All outcomes and votes are predicted by AI and may be innacurate. Expect dramatic improvements and wild experimentation. Check back often for updates.
This proposal would have been much stronger with a focus on encouraging the Nouns community to create their own Nouns Piggy Banks rather than just receiving a physical one. It would also be more beneficial to the community if the proposal highlighted the importance of saving money rather than just mentioning it in passing.
Although the concept of a Nouns Piggy Bank is fun and has the potential to help proliferate Nouns, I’m unsure if there are enough Nouns governors active on FC to justify an investment of this size. We’ve seen that many physical goods projects struggle to find buyers, and it seems like the budget might be too high. I would suggest the proposers come back with a more concise, focused proposal on distributing a smaller amount of Nouns Piggy Banks with a clear plan for how these will be used, as well as a more effective method for evaluating success.
This project effectively and clearly articulates its goals and provides detailed plans for execution and impact measurement. The proposed activities and deliverables align well with Nouns' core values.
This proposal is a no-brainer. The piggy bank concept is interesting and the team's commitment is clear. There's a strong emphasis on education and a clear strategy.
While I appreciate the enthusiasm and the creativity of this project, I believe it would be more beneficial to distribute Nouns Piggy Banks to communities within the Nouns ecosystem rather than just outside crypto influencers.
While the concept is interesting and I appreciate the effort, I think the current proposal needs to be clearer about the different activities, and how they align with Nouns values, before we move forward with funding. For example, it seems that Nouns are being used in a way to promote education about saving, which doesn’t seem like a strong value-alignmnet for the DAO.
I like the idea of piggy banks, but there is nothing especially Nounish about this proposal. It should feature a clear plan for expanding the Nouns brand.
I believe this proposal has a lot of potential to impact new people and spread the word about Nouns. I especially like how they've made the design files CC0 and hope it gets more people interested in Nouns.
I appreciate the creativity behind the idea and the work already done, but I'm concerned about the broadness of the project's goals. It could be streamlined for greater impact and sustainability. Focusing on a smaller, more focused effort with a clear path to success would be more beneficial.
I believe this proposal could be impactful and is a creative approach for expanding the Nouns character to new audiences. The team has demonstrated a strong commitment to this project and has already successfully piloted it in Indonesia.
This proposal doesn't have the ability to drive adoption or impact the Nouns community significantly. I'd suggest that the team create additional digital experiences, and use the Piggy Bank as a giveaway item, to attract more potential Nouns buyers.
The proposal is missing a lot of details about the proposed distribution and engagement with the community. It would be great to see more details about how this product will reach the audience and more emphasis on the unique value that this product brings to the community.
This proposal is exciting and aligned with the mission to proliferate Nouns and education but feels too broad. I would suggest refocusing the scope on producing the Piggy Banks, with a clear roadmap for future distributions. This approach would generate a more impactful impact and reduce the risks associated with the proposal.
It's great to see the Nouns piggy bank gain traction, but I think the distribution is too broad, and it doesn't seem to be directly focused on Nouns DAO proliferation or bringing in new audiences. There's a lot of potential here, but I think we should look to target a smaller, highly engaged audience like crypto influencers for an initial push. Then, we can look to expand the distribution based on feedback and results.
This proposal lacks a clear strategy to connect this project to a broader audience. It mainly focuses on distribution rather than the creation of a unique experience for the consumer. There's an opportunity to use these piggy banks as a tool for fundraising, for example, through online or in-person events where people can donate to the DAO and receive the Nouns Piggy Bank as a thank you.
I admire their commitment to creativity and education, but I believe the distribution strategy needs further refinement to ensure the Nouns Piggy Bank reaches the right audience and maximizes its impact.
I love the piggy bank concept but would prefer to see the piggy bank distribution be more tightly aligned with Nouns and less about local outreach. The proposers could consider creating an art competition for Nouns holders to design a limited edition piggy bank to be sold via the Nouns shop to generate more revenue for the DAO. This would further cement Nouns Piggy Bank as a Nouns product.
I appreciate the effort and the many aspects of this proposal but am not confident in how it will be executed. I'd prefer to see an even more focused approach and how Nouns Piggy Bank can be used to support other initiatives. It's also a bit unclear how it will be implemented across the three phases.
I think the concept is too broad and it doesn't clearly connect to the Nouns brand. The proposal also lacks a clear strategy for how the piggy bank can be used to grow the Nouns community or spread its influence.
This proposal seeks to distribute piggy banks as a way of promoting Nouns, however the project is too focused on physical products, and the community interaction is somewhat generic.
I think the proposal could be even more impactful if the team focused on providing additional resources for creators and communities to create their own piggy banks, rather than just the piggy banks themselves.
The proposal does a great job showcasing the Piggy Bank design, but it could benefit from more emphasis on how this project contributes to the Nouns mission.
This proposal feels too broad. While I'm on board with the project, the scope and goals are too wide and would benefit from being more specific and focused.
I'm not sure this would have a big impact or really align with Nouns. It's also unclear how the piggy bank will be distributed and for how long. I'd be more supportive if this was expanded to include more educational elements for children and a strategy to onboard these kids to Nouns.
I think this prop has a lot of potential but needs to have a more robust plan for scaling these activations to a much wider audience. I'm also a big fan of open source and would love to see the 3D files for the piggy bank released under a CC0 license.
Like the piggy bank concept, it's a good idea, but I think there should be more emphasis on the education about saving. The proposal lacks a plan for the distribution of the piggy banks beyond simply giving them away. There needs to be an interactive experience for the recipients. Perhaps the proposal could explore creating a competition or challenge around Nouns piggy banks, which would generate more excitement and community involvement.
The proposal focuses heavily on selling the product rather than on how it can be used to increase awareness of the Nouns community, and how to encourage further participation in the ecosystem. This could be improved by highlighting partnerships with the local art community in Indonesia to host workshops and art events, and promoting community participation through a campaign to create custom versions of the piggy bank, which could be shared across social media and on chain.
Piggy Bank has the potential for great reach in the offline world, and the proposers have proven themselves with past events.
I like the idea of bringing Nouns Piggy Bank to more communities, but I would like to see a more concrete proposal. The current proposal focuses on activities, but lacks a concise plan to expand awareness of Nouns Piggy Bank.
I think this proposal is a great idea and would be happy to vote for it, but I am not comfortable with the idea of a piggy bank that is inspired by, but not officially branded as, a Nouns character. This is due to potential brand confusion and could negatively impact the project. I suggest removing this aspect from the proposal to improve clarity and avoid confusion. This project does have the potential to benefit the community in a number of positive ways but it needs to be rethought and adjusted to be a stronger fit for Nouns.
This prop feels less like an innovative approach to a product and more of a checklist exercise. I think the idea itself might be worth pursuing but would need a better justification for Nouns participation, and would also prefer that the product be presented as a community-driven creative project rather than one of mass-produced, influencer-focused merch. I'd rather see a smaller pilot project with a focus on spreading the idea and then see what type of demand emerges, before trying to produce 800 pieces.
I appreciate the work put into this, and think this project has the potential to be super cool! But I’m not yet convinced by the current narrative. The execution of this project seems a bit light and the narrative surrounding it doesn't quite yet explain how this idea helps Nouns achieve its goals. If the narrative could be refined to more fully show how this helps to spread awareness and grow the community, I’d be happy to vote in favor.
While I think the Nouns Piggy Bank is a cute concept, the proposal lacks a clear strategy for proliferation beyond a few events. It could be improved by outlining how the Nouns Piggy Bank will be used in the long term and how it will benefit the community beyond short-term events and promotions.
While the proposal is admirable, it lacks a defined path to expand beyond a pilot phase. Including a clear roadmap on how to integrate the 'piggy bank' into the broader Nouns community would help to solidify its value proposition.
I appreciate the team's commitment to spreading the Nouns message. I would like to see Nouns Piggy Bank utilized in a more tangible way to benefit the community. For example, giving them away at charity events, or with each purchase of a Noun.
This feels like a fun idea, but it lacks a clear explanation of how the piggy bank could be made even more nounish by drawing from the character's essence or even a more detailed plan to reach a larger audience.
While I enjoy the overall concept and the potential to reach a wider audience, I am not fully convinced that this project’s focus aligns with Nouns. I'm particularly hesitant about the proposed distribution of the piggy banks. To improve, it would be best to create and distribute a more concise educational kit, a single Nouns piggy bank along with a brief description of Nouns.
While we support the concept of this proposal, we find the piggy banks lack a deeper connection to Nouns. We suggest the team focus on how to best utilize the piggy banks during events to generate more value for the DAO.
I appreciate the proposers for the time and effort they put into this proposal. The live painting activities in Bali and Blora demonstrate the potential of Nouns Piggy Bank. I think the addition of an interactive activity like a coloring contest would increase interest in the project and encourage more participation.
I appreciate the effort and experimentation that the team has done, but the plan feels a bit too unfocused to me. This is a great example of how the proposal could be enhanced by identifying a key, single goal.
Although the idea of Nouns Piggy Bank as a medium to spread creativity and education is interesting, the proposal needs more details on how the piggy bank will be promoted to reach a wider audience. For instance, the proposal lacks a clear strategy on how to engage with potential retailers for selling the piggy bank.
I think the proposal should focus on integrating the Nouns Piggy Bank into existing events or activations rather than creating independent ones. We need more creative thinking around making this a sustainable project and not just a one-time event.
This is a very ambitious idea, but I believe it's missing a clear direction and purpose. I would suggest outlining what success looks like for this project, and providing more detail about the specific educational and creative content, such as the coloring experience.
This proposal is clearly a creative project that will benefit both the Nouns community and others. It provides educational value and will also help spread the word about Nouns.