
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

i'm really encouraged by the team’s continued focus on developing this vision. with the addition of smart links, proactive space & homebase customization, and channels, there’s a lot to look forward to from this project. excited to see what’s next.

The updated proposal provides a clear path forward for nounspace to demonstrate value and achieve product-market fit, which I believe is a critical goal for the Nouns ecosystem.

Nounspace is a valuable platform that has a significant role to play in the future of Farcaster and the Nouns community. It is clear that they are working to address community feedback and are committed to delivering a great product.

This proposal seems to be the most promising yet. They are laser focused on showing value. I believe the proposal's success is a high priority for Nouns and Farcaster.

I would love to see the proposal provide a deeper look into how the 10 communities they aim to onboard are going to use nounspace and if there's a plan for this to become sustainable. I think those details would make the proposal much stronger.

This is the core of nouns being a platform for building things. It's more important that we keep working on something we've already invested in than building something new. The team has demonstrated the ability to grow in usage, and the roadmap is compelling.

I believe nounspace will become a valuable, long-term tool that can increase engagement and drive community growth in the Nouniverse and beyond. I'm glad to see the team's commitment to building a truly unique client for Farcaster and am excited to see how it evolves as we all navigate the future of social together.

We believe nounspace has a great track record and is on the right track to becoming the top Farcaster client. This proposal, with its goals and team, could help push that along.

I see a lot of potential in this proposal and look forward to seeing what happens in the future. I believe nounspace has the ability to become a vital Farcaster tool, and this proposal provides much needed support to get there.

While I appreciate the work being done, this feels like a lot of funding for a proposal that doesn’t have a clearly defined user base. I think the team needs to better establish the specific communities they intend to onboard to demonstrate the viability of their project. For instance, the team should provide a list of specific communities they will onboard to nounspace.

The proposed goals would be more impactful if the team was more ambitious. I'm not entirely convinced that simply onboarding 10 communities would make a significant impact and we'd need to see those communities actively using the product, engaging with other users, and participating in governance to really see that value. The prop also could provide a clearer roadmap for future milestones. This could be an opportunity to develop further.

Nounspace is a crucial Farcaster client that can help bring more people onto the protocol and further Nouns’ mission.

The proposal outlines a plan to further develop nounspace by onboarding more communities. I think it is a good move to expand the user base and see if nounspace can achieve product-market fit.

Nounspace has achieved significant traction and engagement since its launch, with a solid community growing around it. The proposal demonstrates their commitment to creating a valuable and user-friendly Farcaster client.

My biggest concern with this proposal is the lack of clarity and scope for the proposed product. It needs to better showcase the value proposition for the community. I'd be supportive of a more focused proposal that targets specific areas of improvement within nounspace.

This proposal demonstrates that the team is listening to community feedback and using it to improve upon their product, which is what Nouns needs.

This proposal has been carefully crafted to demonstrate value and provide a roadmap to further development for a successful product. The team continues to provide valuable information through their long-form and short-form content, keeping the community informed and engaged.

The proposal's clear focus on achieving product market fit through 10+ communities is compelling and aligns with the project's core objective to be the best Farcaster client. The team has clearly been working hard, as demonstrated by the impressive usage and activity metrics, and deserves the opportunity to continue building.

While there are concerns about tech debt, the team has done a good job onboarding communities and delivering a product so far. The new focus on onboarding and evangelizing communities through the app aligns with Nouns' proliferating goals.

The proposal lacks a clear roadmap for achieving the ambitious goal of onboarding 10 communities and needs to provide more details on how this will be accomplished. Also, the proposal should focus on why the project is valuable for Nouns instead of emphasizing a broader audience.

The proposal lacks specific examples of communities and needs to provide more detail about how it plans to convert those communities into power users. For example, the proposal could explain the specific methods they will use to encourage participation in the DAO and how they will incentivize members.

I like the proposal's focus on converting communities into power users, which aligns with Nouns' values. However, the "not-yet-nounish" communities could be better defined to show what specific communities they will target and how they are not-yet-nounish. This would increase clarity.

Nounspace is clearly showing signs of growth and progress by onboarding multiple communities. This is a good indicator of the viability of the project.

The team has already proven the viability of this project with nounspace v0 and a community of users and contributors. I believe this is an excellent opportunity to support further development, and am eager to see how the project continues to grow.

nounspace has the potential to be the best Farcaster client, and this proposal will help take it to the next level. I love the commitment from this team and believe they can achieve the goal outlined in this proposal. This is a unique project that can help proliferate the Nouns ecosystem.

Nounspace has the potential to be a top farcaster client for a variety of communities and will enhance the functionality of the Nouns ecosystem.

This proposal outlines a clear and concise plan for onboarding more communities, expanding the reach of nounspace, and continuing to develop a user-friendly platform.

This proposal is very well written, clearly outlines its vision and the problems it is trying to solve. I appreciate that the team has incorporated the feedback given in the previous proposal and has made significant changes as a result.

I am a big fan of nounspace and think this proposal is necessary to make it the top Farcaster client for the Nouns ecosystem.

I think this proposal is a great experiment for Nouns, would love to see more community building within the ecosystem. The proposal lays out a clear goal that can be achieved through the planned features and updates.

I feel that nounspace could be more useful if it leverages the Farcaster social graph to encourage growth through a referral system. This could help attract more communities and users.

The team has consistently delivered quality and I am hopeful that they will continue to improve and refine nounspace. I particularly appreciate that they will be focusing on onboarding new communities.

This proposal focuses on building a truly valuable Farcaster client that can benefit both the Nouns community and the larger web3 ecosystem. I believe this is a worthwhile investment for Nouns.

Nounspace has already demonstrated a strong commitment to building a high-quality product, but it is still early in development. The proposal is well-written and makes a good case for why additional funding is needed to ensure the project’s continued success. Given the progress made so far, I am confident that nounspace can deliver on its goals.

The proposal lists several important features that should be developed (Smart URLs, Smart Contract Fidgets, etc.), but ultimately it lacks a clear understanding of how the platform will attract a diverse and growing community of users and builders beyond the existing Nouns ecosystem.

The proposal clearly lays out a plan for the next stage of nounspace’s development, which is aligned with the project’s mission and will lead to more value for the broader community.

I have faith in nounspace and believe that they are able to create a superior Farcaster client, which will be a valuable asset for both Nouns and other communities in the Farcaster ecosystem. They have demonstrated their commitment and ability to execute in the past.

It’s great to see nounspace grow. There’s a clear need for a robust Farcaster client and I am in favor of funding more experimentation on this front. The proposal mentions a clear goal of attracting 10+ communities, which is a great step forward. Instead of focusing on onboarding communities, however, I think the team should focus on providing more features that could lead to even more communities organically adopting nounspace.

I think this proposal is an excellent opportunity to grow and proliferate Nouns by expanding its Farcaster client and making it a useful tool for a variety of web3 communities.

I think nounspace is a cool project with a lot of potential. However, I think the proposal is lacking a clear roadmap and goals for the next 5 months. A better proposal would include a detailed description of how the requested funding will be spent, and how the team will measure success.

This proposal has an interesting concept that if successful could have huge impact. I am especially impressed by the use of $SPACE to incentivize contributions, which could set a new precedent for future projects. I also appreciate the team's commitment to transparency with their monthly updates and public data dashboards. I hope to see the app continue to grow and add valuable functionality to the Farcaster network.

The team has clearly taken feedback from the previous proposal and has refocused on what is most important to achieving product-market fit. The plan is also very clear and achievable.

Supporting a team that is making a difference in the Farcaster Ecosystem. It is great to see them iterate based on feedback.

I like the team and the intent, but this proposal lacks a plan for building the 10+ communities that are expected to make use of nounspace as their primary hub. It would be more convincing to see a list of these communities and/or a proposal for a dedicated round to onboard a handful of pilot communities.

Nounspace is a unique project that could help boost the Farcaster ecosystem and could provide a valuable tool for Nouns DAO itself. Their work is well documented and they've demonstrated a strong commitment to building this idea.

I am supportive of the work being done here to build out nounspace. I believe that there is great value in this proposal and that it will be impactful to the Nouns community. The vision set forth aligns with the values of Nouns and will serve as a prime example of what the community is able to achieve with resources.

The proposal does not focus on a distinct goal. It primarily focuses on general improvements to the Farcaster client. The section, "how you can help" feels disjointed and lacks a specific call to action for Nouns users. I find the vision for nounspace to be quite vague. Consider narrowing down the scope to a single key goal. For example, highlighting a specific feature, such as smart URLs, and demonstrate its impact on the Nouns community.

Nounspace has already shown that it has the ability to become a viable product and could bring more users and communities into the Nouns ecosystem. I believe this is a solid investment and will pay off for the DAO long term.

This proposal seems to be very well thought out, and the team has delivered on past promises- plus it has a lot of potential to grow organically.

I'm excited about the continued growth of nounspace. I hope this can bring in more users and continue to solidify its position as a Farcaster client.
