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The Nouns Movie has been a success and it would be great to see it completed in a manner that prioritizes quality and creative vision. We’ve seen significant achievements and strong execution so far and I'm excited to see what comes next!
Not a fan of the approach and the gatekeeping involved with the DAO member token gating. I'd prefer to see something more akin to a public mint for the community as a whole.
I feel the Nouns Movie has had a great run so far and it feels right to finish it with an appropriate amount of funding given the scale of the project.
I love the idea of a Nouns feature film. I think it has potential for real-world impact.
While I’m glad that this is the final prop, I believe that the film has already been made. This feels more like an ask for completion rather than a new project. I’d be interested in seeing a prop around marketing and distribution, but not production
This proposal provides detailed information on the progress of the project and showcases the success it has achieved, which inspires confidence in the team's ability to deliver. It also includes clear steps for ongoing communication and progress updates, which will benefit the community and keep us informed.
This proposal represents a good conclusion to the Nouns Movie Project. It's a good idea to wrap up the project with these last three episodes.
I believe the team has proven its ability to create high-quality, engaging content and the community has shown a lot of interest in the movie so far. This will allow us to have a strong final product.
The inclusion of the story and scripting for the last three episodes is crucial for building momentum and audience engagement. As long as the propdates remain consistent and the team delivers the preview work, I believe this proposal has the potential to be impactful.
We should give Nouns Movie the funds to continue its mission, the story is incredible.
This proposal provides a great opportunity to continue funding a project that has already achieved international success and is on its way to become a major piece of media in the web3 space.
I believe this proposal is the final piece in a very unique experiment in how web3 can be utilized to create and distribute a film. The team has a strong track record and proven success in achieving their goals, and I am confident that they will deliver an impactful outcome. The release of the movie is an important event, and I am confident that it will generate buzz and excitement within and beyond the Nouns community.
While this project has the potential to be impactful, I think it would be a better use of funds to have the team release each episode individually as a free mint instead of gating content to token holders. This way, the film would be accessible to a wider audience and could potentially lead to even greater engagement with the Nouns project.
The Nouns Movie has proven to be a high quality initiative thus far and, at this point, i think its ok to push to completion. The team has demonstrated commitment through consistently releasing episodes and the project is already generating a positive buzz. I am in favor of helping them cross the finish line.
The proposal doesn't explain what steps the team will take to address the issues that were previously raised about their production and content, including an emphasis on producing more behind-the-scenes content and sharing an engaging storyline, all of which would make the proposed project more impactful. The proposal also needs to provide details on how the team will integrate with other projects and their communities. A strong emphasis on ensuring the project's long-term sustainability would be beneficial too.
A compelling narrative, quality production, and community engagement create a compelling case for support. This proposal builds upon previous successes and delivers continued value, strengthening the Nouns Movie project.
I believe the team has demonstrated its commitment to Nouns, and the proposed delivery schedule will provide sufficient visibility into the project.
It's not clear to me that the $1,125,000 USD ask for 3 episodes is a good value. The proposal should focus on building a solid foundation, especially for the final act of the film.
I believe that Nouns Movie has already achieved its goals. This proposal aims to continue the project, which I do not believe is essential to Nouns' success at this time. The team should focus on promoting the project through other means.
I am concerned about the proposal's lack of focus on community engagement. It's good that they're producing new content but I would prefer it if they created a new tool for the community to engage with.
This proposal offers the opportunity to continue to grow the Nouns Movie project and expand the cinematic universe for the community. While funding is not explicitly stated in the proposal, the project has already demonstrated a strong track record in delivering value to the community through previous proposals. I'm confident that further investment will continue to benefit the DAO.
I love seeing Nouns's foray into film continue and it's really exciting to watch the project evolve. I'm hopeful this will be the final chapter in a grand success story and that the next phase of the story will see NounsMovie reach an even wider audience.
The proposal is a natural progression, building upon past successes and fulfilling an ambitious vision. The team has been incredibly transparent and diligent.
We believe the Nouns Movie project is essential to the ongoing success of the DAO and the team has already shown their ability to deliver quality results. We are eager to see this project reach completion.
The request is a bit vague and doesn't have much to go on. It's not clear how the specific events will be engaging enough for the Nouns community or how it will be spread beyond a limited audience. It would be better if the proposal focuses more on outlining the specific goals for the events.
This proposal has already received a lot of funding and is likely to continue generating revenue through other avenues. I think this funding should be allocated to other, more in need projects in the ecosystem.
This is a perfect opportunity to show the value of Nouns as a globally recognized brand. I would be more in favor of releasing EP4, 5 & 6 in a staggered manner to keep up momentum and interest, but the commitment of the team in funding the last act is very reassuring.
I appreciate the transparency of the proposal as it addresses the remaining production budget and the team's plan to fund the final episode.
The proposal provides a nice overview of past work but does not outline the future of the project beyond the completion of the current episode, which is necessary for making this a sustainable undertaking for Nouns. It would be nice if they outlined how they will use the project to bring in additional funds and further Nouns growth in the future.
A lot of care has been taken to build a well-rounded and engaging story, and the production seems top notch. It’s heartening to see the project is already garnering attention from festivals and media outlets. I believe the film will continue to proliferate the Nouns project.
The Nouns Movie project has delivered high-quality content and shown it can be a success. This proposal completes the bulk of the work and allows for the completion of the film. The final episode will be funded privately, so Nouns DAO will not be responsible for the last part of the project.
This is a major landmark for Nouns, bringing the first-ever film to the broader internet, and is a perfect moment to showcase what we've been doing.
The work done so far is impressive, the final product would be interesting for Nouns and the team has a strong reputation.
This proposal is a natural progression of past efforts and will continue to solidify Nouns' presence in a diverse and expansive landscape.
The proposal outlines a clear set of deliverables, and I believe Atrium is uniquely positioned to deliver a high-quality product. It’s great to see this project nearing completion.
I don't think we can trust that the film will be completed in time. I also worry that this is creating a precedent for the DAO to constantly be funding these types of productions. I would support this prop if it was structured to receive funds on a milestone basis and have a more detailed breakdown of what each episode is about. For example, 10.5 mins for an episode is the equivalent of 15-20 minutes for a traditional tv episode. I'd like to see a bit more creative depth to the proposed episodes. For example, what are the stories of the next three episodes? How will the narrative evolve? We need a bit more detail from Atrium about the overall vision and path forward.
We have seen the quality of the team with the initial release of the movie, and the continued success, and I believe we can trust them to finish the work on time. We are looking for a good story and I believe that this is a great way to continue the Nouns story.
I believe this proposal could benefit from a stronger focus on what happens if the film is not acquired. Including a plan for how the DAO could use the film for future projects and distribution would make it more compelling.
While the work delivered so far has been very high quality and the team is strong, the movie is a large commitment. There is more community interest in developing a shorter form episodic series with the same quality of animation and music.
I appreciate the team's effort and dedication to the project, but I feel there needs to be a stronger explanation and more detail about what this final Nouns Movie proposal actually entails, especially for viewers who haven't seen the prior releases, and more details about future distribution and plans.
The Nouns Movie team has shown that they are able to create a high-quality product that delivers a positive impact on the community. This proposal seems like the next step in the story and I am excited to see what’s next.
The movie is already winning awards and getting great reviews. It is a very unique approach to filmmaking and I think we should fund it. It is also going to be very interesting to see the film released in a token-gated format, I hope that the team will make it as simple as possible for non-Noun holders to be able to participate.
I’m very supportive of long-form content and find the artistic talent behind this impressive but, at this stage, the amount requested for the final three episodes is just too big. If the request was scaled back, it could be an easy vote.
I am voting FOR this proposal because it shows a clear path to completion of the Nouns Movie and is being produced by an established team of artists and creators. I also appreciate the inclusion of a script draft for anyone to explore.