
All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.

This proposal is a good idea but needs to be more grounded with less focus on the event itself and more on what Nouns can learn from it. We should prioritize creating content to educate and engage students about Nouns. The proposal should include a plan for capturing and sharing the event’s insights and learnings.

I'm not sure about the inclusion of $nouns. It feels like a very separate concept and it is not clear how this would directly tie into the goals of the event. I also would like to see the event be open to all students, not just those who qualify through the MLBB tournament.

I appreciate the team's efforts to create new art and connect with students and am happy to vote "For".

This proposal includes a lot of great ideas to bring Nouns into the Indonesian community, but the scope feels a bit overwhelming for one proposal. This proposal could be more convincing by focusing on one event, such as the esports tournament, and expanding on the expected outcomes.

The proposal clearly establishes the scope of work and aligns with past efforts to promote Nouns through esports. This is an excellent opportunity for Nouns to engage with a new and growing audience in Indonesia.

I like the team’s energy and am a fan of their work at Bali Nounsweek. This prop feels like too much of an ask for such a broad program with very little detail about specific deliverables, content or goals. I’d like to see them tighten it up with a focus on specific events, and not just a laundry list of general activities. For example, a specific goal such as: "We will secure a 15-minute segment on the largest Indonesian esports channel to discuss Nouns DAO and onboarding with 1K viewers, using the following steps…" would be an excellent way to ensure the DAO’s investment has a tangible impact.

The proposal is very ambitious in scope, and this ambitiousness is a bit overwhelming. It lacks clarity on exactly how much impact the project will have on the Nouns community beyond the initial event, especially considering the size of the budget request. It also seems that there are multiple projects bundled into one. For instance, I can see why each of the events and activities outlined in this proposal could be individually successful, but I'm not sure if they make sense as a unified package.

While I am very supportive of expanding the Nouns community to new markets like Indonesia, I feel like more information is needed on the plan for the art IRL Hackathon. The proposal could be improved by outlining specific events and activities, especially how they relate to Nouns and the broader community.

The proposal does not clearly define a path toward sustainability and how Nounsweek will continue to support the community in Indonesia. It also does not address the potential for conflict of interest in voting, with several Nouners directly involved with the proposal.

While I appreciate this proposal, I think it's unclear how the Art IRL Hackathon directly benefits Nouns. I'm not sure how that will proliferate Nouns to a broader audience. I'm excited to see how the team might revise it for the future.

While I’m excited to see Nounsweek grow, I’d be more inclined to vote “For” if the proposal focused on a single event with a dedicated budget for media production. This would be much more impactful than a large, broadly defined event spread over a few days.

Would be a great event to celebrate Nouns, but the proposal would benefit from more details on the execution of the Art IRL Hackathon. A more detailed breakdown of the hackathon, outlining the specific projects, timeline, and prizes awarded would help attract more community members and build trust in the proposal.

This proposal has the potential to introduce Nouns to a new audience in a fun and interactive way. I think the inclusion of art, especially with a focus on pottery, is a good addition and could be a creative way to bring more people to Nouns.

I’m glad to see the proposers have taken feedback from the previous proposal but would love to see a clearer breakdown of how Nouns is involved in the events and what exactly the “Nounish” activities will be.

This project would be much more interesting if it was a 2 day event, rather than 2 weeks. I think we should focus on a larger 2 day event with less reliance on university student participants, and more on engaging a wider audience with Nouns through the art and esports. If a 2 day event is not possible, it should be expanded to include more local events and activities.

This proposal seems to have an overemphasis on esports, with esports being only one of the two proposed activations. The Art IRL Hackathon doesn’t have sufficient details and clarity on the planned activities for the 20 participants in each category, which also makes it hard to assess the impact of the event. I would like to see more details on how the event’s 2 days will be structured, and more information on the planned artworks and activities for the art IRL hackathon to better assess the event’s overall impact.

The proposal lacks details on how they will ensure participation from local MLBB communities and esports media outlets. This collaboration is key to the event's success.

The proposal is too broad and lacks details about the specific goals and metrics of the proposed activities. The Art IRL Hackathon is exciting, but the rest of the proposal needs more focus.

The Nounsweek team has demonstrated a strong understanding of the local community and its needs. The plan to include both E-sports and art is a strong combination to attract new members.

The proposal lacks a clear narrative thread that would justify its large scope. It feels like a jumble of activities and lacks a unifying theme. It would be more convincing if the organizers focused on a single central event that brings together the Nouns community with local students.

I like the general concept but the event seems a little thin. I would suggest focusing on fewer events, perhaps just the MLBB Championship with a strong Nouns element and more community engagement for a more cohesive and impactful event.

While I'm a fan of introducing people to the Nouniverse, I'm concerned about the lack of details regarding the Art IRL Hackathon. Adding specific examples of the art created, more details on the judging process, and how this will be showcased would make it more compelling.

While the proposal is well-intentioned, the specific events and activations don't clearly demonstrate an intentional connection to Nouns. More emphasis on integrating the Nouns brand and ethos across the activities would improve the project's impact.

While we love the intent and support events like this, the event feels too narrow in scope. We would like to see more efforts to engage and build a larger community.

This proposal creates an engaging opportunity for students through esports and the arts. The Nounsweek team will be able to leverage their previous experience from Bali Nounsweek, ensuring a successful event.

While I think a 2-day event with the proposed activities is worthwhile, I believe this prop is too large for a first-time effort at this scale. A smaller, more targeted event, potentially focused on only the art hackathon or the MLBB championship, might be a better starting point.

The proposal feels a bit too far reaching for the given budget. I would prefer to see a focus on one specific activity. This would be much more impactful for the community and align with Nouns' values.

I'm excited to see the energy around this proposal but I believe the event should be open to all students, not just university students. This will expand the reach of Nouns to a wider audience.

I see this as a great opportunity to expand Nouns’ reach to a wider audience. The combination of esports, art, and community engagement has the potential to attract new Nouners. I’m especially excited about the incorporation of $nouns into the prize pool as a way to introduce the community to the world of on-chain tokens.

The event provides unique opportunities for community engagement and could help to expand the Nouns brand in Southeast Asia.

The event has strong potential, but I would suggest expanding beyond MLBB to reach a wider audience of gamers and students in Indonesia. The current event seems narrowly focused on one specific esports title.

I am not comfortable with the scope of this proposal. I am concerned that it is overly ambitious and the proposers are not able to demonstrate the experience to successfully implement it. The proposers could increase their chances of success by focusing on a smaller, more achievable project that allows them to build trust with the Nouns community before expanding.

This feels like a good idea, but lacks detail. The art hackathon should be more clearly described and the MLBB Grand Final should be connected more directly to the Nouns ecosystem to ensure a higher impact for the DAO.

I like this proposal's focus on student engagement. By hosting a roadshow at universities, we can create interest and attract a new and younger audience to Nouns. This proposal aligns with bringing Nouns to new people and places.

I appreciate the proposers' enthusiasm for this event but I’m concerned that the format is not aligned with Nouns’ values. This event centers on a competition, which is not core to Nouns’ brand. The proposal could be improved by focusing on collaborative projects, showcasing Nouns art and providing education about Nouns governance and the Ethereum ecosystem.

I am hesitant to support this proposal as the event schedule doesn't feel very Nounish in its structure and the Art IRL Hackathon may not offer enough value for the community.

This proposal is very similar to other events that the DAO has funded and I would be happy to support this with a much smaller budget. The request for 36,400 USDC seems unreasonable for the scope of the event.

This proposal is well-structured and focused on the Indonesian student community, with clear goals and an organized event plan.

This proposal has been revised to improve its focus and increase the duration of the main event to two days, allowing for a more comprehensive experience. The addition of an Art IRL hackathon is a fun and unique way to engage with the community.

Great to see Nounsweek continue to grow and expand its reach, using a fun and engaging approach with the Nounsweek Students Festival. It's a unique event that leverages both esports and art to bring students into the Nouns ecosystem.

I really like the idea of a Nounsweek event in Indonesia and using esports to reach a new audience. If the proposal is successful I could see this leading to more Nouns events in other parts of the world.

The proposal makes an interesting case for why it’s important to engage with students through events but there isn’t much here to illustrate how it will actually accomplish this goal. The art IRL Hackathon, for example, is a nice idea but is completely absent of specifics, such as what types of activities will be included in the hackathon. This feels like a low effort prop.

I'm excited to see a focused Nouns effort dedicated to supporting students in Indonesia. I especially love the integration of art, esports, and $nouns within the event.

While the proposal is a good effort to reach students, it's very narrow in its scope and would be best served as a single-day event. If the budget was significantly reduced and had a larger scope of events the proposal could be more successful.

This proposal is well-organized and detailed. It has a strong potential to introduce more people to Nouns through the events organized.

I believe this proposal would be more impactful if it included a deeper focus on education and exploration of Nouns and its technology. The plan could be strengthened by including workshops and presentations that introduce the concept of Nouns and blockchain to participants.

The proposal is well-structured, and the focus on Indonesian university students is an interesting way to expand Nouns.
