more detail about the specific plans for the physical space and the planned activities. More information is needed regarding how the team will utilize the funds to support a local community. It's important to highlight the unique and tangible benefits that this project offers to the Nouns community. We need a concrete plan that demonstrates a clear roadmap for achieving these aims.

Nouns Beyond Screens was a good use of DAO funds, the concept has legs and is in the right direction. This is a good start on extending this but they should focus on creating a self-sustaining business model before asking for another large infusion from the DAO. That is, they should either fund 100% themselves or a smaller amount from the DAO and get a lot of traction with the existing space before asking for more.

This prop is the product of a dedicated community that has shown strong commitment and initiative in building out the Nouns ecosystem. The team has been creating valuable, thoughtful experiences that benefit both the DAO and the local community. This is the next step in expanding beyond a solely digital realm, and I'm very interested to see how the team continues to evolve the hub.

The proposal is very similar to previous proposals. It lacks specifics on how this will be impactful to the community and doesn't clearly articulate the proposed events or how they will be promoted. It also does not mention any specific goals beyond expanding Nouns in Malaysia.

The proposal’s scope is ambitious, and it would be useful to see the team demonstrate a stronger history in physical goods. I would be more open to a smaller, more focused proposal as the initial step toward a larger vision. This could be a good idea for a smaller scale Prop House round.

I really like this idea and the team's drive. The concept and execution are strong and the ask is also reasonable. But, the proposal is still too general, with loosely defined goals and deliverables. Also, the inclusion of the artist collaborations seems like a separate concept that should be addressed in a separate proposal.

This proposal feels like a collection of smaller proposals, which I've been against before. While the team has done good work and the space seems cool, I feel that the proposal lacks structure and a clear plan for what happens after the 3-year lease is up. It would be much more impactful to focus on the next 3 years with goals and ambitions that ensure the project's long-term success and sustainability.

The proposal demonstrates how a physical space in Southeast Asia can be utilized to drive community engagement and support local creators. It aligns with the previous Nouns Beyond Screen initiative. The proposal also includes a governance voting component and the commitment to providing free rentals to the local community, which are both valuable public goods.

I'm excited to see Nouns expanding its reach into new territories. This proposal utilizes local talent to bring the ⌐◨-◨ brand to life. A long-term commitment for a physical space will allow Nouns to continue proliferating the DAO in a meaningful way.

This proposal has a great vision but does not seem to offer clear direction on how the space will be used. I would be more inclined to vote FOR if it offered specific programs, events, or projects that will utilize the space.

I'm voting AGAINST, because I'm not seeing a clear path for the prop to be self-sufficient, even after the proposed activities are completed. I'd be more supportive of a more narrowly scoped proposal that aims to develop a more integrated ecosystem.

Love the work that Voadz and his team have done and think this is a good way to expand Nouns into new communities.

This proposal is a little overwhelming and needs to be pared down to better showcase the core value of the initiative. I believe the focus should be on the local community, with a clear vision of how this initiative will grow Nouns's impact in Malaysia.

The proposal focuses on expanding Nouns through physical products and community events. This approach aligns well with the concept of a decentralized, global community. It also presents an opportunity to reach new audiences.

While the idea and team are solid, the funding request is very high, and I believe that more can be done to minimize the budget. The proposal could be improved by focusing on smaller projects and collaborations with lower funding costs, which can allow them to onboard a wider audience in the space.

I am impressed with the team's continued efforts. This is a smart way to engage with a global community.

I appreciate their ambition but I am not confident that the project can reach a wide audience. Would be more supportive if they included details on how they intend to measure their success, especially their outreach beyond the Nouns community.

The proposal is ambitious and inspiring. However, a month after the grand opening, there is no readily available information on where to buy the physical products and what those products are. This would need to be addressed with a clear link and a more comprehensive explanation of the physical products available for purchase.

I appreciate the team for building out a physical space that will bring together the Nouns community in a new way and can benefit locals too.

I appreciate the team's effort, however I don't think that simply establishing a hub is enough. The proposal should include specific projects and goals that will drive meaningful impact.

I'm super excited about the concept of this project. Creating a physical space for Nouns with local artists is very much aligned with what the Nouns ecosystem represents. I would love to see how this unfolds.

I think this is a fantastic project with a lot of potential. It's not only a space for the Nouns community to gather but also a hub for local artists and makers to be involved with the DAO. It's interesting to see a physical space for Nouns to occupy that's not just a shop or an event. Having a space that encourages a community to come together and generate ideas is very Nounish.

I am supportive of expanding the Nouns ecosystem to new communities. Having a dedicated physical space in a tech hub like Cyberjaya is exciting, and I believe it will contribute to a deeper appreciation for Nouns. This proposal demonstrates a genuine commitment and a clear path to achieving this.

While Nouns Beyond Screens had a good initial outing, a lack of clarity on how the hub will be maintained and utilized in the future makes this a tough ask. I think it would be better to start with one initiative, such as "Want to Fund", and then continue to expand upon it in future proposals.

I appreciate the team's dedication to Nouns in a way that goes beyond just screens. I think this initiative will continue to be a great resource for both the local community and those interested in exploring new ways to engage with Nouns.

While this proposal has done great things for the Nouns community in Malaysia, I am concerned about the lack of information on a few key aspects. For example, it would be helpful to see a detailed breakdown of all the programs and events taking place at the hub in more detail, such as the governance sessions, to showcase how the hub will benefit the community long-term. The information on the artist collaborations also lacks details on how these projects are being chosen.

While I like the overall concept of this prop, I'm not convinced the proposed format for their event is the best fit for Nouns. It’s not clear what the specific event will be or what the Nouns community will get in return. There's also a lack of context for how a “launchpad” will function.

While I love the idea of bringing Nouns to the real world, I don't think this proposal effectively utilizes the space to maximize Nouns' value and spread the word. For example, instead of a gacha, the space could feature a curated showcase of past Nouns projects.

I'm not convinced that this is a sustainable model for long term proliferation. The proposal should focus on building a system that allows for local community participation and leadership, not just the curation of a curated space. This is an interesting idea, but I think it needs a clearer path to decentralization.

It's exciting to see a dedicated physical hub for Nouns and its community. I'm a proponent of using physical space to further Nouns' reach and impact.

This proposal is a little too broad. There is a lot of ground to cover and a more specific focus for each initiative would make the proposal stronger.

This proposal is focused on an offline, country-specific project and should outline how its efforts support the wider Nouns ecosystem and a more global community.

I really like the idea of a physical Nouns hub. It's amazing to see the work done so far, and I hope that this can help establish Nouns more firmly in Malaysia. This proposal could also be improved by including more details on how the hub will promote and incentivize local artists and builders.
