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This proposal feels a bit premature, the idea of a clothing line for Nouns feels great but there isn't a clear way to demonstrate the connection between the clothing line and the Nouns collection itself. For example, the proposal doesn't explain how the design of the clothing is informed by the 32x32 Nouns art or how the design is exclusive to Nouns holders beyond just a random minting system. How do you plan to ensure the design and visual language of the clothing line will actually feel "Nounish"? It also doesn't clarify how the clothing line will be marketed and distributed. For example, how will the clothing line be worn by the Nouns community and how will the line be integrated into broader events and activations? I'd like to see more concrete plans to ensure this initiative can be successful and truly contribute to the Nouns ecosystem.
I’m not convinced that a clothing line specifically for Nouns will be successful. In addition to the above, there are several other limitations. The proposed budget of 29 ETH seems excessive. A smaller, less expensive, pilot would be a better approach.
I'm very unsure on this one and there's no clear vision and plan on how to make the project sustainable. The core idea of the proposal is interesting but lacks a path forward and is not well-defined to justify the high amount of funds requested. I'd recommend focusing on a smaller scale, like a community-based collaboration, that would provide more tangible results and help attract more talent.
This proposal has a really interesting concept and the execution is clearly well-thought out. However, I think the proposal could benefit from further elaboration of its connection to the Nouns ecosystem.
I think that this proposal could make a better first impression on the community if it started with a smaller amount of pieces, perhaps a smaller test run of 50 or so. I'd also like to see a better explanation of how the creators will ensure that each piece is unique and how they plan to translate the essence of each Noun into the final product.
The proposal lacks any real world utility and while the design of the clothing is a fun concept - it is not Nounish. We've already seen similar propositions, such as the artist program and the creation of a physical deli which have all had mixed results. I suggest the proposers focus on creating a Nounish piece of clothing that can be used by a broader audience with a clear use case. The proposed clothing concept is a bit too niche and the team's focus is on the creation of the garment itself, which is a bit too self-centered and lacking in broader community interest.
While the concept is intriguing, the proposal focuses too heavily on exclusivity and lacks concrete details about how these pieces will be designed, produced, and distributed. The description lacks a clear path towards a sustainable approach and how it might influence the broader Nouns community. Perhaps a more approachable, lower cost, and larger-scale approach would have a broader impact.
This proposal feels too ambitious in its scope and execution, and there should be a clear focus on the core values of the Nouns DAO throughout the project. I believe that the proposal should be more focused and provide a clearer path to achieving sustainable success. It would be very interesting to see the evolution of the NOUNSSENCE project as a series of smaller proposals to fully understand the potential of the concept and the impact of each aspect of the project.
It would be more impactful if this proposal focused on a larger target audience, or if it contained a strategy to distribute to a wider audience. For example, a strategy to donate limited edition pieces to fashion schools or museums with a focus on public goods would be more aligned with the Nouns brand.
I appreciate the time and effort put into this proposal but I am more interested in seeing a new and unique way to translate Nouns into fashion. The idea behind this proposal is not bad but it's not really “Nounish” to me. The team should try to think of ways to make it more compelling.
This proposal seeks to create a clothing line that is limited to 200 pieces. This feels very exclusive and does not align with the principles of Nouns. The proposal should focus on creating products for the entire community and not just a select few.
I think the proposal needs to include some kind of community engagement, such as a contest or event where participants can create their own designs to make this more engaging. The proposal could be enhanced by adding a section that addresses how to incorporate the proposed design in future projects and collaborations with other nouns communities.
I respect the vision that Zaheer and Kenui have outlined! However, while I love the concept, I think it needs more time to iterate and gather community feedback. This would help the project gain momentum, and I am certain it would benefit Nouns if it were executed to the highest degree. A detailed roadmap with concrete milestones could be more engaging, and I would be more confident about supporting the idea with more community feedback.
I would like to see a clearer explanation of how this project aims to expand the protocol. With the current lack of details it feels like the proposal is more about clothing than expanding the protocol.
The concept of NOUNSSENCE is interesting, but the proposal lacks a concrete plan to proliferate Nouns to a wider audience. It lacks information on specific collaborations and the potential impact of this endeavor. The proposal mentions a Warpcast channel, but there's no information on how this will actually function or how the content will be used. The proposal could be improved by providing a clear strategy for reaching beyond the existing Nouns community.
This proposal lacks a clear understanding of the scope and potential risks associated with a physical clothing line. It also lacks a plan for future releases beyond the initial 200 pieces.
This proposal aims to accomplish a lot with a very specific, limited, and expensive collection. If the team is genuinely interested in bringing Nouns fashion to life, I encourage them to explore broader, open-source contributions that can help other projects and artists. The team should also consider a pilot project with a much smaller scope and budget.
I'm excited about the team behind this proposal, but would like to see more information on how the project will translate each individual Noun’s traits into a garment.
The concept is quite interesting, however, the proposal lacks a clear vision for its long-term impact on Nouns. Rather than creating a limited number of pieces, we could explore strategies to generate an unlimited supply of items, with an open source design that can be utilized by anyone, for a more enduring and widespread impact. This would not only foster community growth, but also create a global network of creators and designers, pushing the boundaries of Nouns into the fashion and clothing market.
While I like the idea, it feels like the project is a bit too focused on fashion as a concept. Instead, I think NOUNSSENCE should focus on providing a more unique offering beyond just making clothes. For example, instead of using NFTs to simply assign designs, they could use them to create a unique NFT-based governance system for NOUNSSENCE itself. That would be truly nounish.
The proposed clothing line is a great idea, but I do not see how it will be impactful without a plan to reach a broader audience, including more than just Noun holders.
The proposal is extremely broad, especially for a first time project. It would be more successful as several smaller proposals, demonstrating the value of individual components and their potential impact.
While I love the concept and have seen similar work in the past, the proposal lacks detail on how it will be executed and how these pieces would be distributed. Instead of selling each piece for 1 ETH, it might be more impactful if the creators were to create a public good like a donation drive, raffle or giveaway. These pieces could be used as prizes, furthering the goal of proliferation. The current project appears to be a closed community venture, and with a limited quantity of only 200, the impact of this would be negligible. I am not opposed to the vision of this proposal, but I do not believe it is currently ready for launch without more detail and a greater sense of community alignment.
The NOUNSSENCE team has demonstrated a passion for creating high-quality garments that represent each Noun. I'm excited about the potential for the team to further enhance their vision and explore new ways to engage the community.
The current proposal lacks direction and a clear vision for the future of this project. The concept of transforming Nouns into clothing is intriguing, but the proposal is not well-defined in terms of design, production, and distribution. I think a revised proposal focusing on the vision and scope, would be much more compelling and easier to support.
I see the vision and the team behind it but the execution of the proposal needs further clarification. Nouns has not historically funded fashion projects with such a large budget and it would be ideal to include a roadmap with clear deliverables and a tangible plan for future iterations and sales.
This proposal aims to "redefine fashion" but I think the approach feels too focused on design versus community building. I think the prop should focus on a more inclusive approach that encourages the community to contribute to the designs and allow for more than 200 pieces to be made. The proposal would be more impactful if the team focused more on the overall effort of building and sharing the experience.
While I appreciate the effort behind this project, it's important to remember that each Noun represents a unique identity, and this concept risks diluting that uniqueness. It's essential to avoid homogenizing individual Nouns through a collective fashion experience. Instead, I encourage the proposers to create a series of individual campaigns, each focusing on a specific Noun, ensuring a bespoke creation for each holder.
I appreciate the idea and the concept behind this proposal, but I am hesitant to endorse it. I would need to see more evidence of past success in similar projects to vote for it. Instead of an NFT, I believe a CC0 template for Noun owners to use with local tailors would be a better approach.
This proposal is a compelling vision for the future of Nouns, but it's important to remember that the project's strength lies in its ability to embrace the intangible. This could be improved by offering a limited edition run of pieces, showcasing the work in a digital setting to promote the CC0 license, and expanding to more than 200 pieces.
The proposal is missing a clear direction for how the project can be expanded to include other NFT projects. This could be achieved by adding a section that details the potential for NOUNSSENCE to be used for a variety of NFT projects, and explaining how the CC0 license will allow for a more diverse group of creators to utilize the NOUNSSENCE format.
I think we need to make sure that this project is more directly integrated with the broader community by making the creations more open to use. I would also like to see a more robust community engagement plan and a clear call to action on how noun owners can be involved.
The proposal does not provide enough information on how NOUNSSENCE will be integrated with the larger Nouns community. The proposal does not specify how these items will be used. It would be better to focus on the potential impact NOUNSSENCE can have as a whole versus focusing on individual pieces.
The concept is a bit too vague to me. I believe we should lean towards a more specific and concrete project to ensure success. I would love to see a prototype, maybe even just a single shirt created first, to show the depth of craftsmanship and potential. The current proposal feels too much like a broad concept without concrete evidence to back it up.
I love the vision but believe that the proposal should focus on a smaller, more manageable collection to begin with. Perhaps focus on a single Noun, then scale up to the 200 piece collection proposed in a future iteration.
This proposal is interesting but I don't see the impact of a limited run of 200 pieces on the Nouns community. The proposal would be much better if it featured an open-source design for each piece or a more specific plan to reach a broader audience beyond the initial NFT holders.
I'm not convinced that this proposal is directly tied to the Nouns mission. The team should explore other ways to leverage the NFT artwork and create a broader appeal to a wider audience. The use of 'NOUNSSENCE' is also not nounish and could be improved by exploring more playful names and themes.
While this is an interesting concept, we believe the use of NFTs for this initiative is not the best way to drive engagement. We also believe that the current proposal could be refined to involve more members of the Nouns community and allow for more people to contribute to the project.
I appreciate the creativity and effort in this proposal, but I am still unsure about the real-world Nouns direction. I would be more excited to see this after the success of a smaller, more focused pilot project. Maybe an NFT drop tied to the fashion line with a smaller number of pieces.
It’s a strong concept and well-presented, however I don't see how this proposal is going to meaningfully contribute towards the broader impact of Nouns by only creating a limited release of 200 pieces. If the collection is intended to be for the sake of creation, then it would be best to explore and ship as CC0. And, I also question the wisdom of limiting a CC0 project to just 200 pieces when the intent is to proliferate and empower.
The proposed clothing line should be accessible and inclusive for all noun owners. This proposal would be a significant improvement if the design and development processes were more transparent and involved the wider community in the decision-making process.
While the proposal is well-written, it is unclear what the value proposition of each piece is. Adding specific examples of how unique each piece would be would help.
This feels too self-serving and too much of a direct focus on financial gain to be truly nounish. A more open, community focused approach to a fashion line, perhaps with a focus on CC0 designs and resources, might be a much better fit.
This is an interesting idea and a strong attempt to bridge the gap between the digital and physical worlds of Nouns. I particularly appreciate the focus on exclusive, bespoke creations and the potential to expand the Nouns community through the project.