
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

GLITCH’s art + tech experimentation seems like a natural extension of Nouns' ethos. They're bringing together a highly curated group of artists to push boundaries, and I believe that this prop will help the community realize its potential for the benefit of both GLITCH and Nouns.

GLITCH is aligned with Nouns values and provides a unique opportunity to contribute to the broader artistic and crypto communities.

I like this idea and believe it can contribute to the future of Nouns. I would love to see a more explicit plan for how we can use these outputs in a physical, tangible space that's easily accessible to the broader Nouns community.

This proposal is a very interesting effort for a community that shares so many values with Nouns. The mission of GLITCH aligns with the values of the DAO and its community. I am looking forward to seeing the outcome of this initiative.

GLITCH represents a new and exciting way to bring the ethos of Nouns into the art world. I’m very excited to see them continue to work with Nouns.

GLITCH has already delivered on a variety of projects and the team is packed with talent from both the art and blockchain worlds. The proposed activities and the expansion of their technical protocols will be beneficial to Nouns and help further a core mission of the organization.

GLITCH proposes interesting concepts, but I'd love to see more focus on a specific project or initiative before providing such a large sum. This would be a much more impactful and exciting proposition.

This proposal provides a rich history and context for this project. It would be beneficial for the Nouns DAO to support this project and continue to cultivate relationships within the art community. I also like the emphasis on the positive societal impact this project can achieve.

I am very interested in how this proposal aligns with the broader Nouns community, and specifically the relationship between art and technology. It is a very creative idea to have a space to explore these areas, and I hope we can see some more direct examples and case studies of what GLITCH has produced.

GLITCH's mission to blur the lines between art and technology aligns with Nouns' values. Their creative output is truly unique and could bring new audiences to Nouns.

The overall project is very comprehensive and it's not clear to me how Nouns can further contribute in a way that's not simply an endorsement of the group's existing mission. I'd like to see the project become more specific in terms of how it's integrating with Nouns in a unique way and how those two entities could form a deeper, more meaningful relationship.

I'm concerned about the lack of specificity in the proposal. We need to see clear plans for each activity and specific deliverables that we can measure. The proposal should highlight the expected impact on the Nouns community.

While I appreciate the proposal's intention of fostering collaboration and promoting openness, I believe it is more important to focus on the broader goals of Nouns, rather than allocating funds to a single project, even if it is well aligned with Nouns' values. The proposal can be improved by focusing on specific, measurable goals and clear deliverables that directly benefit Nouns DAO, rather than promoting a general vision.

I see tremendous potential for the GLITCH community to further expand the Nouns ecosystem and push the boundaries of art and technology. GLITCH's focus on openness and collaboration aligns with Nouns' core values and fosters a creative and innovative space for artists.

The proposal details interesting plans to push the boundaries of crypto art, which seems like a natural fit for Nouns. The team is comprised of well-known and experienced individuals, which makes me confident in their ability to execute. I'm also excited for the potential collaborative projects.

GLITCH is a very interesting project and I appreciate the collaboration with Nouns. I am excited to see what they can do with the funding.

While the proposal is well-written and interesting, there is a lack of clarity on how GLITCH will specifically promote Nouns beyond merely mentioning its values and principles. The proposal needs to more clearly outline how it will incorporate Nouns into its projects and activities.

This proposal doesn't define a clear plan for how GLITCH and Nouns will actively engage in promoting CC0 licensing and remixing through their combined efforts. I would want to see a more concrete plan for how the GLITCH community will advocate for these values within the traditional art world and how Nouns will play a role in that process.

The GLITCH team has a track record of collaboration and delivering high-quality art and tech projects. I'm excited to see how they can further proliferate Nouns by expanding into the traditional art world and by bringing together artists and engineers to build innovative tools using blockchain.

I am unsure if this proposal makes sense to propose at this time, as it doesn't clearly articulate the impact of the grant beyond simply supporting an already established, self-sustaining community. Perhaps it would be better to make the proposal more specific about the impact it aims to achieve.

While I admire their community building initiatives, I am not convinced that the GLITCH proposal is a good fit for Nouns at this time. The lack of specific concrete deliverables makes it challenging to assess its impact on the DAO.

I believe that this proposal is missing a clear and concise way to demonstrate impact and the metrics used to track that. The proposal should provide more specifics on how the DAO can easily see the value generated from their investment.

I see a lot of potential in the GLITCH proposal, and I'm supportive of expanding the Nouns ethos into the art world. However, this proposal would need to be revised to focus more directly on what GLITCH will do to build a long term, sustainable project within the Nouns ecosystem and what they'll do to ensure their output and the projects developed are accessible and usable to the Nouns community at large.

GLITCH has a clear vision and a history of making high quality art and developing innovative protocols that align with Nouns. The proposal outlines several steps for continuing to build and expand the community.

The proposal could benefit from a more focused narrative and clearer objectives. It would be helpful to see examples of specific projects or initiatives that GLITCH would be working on.

GLITCH's dedication to collaboration and openness aligns well with Nouns’ values. Their past work has proven their impact, and I’m excited to see what they will do next.

I love the goals of the project and think that what they are attempting to do is very Nounish. I'd like to see a Prop that focused more on the individual artistic endeavors of the GLITCH community and less about the collective activities. The proposal's mention of the “GLITCH Protocol” is a great example, but it needs to be more clear about the value it provides for the broader Nouns community.

The GLITCH team has done amazing work with a wide range of initiatives but it's not clear to me how much of this work will directly benefit the Nouns community. I think the proposal could benefit from more emphasis on how GLITCH will continue to collaborate with Nouns.

The proposal focuses on a very specific type of art and misses opportunities to engage with a broader audience and communities within Nouns. The GLITCH community should have greater diversity. GLITCH should also focus on producing more easily accessible content and projects, such as short form videos and interactive experiences that are accessible to a broader audience.

This is a very unique proposal that has the potential to reach a wide audience and generate positive externalities for Nouns. The team is well qualified and has shown a track record of success with previous collaborations.

While I appreciate the effort to bring together a talented cohort of individuals to build in the artistic domain, GLITCH could greatly benefit from increasing its current focus on building open source technical protocols and standards that can impact the NFT ecosystem more broadly, rather than solely artistic endeavors.

This proposal highlights a new potential community that shares many of Nouns values. This seems like a natural fit for a collaboration and I'm looking forward to seeing how GLITCH builds on its existing work with Nouns.

While this proposal has great aspirations, I'm concerned about the lack of concrete plans for how GLITCH will integrate with Nouns and contribute to the broader ecosystem. It would be more persuasive if the proposal included detailed examples of how GLITCH will be actively involved in Nouns projects, rather than simply stating its intent.

GLITCH's residency program and its focus on technical protocols aligns with the DAO's goals of supporting the development of public goods. This could contribute to the growth of a community that is already actively pushing the boundaries of crypto art.

GLITCH seems to be a natural fit for Nouns. Their mission of expanding the use of blockchain in art is aligned with the creative, open-source, and community-driven values of Nouns. I’m excited to see what they build!

I appreciate this proposal. However, I think the project would benefit from focusing on building a more centralized, singular creative community with a more focused vision. This will attract a wider variety of artists and further align with the Nouns value of collaboration. Right now, the proposal feels a bit scattered and it doesn't clearly showcase a plan to become sustainable after the funding period.

This has the potential to spread Nouns' mission and value and I am especially interested in exploring the use of blockchain as a medium for art.

The proposal’s strength lies in its ambitions, but it lacks concrete details for how to achieve them. It is unclear how the DAO’s funds would be used to deliver actual projects, especially regarding the use of blockchain and AI within their residencies. I would like to see more specifics on how these initiatives would be structured to proliferate Nouns and bring value to the community.

GLITCH aligns well with Nouns, and this proposal details an excellent plan for a shared future. I believe that supporting this proposal is a good investment.

While I appreciate the proposal's ambition and the creative spirit behind GLITCH, I think the community needs to see more tangible and measurable results. The proposal lacks a clear plan for how it will specifically use funding to benefit Nouns. Further, this proposal feels too broad and could benefit from a focus on a single initiative rather than a slew of different projects. A dedicated, focused proposal on a specific GLITCH event could be more compelling.

GLITCH has proven itself capable of collaborating and delivering on previous proposals, and we believe they are in a unique position to inspire artists to use blockchain as a medium.

This proposal will have a positive impact on the Nouns ecosystem by attracting new talent, and helping to build an art world that aligns with the values of openness and collaboration.

The proposal has good intentions and I'm generally in favor of what it wants to achieve, however it is not as well defined as it could be. It's not clear enough why Nouns should be the main funding source, and the proposal also fails to specify how it will address issues with scalability and sustainability.

I believe this proposal has the potential to increase the Nouns' profile and impact with a community they haven't reached yet. I also like that GLITCH is focused on using blockchain technology as a creative medium rather than as a mere transaction layer.

I am hesitant to vote for this proposal because the community activities and outputs don't feel well defined or specific enough. A more focused plan that breaks down the objectives into smaller deliverables could help make it more appealing and tangible.

This proposal seems more focused on promoting the GLITCH community rather than serving the Nouns community. I believe this proposal needs to clearly explain how it will benefit Nouns beyond simply engaging with their community members.

The proposal has a ton of great potential and the team has a great track record in the space. But I want to see more specific details about the team's strategy and plan for long-term sustainability. I also wish there were more details about how the proposal could be integrated into the Nouns community.

The proposal explains how GLITCH will use the funds to further their goals and provides a detailed plan on how they will make the community more self-sustainable.
